Dad: My identity as Qu Dad has been exposed by my daughter

Chapter 445 The world music scene is trembling

The strong rhythm of "Dangerous" is honored to remind people of the moonwalk performed by Su Chen in "Billie Jean".

The same drumbeat.

It makes people's bodies dance along involuntarily.

It's like a key.

A certain switch in the body is turned on.

It can no longer be described with adjectives like the above... it is simply fatal.

It makes you want to scream.

I can't help but want to see Su Chen singing and dancing on the stage!

"No MV! Bad reviews!"

"This is obviously a strong dance music rhythm!!! You deserve a dance!"

"I want to watch Su Chen moonwalk."

"Oh my god~ I've gone crazy when I hear this rhythm."

"I don't know why I have to pull my hair!! It seems like pulling my hair is the greatest respect for the song."

"Dangerous" is included in MJ's album of the same name.

The entire song is filled with mechanical metal clashes.

The bright strings and heavy and hard beats make people want to stop.

The album "Dangerous" also marks MJ's gradual maturity.

Just this song has already made countless Su Chen fans excited.

The comments behind the song are dense.

One hundred thousand, one million, ten million...

Soon the number of comments exceeded 10 million.

Seeing this level of enthusiasm, Michael felt numb.

It's really too dangerous!

This album is so dangerous!

Suchen is too dangerous.

Even the king of pop like Michael's whole body's DNA is crazy and agitated when he hears "Dangerous".

Not to mention casual fans.

Just after listening to this song, fans have already said in the comment area: This is a divine song and a divine song!

Because one song makes the entire album a "magic album"!

It can be seen that fans recognize Su Chen personally and the album.

This man is really talented.

Michael continues to listen...


The song was released in September 2003 and won Alternative Radio Song of the Year in 2004.

In 2011, it was selected as the theme song for the League of Legends Global Finals.

And it serves as the background music for the main page of the "League of Legends" game.

The Chinese meaning of this word is: numb!

Therefore, the title of the song has been wildly ridiculed and speculated by fans.

First there is the divine song "Dangerous". Let me tell you, this album is too dangerous, too amazing...

Then come "Numb"!

And the order of these two songs are in the first and second songs of the album respectively.

Putting it all together, this album is too good and too dangerous, it’s all worth it...

As a result, the comment section of this song was full of comments saying, "I'm so lucky."

Michael took a deep breath and whispered to himself: "Did he pretend to...put everything he wanted to say in the title of the song?"



Su Chen wanted to say, listeners, your imagination is really too big.

I really haven't thought about it that way.

But it is precisely this kind of coincidence and imagination that makes the release of the entire album more interesting.

Yeah, but for Su Chen, this song carries more memories of childhood.

At that time, there was a game called QQ Speed.

And this song happens to be the song chosen for this game...

You can always trust the music selection of QQ Speed.

In that era when music gods were fighting each other, there was even a game with amazing music...

“I’m tired of being what you want me to be (I’m tired of chasing what you want all day long)”

“Feelingsofaithlesslostunderthesurface(That feeling is so hypocritical and lost myself)”

“Don’t know what you’re expecting of me (Don’t know what you’re expecting of me)”

The most catchy part is the chorus of this song.

"I'vebecomesonumbIcan'tfeelyouthere (I'm so numb I can't feel you)"

“I’ve become so tired so much more aware (I’ve realized I’m so tired)”

“I’vebecomingthisallIwanttodo(all I want to do at this moment)”

“Isbemorelikemeanandbelesslikeyou (It’s about putting you aside to find your true self)”

Michael got goosebumps all over his body as he listened.

I feel burning inexplicably.

If "Dangerous" makes you want to dance to the beat, then "Numb" just makes you want to run and roar...and want to race! Why do you want to race? Michael was surprised that he had such strange thoughts.

Not only that!

When he heard the chorus, his first reaction was to slam on the accelerator while racing, rush out, and overtake the car in front!

Drift around corners!

Does this song come with special racing effects?

Not only did Michael have this strange idea, but many fans also talked about it in the comment area after listening to it.

"Fuck!! I thought I was the only one who had this impulse and thought!! It seems that there are many like-minded people."

"It has a racing special effect."

"I don't dare to listen to this song while driving... I always feel so Dangerous"

"Hahaha, it's a dream connection with "Dangerous"."

