"do you miss me?"

Before Watson was knocked unconscious by the guard, all he could see was Moriarty's ferocious face, and all he could hear was his harsh voice.

Moriarty's appearance instantly brought the audience's emotions to a climax.

After all, Moriarty is extremely popular in the "Sherlock" series.

Respected as Mo Niang.

Although he is a villain.

But it doesn't affect the audience's liking for him.

It's just that Moriarty, a popular villain, died too hastily in the show.

However, what the audience did not expect was that he would "return".

"what happened?"

"Ahhhhhhh!!! I saw my mother Mo again."

"Don't tell me that all these cases were planned and arranged by Mother Mo!!"

"It finally looks like a finale!"

"Sherlock, sister, Moriarty! Hahaha, the ultimate showdown between three highly intelligent humans!"

Bai Ruoxi froze when she saw Moriarty laughing wildly while eating cake.

She liked Moriarty.

I prefer the rivalry between Sherlock and Moriarty.

It's just that Moriarty died too early.

And he committed suicide.

When Bai Ruoxi first saw this plot, it was a little hard to accept it.

Now that Moriarty "returns", Bai Ruoxi really wants to understand what is going on.

So he concentrated on looking down.

There's no time to worry about eating.

Things have to start from five years ago...

The Napoleon Moriarty of our short video world took a helicopter and landed on the island where Sherlock's sister Eurolos was imprisoned.

As soon as this man with his own BGM appeared, a song called "I Want to Break Free" played.

Bai Ruoxi thinks this song is pretty good.

Needless to say, this song was written by Su Daddy...

Bai Ruoxi thought so.

It turns out that on Christmas five years ago, the guest Mycroft asked his sister to meet was Moriarty.

And this five-minute, unmonitored, one-on-one meeting five years ago was what Eurolos had requested.

In exchange for helping the government predict three terrorist attacks.

Euros used Moriarty's interest in Sherlock to brainwash him and asked him to record many short broadcast videos before his death.

Get ready for today’s “game”.


It can only be said that Eurolos should engage in some kind of "family" occupation.

Moriarty was brainwashed...Bai Ruoxi felt that Mo Niang was being overpowered.

But what is certain is that Eurolos is the real BOSS standing behind Moriarty!

The camera turned and returned to Sherlock and others.

Sherlock and his party were locked up with the warden, but a little girl's cry for help came from the communicator.

She said the plane she was on was about to crash.

But everyone around him lost consciousness.

Sherlock tries to communicate with the little girl.

But the other person didn't want to tell his name to a stranger. Ba Shu 69 new

At this time, the signal was interrupted.

A picture of Euros appeared on the display. She first thanked Mycroft for the gift he brought to her last time - Moriarty.

Then he announced the puzzle he had prepared for Sherlock.

She set up several levels.

For each task Sherlock completes, he gets airtime with the little girl on the plane.

The first level requires Sherlock to choose one of Mycroft and Watson, and the chosen one must kill the warden within the specified time.

If the mission fails, the warden's wife will die.

The warden loved his wife very much, and it was because of her wife that he was brainwashed by Euros before, so he begged Sherlock and the others to take action quickly.

Sherlock chose Mycroft first.

But Mycroft didn't want his hands to be stained with blood.

That leaves only Watson.

Watson knew the pain of losing his wife, and he respected the warden's choice, so he picked up the gun.

"Goodbye, David!" Watson pointed his gun at the warden's head.

The warden was so frightened that he cried.

Moriarty appears again in the video, as if he is still watching a good show even after his death.

However, Watson finally failed to take action.

Unexpectedly, the warden snatched the gun from Watson's hand.


Self brings about life.

Although the warden died, Eurolos believed that his suicide did not comply with the rules.

So Eurolos killed the warden's wife anyway.

And denounced Watson's moral code as useless, just sacrificing the lives of others in exchange for the innocence of his own hands.

Then Eurolos asked Sherlock to pick up the gun.

There was one bullet left in it.

The second level that Eurolos prepared was in a room painted red. In order to give Sherlock some encouragement, Eurolos contacted the little girl again.

Sherlock wanted to confirm which flight it was.

But from the vague information given by the little girl, we could only know that the flight was flying at night, and the range was reduced by half a blue star.

