Although Ram has just joined Pangu Chinese Network, he is definitely a big shot in the science fiction channel and the science fiction field.

He said that he was obsessed with "The Three-Body Problem" and delayed the update. Although he did not comment on "The Three-Body Problem", this statement is the highest evaluation of "The Three-Body Problem".

"Ram... This is not going to work. The big pig's hoof defeated the magic with magic."

"If "The Three-Body Problem" continues to be updated like this, will "Galaxy Doomsday" have to be discontinued every day?"

"Hahaha, it seems possible."

"Ram even recognizes "The Three-Body Problem."

"Big Pig's Hoof: The best way to defeat the opponent is to make the opponent addicted to my novel... and then have no intention of updating."

Ram's single chapter was also on the hot search.

It further increased the popularity of "The Three-Body Problem" and "Galaxy Doomsday".

Su Chen also saw this single chapter, but he did not stop the rapid update.

Still maintaining 30,000 daily updates...

A novel with more than 900,000 words, 30,000 daily updates, just a month!

Such an update volume makes countless authors miserable.

"Big Pig's Hoof is the king of books! Not to mention that he writes well! He also writes fast!"

"Under the leadership of Big Pig's Hoof, those who wrote 4,000 words a day now write 10,000 words a day... Those who wrote 10,000 words a day before are trying to write 20,000 words a day."

"I hate Big Pig's Hoof so much."

"I can't find any reason to be lazy... Every day, readers in the book review area are urging me to update: Look at the next book "The Three-Body Problem"... I'm so upset."

Su Chen's update volume is still continuing.

The story enters the second part "The Dark Forest".

In Su Chen's opinion, the first part of "The Three-Body Problem" is a long process of preparation. Although the plot that Sophon appears and says that you are bugs can make readers nervous or a little excited.

But the really exciting part is definitely in the second and third parts.

Especially the second part.

After learning that the Three-Body civilization is going to invade the blue planet, humans took a series of measures to defend against what is about to happen.

Although Sophon is very powerful.

But it cannot peek into the hearts of humans and cannot see through their disguises.

And humans happen to be a race that is good at disguise.

So there is the "Wall-Facing Plan".

The so-called wall-facing plan is to select four wall-facers, who cut off all contact with the outside world. Each of them will formulate a plan and quietly implement it to deal with the invasion of the Trisolarian civilization.

And Luo Ji, the protagonist of the second part, "Dark Forest", is one of the four wall-facers.

Humans have a wall-facing plan, and the Trisolarian civilization will naturally formulate a "wall-breaking plan".

Wall-facers and wall-breakers confront each other.

In "Dark Forest", a very interesting concept is proposed - the law of the dark forest.

The law of the dark forest is a bit like the law of the jungle in nature, where the strong prey on the weak.

"The universe is a dark forest, and every civilization is a hunter with a gun, sneaking through the forest like a ghost... If other life is found, there is only one thing to do, that is to shoot and destroy it!"

"In this forest, others are hell... Any life that exposes its existence will be quickly destroyed!"

Ram stayed up late last night to finish the update of "Galaxy Doomsday".

He is an old party who stays up late.

At that time, he was in a very good state, so he wrote until four in the morning and wrote the chapters to be updated the next day.

This way, there will be no interruption, right?

The interruption once made his blood pressure rise... He didn't want to experience it again.

It's true that writing online articles is much more stressful than writing physical publications.

He fell asleep in bed at around 4 o'clock, but early in the morning, his one-and-a-half-year-old son Tommy cried and woke him up from his sleep.


It's so hard to be a father.

But my son is really cute... but he's really deadly when he cries.

After finally coaxing his son Tommy to sleep with his wife, Ram picked up his mobile phone, wanted to check the time, set an alarm, and then continue to sleep for a while.

However, as soon as the mobile phone screen lit up, he saw that "The Three-Body Problem" had been updated! ! !


Don't big pigs sleep?

Yesterday, the big pig's hoof updated until about 11 o'clock in the evening, and now it's less than 7 o'clock in the morning, and it's started again!

"Sleep!" Ram was so sleepy that he threw his mobile phone aside, fell on the bed, and pulled the quilt over his head to cover it.

Close your eyes and sleep seriously.

He forced himself to sleep.

However, for some reason, as soon as he closed his eyes, words like "Smart Son", "You are bugs", "Three Body" and so on would automatically pop up in his mind.

