Audrey had many strange ideas in her mind, guessing what kind of movie "Leon: The Professional" was.

She sat in the last row, eating popcorn and drinking coffee.

Finally the lights were turned off.

The movie started playing on the big screen.

"Leon: The Professional" did not win many awards, but it ranked in the top 30 on IDB and second on Douban.

Why do people like this movie?

Audrey watched the movie quietly.

The story told in the movie is not complicated.

The characters are also quite simple.

Leon and little loli Matilda.

Leon is a professional killer who lives a solitary life. His only friend is a potted plant.

In addition to his agent,

only the neighbor's little daughter Matilda can occasionally chat with him.

Matilda is a bad girl who was abused at home and often squatted outside the door to think about life.

Her father helped a police officer keep a batch of contraband.

Take advantage of it secretly.

Steal some secretly.

When he was discovered by the other party, he stubbornly claimed that it was none of his business. The police officer asked him to find the lost contraband before noon tomorrow.

The next day, Leon went home and saw that Matilda's nose was broken, and handed her a handkerchief.

Grateful Matilda went downstairs to help Leon buy things.

Not long after going downstairs, it was noon.

Yesterday, the police officer came again and slaughtered Matilda's house.

Leon witnessed the whole process through the cat's eye. And Matilda escaped because she was buying things downstairs.

When she came back and found that something happened at home, she walked to the door of Leon's house calmly, pretending to be a child of Leon's family, begging Leon to let her take refuge in his home.

Audrey's heart tightened when she saw this.

When Matilda went downstairs to buy things for Leon, Audrey knew that this bad girl was actually kind and soft in her heart.

And she was extremely lacking in love and security.

I think Matilda is very pitiful.

When Matilda was moving between the "gangsters", he was afraid that Matilda would meet with an accident.

Fortunately, Leon, the killer, opened the door for Matilda.

This killer...

seems to be really different from what we have seen in movies and TV shows before.

He doesn't look like a killer.

Instead, he looks honest and cute.

Although the movie has just started, Audrey found that she has fallen in love with the character of Leon and the bad girl Matilda.

Matilda is soft, lonely, knows how to repay and be grateful, but also pitiful and distressing.

What will happen next?

Audrey became curious.

Matilda entered Leon's house.

Although Matilda had no feelings for her parents and sister, she was very sad that her closest brother was killed by the gangsters.

Matilda found Leon's weapon and asked him what he did.

Leon called himself a cleaner.

But Matilda was not the kind of kid who was easy to deceive. She pointed out that Leon was a killer.

Not only was she not afraid of or disgusted with Leon's killer identity, she also hoped that Leon could train her to be a killer as well.

The reason was naturally that she wanted to avenge her brother.

But Leon didn't agree.

Although he had awkwardly comforted Matilda before, he also knew that Matilda's existence was a burden to his killer identity.

Killers are suitable for being alone.

They often encounter various dangers.

It is not suitable to bring Matilda with them.

After thinking about it for a night, Leon asked Matilda to leave his house.

However, Matilda refused to leave. She said that saving people would save them to the end. It was no different to drive her out now and let her die outside the door yesterday.

Matilda was very smart and observant.

He saw that Leon could not read, so he took the opportunity to say that he needed a partner.

And proved to Leon that he was fully capable of doing it.

Leon was convinced by Matilda.

In this way, they formed a "killer duo".

Matilda was very smart, and soon she proved her worth in front of Leon.

When checking into the hotel, the front desk saw the violin bag that Leon used to carry his guns and was worried that they would disturb other tenants by playing the violin.

Matilda cleverly lied.

And helped Leon fill out the check-in form.

In this way, Leon's life as both a teacher and a father began.

He ordered novice equipment for Matilda and taught her from the basics. Matilda taught Leon to read and took care of his daily life.

After a period of getting along, the two gradually developed a subtle relationship.

Matilda took advantage of Leon's mission to return to her original home and retrieved the doll and private money.


the murderer who killed her family also came to review the scene. He was a police officer. Matilda hid and eavesdropped on their conversation.