Unfortunately, Sherlock didn't have time to continue asking.

Euros started a new game.

The second level is to solve a cold case.

Six months ago, a man named Evans was murdered, and the murderer shot him with a rifle 300 meters away.

The three brothers of Galideb are all suspects.

What Sherlock has to do is to find out the real murderer among the three brothers based on their recent photos and murder weapons.

Eurolos wanted to use this task to observe Sherlock's ability to cooperate with the people around him.

Watson saw that the murder weapon was a buffalo gun with strong recoil.

If the prisoner wears glasses, the lenses will definitely be damaged due to excessive recoil.

According to the photos given, the person wearing glasses does not have any scars on the corners of his eyes.

So Sherlock eliminated this person as a suspect.

Mycroft disdains participating in the game. He feels that his sister is just manipulating the three of them to compete with each other, but Watson believes that the top priority is to save the little girl and the plane.

So be like a soldier and put your own interests aside.

To add some excitement.

Eurolos directly hung the three suspects out of the window.

When Shylock delivers his verdict,

They will be released.

Now all Sherlock has to do is continue reasoning.

Sherlock reasoned and found the real murderer, but Eurolos threw the other two people into the sea.

"Don't talk about martial ethics!!!" Bai Ruoxi was very angry when she saw this.

Moriarty is a villain! But Bai Ruoxi quite liked it.

But Sherlock's sister Eurolos...

She really hates it.

What a devil!

It’s all about play…

I really hope this sister dies now.

At the end of the second level, Sherlock once again got the opportunity to talk to the little girl. The little girl said that she had to crash in a densely populated area of ​​the city.

In order to minimize casualties, Mycroft advocated teaching the little girl to control the plane and fall into the sea.

But Watson firmly opposed it.

The call was interrupted again, and the third level was opened.

First, Eurolos asks Shylock to reason about who the coffin in the room is for.

Sherlock deduced from the length of the coffin that the coffin was prepared for a man who was over 1.4 meters tall. Mycroft found the nonsense on the coffin lid nearby.

The coffin lid says "Iloveyou"

He speculates that the answer must be someone related to Sherlock and in love with him.

Unmarried, living alone, and accepting death…

Sherlock immediately thought of forensic doctor Jasmine.

His reasoning was correct.

Euros tells Sherlock that she has installed a time bomb in Jasmine's apartment and it will detonate in three minutes.

And the only way to stop the bomb is for Jasmine to say "I love you" to Sherlock!

And during the call, you cannot imply that she is in danger.

Sherlock got straight to the point and asked Jasmine to name the key words in the name of experiment.

But the other person is in a bad mood today.

She thought Sherlock was teasing her again.

She was devastated.

Even if Sherlock kept pleading, she couldn't say anything.

In the end, it was Sherlock who said "I love you" first, and then Jasmine said "I love you" at the last second before the bomb exploded!

Sherlock thought he had won.

But Euros told Sherlock that there was no bomb at all. In the final analysis, Sherlock was just tricked by Euros.

Eurolos said, Sherlock, as always, lost to his own little emotions.

Not only did it hurt Jasmine.

Also hurt yourself.

Then enter the fourth level.

The gun in Sherlock's hand came in handy.

He has to choose to kill Watson or his brother.

Continue the game with the remaining person!

In the end Sherlock decided to shoot himself...

But at the last moment when he shot, his sister knocked him out with an anesthetic needle.

When he woke up again, he had arrived at the burned-out Musgrave Manor.

Watson was imprisoned in the well.

And water kept overflowing.

Sherlock must find Watson before the water drowns him, otherwise Watson will become like his pet dog Redbeard.

Lost his life here.

Sherlock was troubled by this.

At this time, Sherlock was also told that Red Beard was not a dog, but Sherlock's childhood friend Victor...

Just because of losing this friend, Sherlock chose to close his memory in this way.

Sherlock and Victor often play together.

Eurolos has always wanted to join the game between the two friends.

But Eurolos never succeeded.

So one day.

She made a decision.

Kill Redbeard!

"Madman!" Bai Ruoxi finally couldn't bear the villain Eurolos anymore.

The more I think about it, the more disgusting I find this person.

It's just crazy.