"I know why this album is called the most dangerous work, because listening to "Numb" while driving is so "Dangerous"!"

"Uh... It seems to make sense."

"Numb" is as popular as "Dangerous".

After listening to the first two songs, Michael didn't know whether Su Chen won or not, but he knew he was about to lose...

A bad premonition came to him.

He felt that Su Chen was going to dominate the charts this time.

He might even dominate himself.

The first two songs were so amazing...what about the next ones?

He continued to listen!

The third song!


This song is still a work of Linkin Park.

Every time Su Chen hears this song, the first thing that comes to his mind is "Akina Mountain Car God"...

This song still carries a heavy memory.

In the Blue Star World, after "Dangerous" and "Numb", fans still hope to make a fuss with the song title.

"In the end! Don't talk! I know the meaning of the title! When facing Dangerous, I accidentally stepped on the accelerator while listening to Numb and drove fast. I had an accident. Everything is in the end!"

"Dad Su is warning everyone: Driving fast is dangerous! Be careful when driving fast!"

"Hahaha, so the title of the song is telling a story?"

"The story is like this: I met a dangerous bad girl. I like her very much but I have to stay away from her. Because getting close to her will bring bad luck. But staying away from the person I like is very painful. I drove the car on the winding mountain road numbly, wanting to drive fast to relieve my emotions and distress. I stepped on the accelerator. As a result, there was an accident. Everything is in the end. I died... It's all over."

"Fuck!!! It's a tragic love story."

"So is it true?"

"Dad Su: Stay away from bad women! Well... Staying away will also cause accidents! Then don't fall in love with bad women."

"An album with a strong story."

"The intention is quite profound."


The silly netizens are very happy.

Su Chen had never expected that so many things could be imagined about an album.

As expected, when a person becomes famous, whatever he does is easily considered to have a deeper meaning... This may be the so-called celebrity effect.

But it's okay this way.

It increases the topic and fun of the album.

Michael was also stunned to see the fans' imagination and comments... Is this true? Can't it be true? It seems to be true? It seems to make sense... The logic is quite clear.

In the end, Michael gradually fell into this "silly idea".

He felt that since he couldn't resist it.

Might as well blend in.

Let's enjoy the fun of silly together...

He listened to "In the end".

As soon as the prelude of this song sounded, it caught his ears tightly. Rock. But it seems to have elements of electronic music.

Such songs can easily make people excited.

It makes the blood boil.

It starts with an English rap...

It's quite comfortable to listen to.


"It starts with one thing"

"I don't know why"

"It doesn't even matter how hard you try"

"keep that in mind"


"It tried so hard"

"And got so far"

"But in the end"

"It doesn't even matter"

"I had to fall"

"To lose it all"

"but in the end"

"It doesn't even matter"


From this song, Michael felt Su Chen's rap ability.

One word: strong!

"In the end"! Doesn't it mean the end of the music scene?

Michael's inner anxiety and restlessness became more and more obvious.

After listening to three songs in a row, each song gave him goose bumps... It's really a great album.

Michael thinks his album is already amazing enough.

It was created by three top songwriters: Martin, Roland, and Brown!

This is also the reason why his album has sold over 100 million copies worldwide.

But now Su Chen is alone! He wrote an album!

And it seems that the album created by Michael, Martin, Roland, and Brown with their joint efforts has been suppressed.

Too fierce.

This person is too strong.

Dangerous musician.

If there are levels of danger for musicians, he thinks Su Chen is SSS level...

Finished listening to the third song.

He went to listen to the fourth, fifth, and sixth songs...

The result is that each song is more amazing than the other!

The feeling given to him is that the entire album is the title song... not a single song is "pulled".

This gave Michael a great shock.

Especially the eighth song "Bohemian Rhapsody" sang directly into Michael's soul.

He could hear the tears.

After listening to the eighth song.

Finally came the last four songs.

Chinese songs!

Chinese style work!

9 "Chrysanthemum Terrace"!

As soon as the guzheng played in the prelude, a strong oriental cultural charm came to my face.

This is unmatched by Western music.

In terms of charm and artistic conception, Western music can never catch up...