The plot of "Three Body" was also automatically deduced in his mind.

There was a voice in his heart that kept tempting him: Get up and read "Three Body"... Just finish one chapter... After reading one chapter, go to sleep...

And he resisted this voice.

The more he resisted, the louder the voice became.

"Read a chapter for a few minutes... After reading it, you won't miss it anymore... Go ahead, read the following plot, maybe it will provide you with creative inspiration."

Ram struggled on the bed for more than ten minutes.

Finally, he couldn't help it.

Picked up the phone and clicked on the latest updated chapter.

He found that "Dark Forest" was written on the title page. It turned out that this was the second part...

And the protagonist was no longer Wang Miao, but a young man named Luo Ji.

The words of "Three Body" were like a trap.

Step by step, he went deeper and fell...

Once he clicked on "The Three-Body Problem", Ram felt like he had opened a "door of temptation" and fell into the state of chasing updates like yesterday.

After reading a chapter, he would think: When will the next chapter be updated? Will the next chapter solve this mystery? Why hasn't it been updated yet?

Can't sleep, can't write...

Just want to see updates.

"I'm useless!" Ram hated himself a little.

Since he started writing books, he rarely read books so fascinatedly. He often just glanced at the general content of a book.

This kind of immersive chasing is the first time.

Of course,

This is also his first time reading online articles.

Reading serials is really...

Ram is very crazy.

I want to put a knife on the neck of the big pig's hoof: Write with all your strength! Hurry up!

Ram spent almost the next few days in this state. "Galaxy Doomsday" changed from the initial 4,000 words per day to 2,000 words per day.

Because I really don't want to create.

When reading the law of the dark forest, Ram felt his scalp tingling.

"Every civilization is hiding itself... In this way, it makes sense that we have not discovered other civilizations in the vast universe. It is not that our "expedition" is not far enough, but that the level of civilization is too backward... No, the more advanced the civilization, the better it knows how to hide itself!" Ram was drawn into endless imagination.

Wandering in the endless speculation of the vast universe.

He experienced a long-lost happiness.

The Dark Forest Law gave him a lot of inspiration and ideas, and he also sighed: What a genius idea and setting!

Even top science fiction writers like Ram were surprised, let alone other readers.

The rapid updates, wonderful plots and brain holes instantly impressed countless readers.

"You can always trust the big pig's hoof's imagination and creativity."

"The setting of the Dark Forest Law really shocked me... So, the Blue Star civilization is the prey of the Three-Body civilization, and the Three-Body civilization will also be the prey of a higher-level civilization? It's getting more and more interesting."

"I really want to know what will happen next."

"Too powerful!"

"And the hibernation setting is also very interesting... I also want to hibernate for dozens or hundreds of years, and then wake up to see the future world."

"What will happen after the Three-Body civilization arrives on the Blue Star?"

"It gets better and better as time goes on. I now think it's much better than "Galaxy Doomsday."

"Galaxy Doomsday" is good in the early stage, and it's relatively stable in the later stage. But "Three-Body" is getting better and better... The more you read, the more imagination you have."

"The key is that the big pig's hoof can guarantee the quality when writing so fast! It's amazing."

"Three-Body" is always full of bait between the lines.

It makes people unable to stop reading it bit by bit.

The more imagination you have in the book, the bigger it is.

But because the time span of the whole book is too large, it will be a little lacking in details.

However, it does not affect the book's awesomeness!

In this way, the reputation of "Three-Body" gradually improved and rose, and finally the comments and ratings also surpassed "Galaxy's End".

Leading in all data!

"Galaxy's End" will never be able to catch up.

The big pig's hoof has a strong influence in Asian countries such as China and Yamato, so readers here are no longer surprised.

"Three-Body" really caused a huge sensation in Great Britain!

Pangu Chinese website promoted it in Great Britain for the first time.

The reputation of "Galaxy's End" and Ram attracted many new users from Great Britain to the website.

They came for "Galaxy's End" and Ram at first, and did not pay attention to the book "Three-Body".

Until the sales and reputation of "Three-Body" far exceeded "Galaxy's End".

People in Great Britain gradually became interested in this book.

"I've never heard of such a high-level science fiction writer in China!!! He just crushed Ram's "Galaxy Doomsday" to the ground?"

"It's just hype. China... really doesn't have any excellent science fiction works."

"I want to see who "Three-Body" is. "Galaxy Doomsday" and Ram are the first in my heart!"