In the end, Sherlock looked for the tombstones in the manor, and from the words on the tombstones, he found clues to solving the mystery.

But in the end he failed to find the little girl.

Because the little girl is Eurolos.

She spoke to Sherlock in another voice during the call...

In the end, Eurolos was taken back to prison again, Watson was rescued, and Sherlock and Watson continued to live in "Detective"...

Everything seems to be going on.

It's just that "Sherlock" ended like this.

Bai Ruoxi felt a little disappointed.

The barrage was also dense at this time.

"That's it?"

“It’s not fun to watch!!!”

"Although it's a bit...well, this ending is actually acceptable."

"Finish spreading flowers!"

"Master Qingjie."

The conclusion of the "Sherlock" series has become a hot topic.

This isn't just the end of Sherlock.

It is also the end of a detective series.

Many people said: There will never be such a good detective TV series again.

Someone even @the official Weibo of Starlight Pictures, asking them to make a Poirot series.

On the Penguin platform, because of the end of Sherlock Holmes, the platform discussed with Starlight Pictures and held a limited free event for the entire series.

This made the show popular again.

During that time, the top few places on the Penguin platform list were all firmly occupied by Sherlock Holmes.

Many people watched it twice or three times.

Moreover, at the end of the final chapter of Sherlock Holmes, Starlight Pictures also added a trailer for the TV series Game of Thrones adapted from A Song of Ice and Fire!

The whole world was boiling all of a sudden.

"Fuck!!! Starlight Pictures is bombing continuously."

"I love A Song of Ice and Fire the most! Play it for me! Play it quickly!"

"It has been added to my favorites!"

"Ahhh, I can't wait!"

"I come to check it every day to see if it's aired... Well, it hasn't aired yet!"

But Starlight Pictures also gave a time for it to air.

Next Monday!

Therefore, during this week, Pangu's "A Song of Ice and Fire" was free for a limited time.

Then this book, which had been completed for several months, rushed to the list again.

Readers also began to urge for updates.

"A Song of Ice and Fire has been completed for so long! Big pig's hoof, why haven't you written a new book yet?"

"New book! New book!"

"Please give me a new book!"

For a while, the book review area was full of urging for updates.

Su Chen had some free time during this period. Not only did he write a lot of scripts, but he also put it on the agenda again.

However, this time he chose no longer a commercial masterpiece like "A Song of Ice and Fire".

Instead, he chose the masterpiece of the king of popular literature, Alexandre Dumas!

"The Count of Monte Cristo"!

A popular model.

A model of revenge!

Su Chen wrote on the introduction page of "The Count of Monte Cristo":

"I love those who love me, and I hate those who hate me!"

Only this sentence made readers crazy.

"The Count of Monte Cristo!! I feel inspired just by the title."

"The introduction is short and weak... Well, I am deeply attracted."

"Big pig's hoof! You are finally willing to publish a new book."

It's just that Su Chen's release of "The Count of Monte Cristo" this time is different from the past.

In the past, the electronic version was released first.

But this time, the electronic version and the physical book were released together.

The electronic version is still serialized.

The physical book is released one by one.

It is divided into three parts: upper, middle and lower.

The length of "The Count of Monte Cristo" is still quite long.

It is precisely because of this release mode that "The Count of Monte Cristo" is still hot on Pangu.

But the sales of physical books are even crazier.

Because buying a physical book is equivalent to seeing more plots in advance.

Who can resist this?

And "The Count of Monte Cristo" goes deeper and deeper in terms of plot, from the first chapter to the last chapter!

Once you start reading,

you can't stop at all.

Therefore, all online stores are sold out, and you may not be able to buy it even if you queue up in a long line in the bookstore.

Finally, there was no other way, so she could only read it online.

Audrey recently finished watching Sherlock Holmes, and has been looking forward to Game of Thrones.

But Game of Thrones has not been updated yet.

She went to watch the original novel again.

It was fun.

After reading it, she suddenly became obsessed with it...

Especially the one written by the big pig's hoof!

So when she saw the release of The Count of Monte Cristo, she tried every means to get the book.

She read it day and night.

From the moment the Fala arrived at the port of Marseille, Audrey's heart was completely drawn to the plot and characters!

Can't stop!



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