Later, she secretly followed the police officer.

She learned that the police officer was called Norman.

Matilda wanted to avenge her brother, so she used her private money to buy Norman's head from Leon.

Leon refused on the grounds that it was too difficult.

He also did not support Matilda's revenge, because he did not want to see Matilda live a life of a killer.

Matilda did not understand why Leon, as a killer, wanted to stop her from taking revenge.

So she played roulette in front of Leon.

Put a revolver against her head.

Then shoot.

If the bullet did not fire, she would not die, and she would have to stay with Leon for the rest of her life.

Leon saved her at the last moment.

After this incident, Leon finally accepted Matilda and officially accepted Matilda as his assistant.

Leon took Matilda on a mission, and the target was a small drug lord.

After the two cooperated to break the door,

Leon controlled the target and let Matilda take action.

Matilda fired two shots with paintballs. Leon pointed out her professional mistakes, and then completed the task with real bullets.

Before leaving, Matilda burned the contraband that was being prepared at the scene.

Because these contrabands broke her family.

She hated contraband.

After the two formed a partnership, they were smooth sailing in the killer work.

However, Leon knew very well that the life of a killer was to lick blood on the tip of a knife.

Whether you can see the sun tomorrow is always unknown.

Full of danger and uncertainty.

Leon and his agent agreed that if he died, all his savings would be left to Matilda.

Leon received a business.

The target was Norman's men.

She was worried that Matilda would be too excited, so she completed this task alone.

Matilda thought that Lyon looked down on her, so she left a suicide note and told Lyon that she would kill Norman.

If she failed.

The 20,000 yuan left behind would buy Norman's head.

Matilda sneaked into the building where Norman was, but unfortunately Norman saw through her ill intentions and caught her red-handed.

Just at this time, the news that Lyon had settled his subordinates came, and Norman had to take care of the aftermath, so he could only temporarily lock Matilda in the office.

On the other side.

After reading the suicide note, Lyon rushed there immediately.

He broke into the building alone and rescued Matilda calmly and neatly.

At night, Lyon told Matilda about his past.

He fell in love with a girl, and the other's father killed his daughter in order to prevent the two from being together.

After that, the father was still at large, as if nothing had happened.

Then Lyon killed the father and embarked on the road of a killer.

Audrey watched silently.

She had felt that Lyon had a sad past before...

Sure enough.

But the father who killed his daughter to prevent her from being with Leon, his brain circuit is really strange...


Not long after, Norman found Leon's agent and asked for the address of Leon's residence.

Mobilized 200 special police to deal with Leon alone.

He hid in the back to command.

They caught Matilda and wanted to use Matilda to lure Leon out.

Matilda used a secret code to tell Leon that there was an enemy outside, and Leon was ready.

After killing several special police, Leon took a person hostage and forced the other party to release Matilda.

In order to escape the encirclement.

Leon smashed the ventilation pipe in the wall.

However, the ventilation pipe was too small, and only Matilda could get through.

Leon promised Matilda that he would find a way to get out.

The two agreed that after everything was over, they would take the money deposited with the agent and fly away.

After Leon sent Matilda away,

he put on a mask and pretended to be a wounded "enemy" to get out of the encirclement.

Unexpectedly, he was recognized by Norman at the last moment and fell down seriously injured.

After confirming Norman's identity, Leon detonated the grenade on his body.

Norman was killed.

Died with Norman.

Completed revenge for Matilda.

The film came to an end like this...

When Audrey saw Leon pull the bomb and explode, her heart tightened.

A tear slipped quietly from the corner of her eye.


She shouted secretly in her heart.

After watching the whole movie, she thought that there was nothing outstanding in the plot, but Leon and little loli Matilda left a deep impression on her.

Why did Leon die?

Can't bear it!

It's hard to let it go!

What should Matilda do if Leon dies?

She is alone again...

This is a cruel story.

But the movie uses the language of the lens to make it light and humorous, neutralizing this deep sadness.

Leon and Matilda have nothing.

There are no relatives and ties in this world.