"The flowers have fallen into the evening, their splendid

Unfortunate fate in this withering world

Don't worry about crossing the river, tearing the heart of autumn in half

I'm afraid you won't be able to get to the shore and will be shaken for the rest of your life.

Who's the country's horseshoe frenzy

The military uniform I wear is howling with vicissitudes of life

The sky is slightly bright and you sigh softly

A night of melancholy is so euphemistic.”

When Michael heard this, his eyes lit up immediately!

The choice of words and sentences is completely different from that of English songs.

Sure enough, Chinese is the best language in the world.

Since Michael learned Chinese, he found that there are really many meanings that cannot be expressed or translated in English.

The Chinese language and Chinese culture are broad and profound.

This lyrics is beautifully written.

Just like poetry…

Although he has always liked music like "Dangerous", or rock music. But I heard the majestic prelude and poetic lyrics of "Chrysanthemum Terrace".

He found himself impressed.

Su Chen's fans suddenly transitioned from the "hot" English songs to Chinese-style songs like "Chrysanthemum Terrace".

It suddenly felt refreshing.

It sounds different.

"You have to listen to Daddy Su for Chinese style!"

"Oh my God! Why is every Chinese style song he writes so beautiful! So nice!"

""Blue and White Porcelain" is my eternal love."


"Blow Daddy Su! Blow Daddy Su!"

The comments are all full of praise for Su’s father.

"The chrysanthemums are all over the ground.

Your smile has turned yellow

The flower falls and the heart breaks

My thoughts flow quietly

The north wind and the chaotic night are still young

Your shadow keeps cutting

Leave me alone in pairs on the lake"

Michael found himself unable to get out.

Next up is "Fearless"!

A song is coming...

Hearing this made him perk up.

Chinese Kongfu……

These words came to his mind, and then he remembered "Nunchaku", "Dragon Fist"...

Su Chen really likes kung fu.

Of course Michael liked it too.

The prelude to "Huo Yuanjia" is the sound of big drums.

It feels like a martial arts conference.

The atmosphere of Chinese Kung Fu was created at once.


"How many rounds of life are waiting for you in the ring?"

What does life and death win with a sneer?

It doesn’t matter who is number one in the world

We should stop fighting and practice martial virtue.

My fists and feet are great

But it’s just a false name

It’s hard to tell who is the strong one in the world

Who is qualified to unify the martial arts world?"

The lyrics are very domineering.

Very passionate!

Very martial arts!

And just when he was so domineering, he suddenly joined the quintessence of Chinese drama.

"The years pass by in a small town

well up clearly

washed memories

I remember you

live proudly


The routines of Huojia Quan are flexible.

alive alive alive alive

Life should be lived completely

Have been, have been, have been

Fault and weakness never belong to me

me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me

No one can hide from our Jingwu attacks."

Michael felt like he was instantly on fire.

I can't wait to go to China immediately to learn from my teacher.

It was written so passionately.

For the Chinese people, this song expresses the spirit of the Chinese people!

It also describes the bones and backbone of the Chinese people!

Chinese people have had a martial spirit since ancient times.


It is the strength of the Chinese people.

It has penetrated deeply into the connotation of Chinese culture.

"Ahhhhh!! My blood boils when I hear it! Cultural expansion."

“Each Su Daddy’s song is more enjoyable than the last.”

"The drama is really amazing."

"Life should be lived completely...the lyrics have national integrity! They also have the depth of personal life! Great love."

Chinese style is very popular in front of the whole world.

The following "The Art of War" and "In a Flick of a Finger" also make the listener unable to put it down.

They still like to interpret a song from its title...

Fans said that using "In a Flash of a Finger" as the last song of the album gave it the feeling of a martial arts master.

Su Chen did it on purpose.

It means that I am a master of the music industry...

It only takes one finger to suppress you!

At the snap of a finger!

It wasn't something that was so passionate.

After being exaggerated by them, there was an atmosphere of the arrival of the strong man.

Su Chen also suddenly had the demeanor of a strong man.

He was tricked!

Su Chen's new album "The Most Dangerous Work" sold over 50 million copies worldwide within one hour of its release!

Global sales exceeded 100 million within 12 hours of release!

Global sales exceeded 200 million copies in 24 hours!

Set the fastest global album sales record of over 100 million!

Record for the best-selling album in the global music industry!

This day!

The world music industry is shaking!

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