"Ram cannot be surpassed!"

Ram is known as the "God of Science Fiction" in Great Britain and is the supreme existence in the hearts of readers.

Now he is surpassed by an unknown Chinese writer.

These diehard fans are very dissatisfied.

So they all went to see how "Three-Body" is written.

It's better not to read it!

I was hooked as soon as I saw it!

Sophon, Dark Forest, Hibernation, Water Drop...The famous two-dimensional foil dimensionality reduction attack appeared later!

One by one, the brain holes made people exclaim.

"Water Drop really convinced me!"

"Two-dimensional foil dimensionality reduction attack is really awesome!"

"Hide yourself, do a good job of cleaning...Two-dimensional foil is simply the most effective tool for cleaning up low-level civilizations."

The so-called two-dimensional foil!

When it comes into contact with three-dimensional space, it can make the three-dimensional space fall into two-dimensional space. It can directly turn a three-dimensional universe into a piece of paper...

It is impossible to resist it at all.

What is more terrifying is that once the two-dimensional foil is released, the collapse of space into two dimensions will never stop... until the entire universe is completely destroyed.

Such a grand imagination and brain hole directly beat "The End of the Galaxy".

In Great Britain, the reading volume and reputation of "The Three-Body Problem" quickly surpassed "The End of the Galaxy", and the big pig's hoof became famous because of this.

"Fuck!! My brain is always in an excited state."

"Water droplets, two-dimensional foil, dark forest... these imaginations and settings make me unable to stop."

"This is the most awesome science fiction novel I have ever read!"

"Is this really the first science fiction novel by Big Pig Hoof? The first one is the peak."

"This is the so-called genius writer... directly beat the god of science fiction!"

"Hahaha, I feel that "The Three-Body Problem" is the two-dimensional foil, which directly triggered the dimensionality reduction attack..."

"I have never seen such a magnificent science fiction work."

"It would be great if it was made into a movie!! "

"Me too!! It's like watching a movie! And the scene I want to see most is the scene of the two-dimensional foil's dimensionality reduction attack..."

"The Three-Body Problem" is popular in Great Britain!

It ascended to the altar by stepping on the "God of Science Fiction" Ram.

Big Pig Hoof is also popular.

Many people started searching for other works under his name after reading "The Three-Body Problem", and then dug out the "Sherlock Holmes" and "Poirot" series.

After "The Three-Body Problem", the "Sherlock Holmes" series and the "Poirot" series became the most popular works in Great Britain.

After all, these two works are more in line with the cultural background of Great Britain.

"Ahhh!! Such an excellent treasure writer, how come I didn't discover it in advance?"

"I really love "The Three-Body Problem" and "Sherlock Holmes"!!"

"I have stayed up all night for several nights..."

"Ahhhh!!! The four-day work week should be fully implemented as soon as possible! This way I can have one more day a week to read the novels of the big pig's hoof."

""Journey to the West", "Romance of the Three Kingdoms"... It seems to be very good according to the comments, but I can't understand it. My Chinese level is too poor."

"Then learn Chinese well."

Great Britain triggered a wave of reading craze.

And it was at this juncture.

Penguin took advantage of the opportunity to enter Great Britain!

And when promoting in Great Britain, the entire website used the drama "Sherlock Holmes".

The platform's promotional copy is as follows: Click here to watch the Sherlock Holmes adaptation.

Then click the link and you will be automatically redirected to the download page.

With the foreshadowing of Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock Holmes exploded in Great Britain as soon as it was launched.

Penguin's market development in Great Britain has therefore been very smooth.

"Sherlock Holmes has been made into a TV series?"

"This is too good!!"

"Go watch the show immediately!!!"

"I'm a little envious of the Chinese now!! Why didn't we in Great Britain sign the Blue Star Village Cultural Exchange Plan earlier?"

"Oh!!! My Sherlock..."

"Sherlock Holmes" was all the rage in Great Britain, and "The Seventh Chapter of the Night" also became one of the most played songs in Great Britain during that time.

It has to be said that a "Three-Body Problem" has created too much.

The first season of "Sherlock Holmes" has ended, and many people in Great Britain are urging for the second season.

"When will the second season be released?"

"Update quickly!"

Even the Prime Minister of Great Britain sent a message to urge for updates: When will the second season of "Sherlock" be released? Are there any works similar to "The Three-Body Problem"?

The whole Internet went crazy for a while!

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