Then they became each other's support and bond...

Audrey cried more and more sadly.

The fans watching the movie around her also burst into tears.

At this time, a gentle and slightly sad music sounded in the movie.






The faint singing voice that seemed to tell a story

made Leon's figure follow the singing voice and constantly appear in Audrey's mind.

Leon's every move, every word and every smile.

Very vividly appeared.

He was so decisive as a killer.

But when facing Matilda, he was so cute and soft.

This killer is really not too cold!

He has a warm heart.

With Matilda, he has a bond again...

"the sacred geometry of probability"

“thehiddenwofaprobableoute (the hidden law behind the possible outcomes)”

“thenubersleadadance(numbers dancing)”

"ikonwthatthespeadsaretheswordsofasoldier (I understand that spades are like swords in the hands of soldiers)"

"iknowthatthecbsareonsofwar (plum blossoms are like roaring guns on the battlefield)"

"iknowthatdiaondsanoneyforthisart (in this art-like game, the cubes are like money)"

“butthat’s not the shape of my heart (but that’s not the shape of my heart)”

Audrey listened to the song.

The stories and conversations between Leon and Matilda came to mind.

Classic lines burst into his mind like magic.

Matilda: "Is life always this painful? Or is it only like this when you were a child?"

Leon: "Always."

Matilda: "I'm going to the grocery store to get something. Do you want me to buy you some milk? One or two? Two, right?"

Matilda: "I'm more like his mother than that damn sow."

Lyon: "Don't describe pigs like that. They're usually friendlier than people."

A line came to Audrey's mind.

deep impression.

Especially the sentence "Is life always this painful... It's always like this."

This sentence seems to echo throughout the entire movie.

There is sadness, warmth, cruelty, and a little bit of luck.

It was difficult for Audrey to tell whether Matilda's love for Leon was true, but she was certain that Leon regarded her as a partner, a relative, and the most cherished person.

And use his life to avenge her.

He is more like a father.

Protecting his daughter...

Listening to the song and recalling the plot, Audrey couldn't help but shed tears. The mutual dependence between Leon and Matilda.

This emotion...

I really can't explain it.

I don’t know how long it took, but the song ended and the lights in the theater came back on.

But in the theater, no one was in a hurry to leave.

Until the last subtitle disappears.

Only then did someone quietly stand up and reluctantly walk out of the cinema.

Audrey was the last to leave...

Because before he left, he sent a message on social platforms:

""This Killer Is Not Too Cold" scored 6 points, and the ending song "ShapeofyHeart" scored 7 points"

Just said this sentence.

Then the fans exploded again.

"Hahaha! Audrey went to spend movie money to listen to music again!"

"Divine review: From ancient times, bad movies have come up with divine songs!"

"You call this a bad movie?"

"The movie is 6 points, the song is 7 points! Isn't it called a bad movie?"

"Hahaha redefines bad movies! If you put it that way..."Titanic" is also pretty bad."

"Hollywood: Please stop talking! All the movies we make are bad, okay?"

The comments exploded.

Hollywood is sad.

Why does Audrey have the rhythm every time...

Moreover, Hollywood also discovered that Starlight Pictures likes to produce high-quality music in movies.

Let’s have a good harvest of movies and music.

What’s even more frightening is that the music in the movie was all composed by the king of pop, Su Chen.

This powerful alliance.

Both in terms of film and music, they are both top-notch.

With free publicity from Audrey, a world star, "This Killer Isn't Too Cold" immediately became a global hit.

Its ending theme also shows the potential to dominate the charts!

As for the Hollywood film "The Killer", this was completely overshadowed by "The Killer Isn't Too Cold".

"The Killer" is a moderately enjoyable film.

However, "This Killer Isn't Too Cold" has taken a "warmth" route in the world of killers, which makes the whole film look and feel very different.

in this confrontation.

Once again, Hollywood is on the losing end.

But "The Killer Isn't Too Cold" is just the beginning.

Follow up!

Starlight Pictures releases movies faster than Su Chen releases songs...

Hollywood was stunned.

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