Dad: My identity as Qu Dad has been exposed by my daughter

Chapter 79 Shu Wan was successfully led astray

Xiao Na wanted to accept Ye Lang as his apprentice, but he was rejected on the spot. Read М

The live broadcast room was in an uproar.

"Master Xiao Na must be confused."

"Everyone dreams of becoming Master Xiao Na's apprentice, but Ye Lang refused without even considering it."

"Maybe he was upset because Master Xiao Na ignored him before."

"If so, it's too impulsive. This involves his career and the opportunity to become an international pianist. Wouldn't it be a pity to refuse? This is a great opportunity."

"But Ye Lang also said that he has a teacher. Chinese people hate betraying their teachers the most. It's normal to refuse."

"I haven't heard that Ye Lang became a pianist in China? Even if there is a teacher, can he compare with an international master? If he becomes a disciple of Xiao Na, his teacher won't blame him, right?"

The audience in the live broadcast room talked a lot, and they all thought that Ye Lang was very unwise to refuse Xiao Na.

Xiao Na also frowned deeply: "May I ask who your teacher is?"

"I am not in a position to reveal the name of the teacher," Ye Lang glanced at Su Chen, "but he is a very remarkable musician and artist."

Ye Lang actually directly elevated Su Chen to the level of a musician and artist.

This made Su Chen feel ashamed.


I am just a salted fish who relies on the system to eat and wait for death.

But I was quite happy to hear Ye Lang praise me so much.

Who can refuse to be praised?

The audience also speculated wildly after hearing this.

"So who is Ye Lang's teacher? It's so mysterious."

"Musician, artist, must be a national-level big shot."

"Wouldn't it be Master Luo Xun? I remember they appeared in the same frame many times."

"Master Luo Xun is a top pianist and musician of the older generation in China. Although he is not as good as Xiao Na, he still has a certain influence internationally. If it is because Luo Xun rejected Xiao Na, it makes sense."

Everyone is discussing Ye Lang's teacher.

Who would have thought that the teacher he was talking about was Su Chen?

Ye Lang refused to say who his teacher was, which made Xiao Na feel itchy. He also handed over a business card, "You can think about it carefully. This is my business card. You can call me when you have considered it."

Xiao Na thought that Ye Lang was impulsive.

He also knew that China pays attention to respecting teachers.

There were so many people at the scene. If he agreed to become his apprentice, he would definitely say that he was betraying his teacher.

But privately,

Xiao Na believed that Ye Lang would weigh the pros and cons.

All he needed was to go back to the hotel and wait for Ye Lang's call.

Su Chen just smiled slightly during the whole process.

At this time, many audiences who had listened to the performance also gathered around, wanting Ye Lang's autograph and taking photos, and he began to get busy.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Su Chen picked up his daughter, took his wife by the hand, and left the Golden Concert Hall.

It was already 9:20 in the evening.

"Dad, Uncle Ye Lang is so good." Su Xiaoxi admires Ye Lang very much, "When can I play as well as Uncle Ye Lang?"

"Xiaoxi will study and practice seriously, and when she grows up, she will be as good as Uncle Ye Lang." Su Chen encouraged his daughter.

Su Xiaoxi has an amazing talent in music.

She is very sensitive to melody.

The reason why she can play the piano so well is because she has a natural interest in music and piano.

This is very rare.

"Really?" Su Xiaoxi wrapped her arms around her father's neck, "Hehe, it would be great if Uncle Ye Lang's teacher also taught me to play the piano. Uncle Ye Lang's teacher must be very good."

"I think so."

"Is Uncle Ye Lang's teacher better, or is Dad better?"

Su Chen chatted with his daughter from time to time.

Uncle Ye Lang's teacher is already teaching you to play the piano... As for who is better, well, how can you compare yourself with yourself?

Shu Wan held Su Chen's arm.

"Husband." Shu Wan's eyes were full of admiration. "You wrote such an excellent piano piece. It's amazing. Master Xiao Na looked at you with admiration just now."

"Are you proud to have such an excellent husband?"

"A little bit."

"This piece was written on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival?" Shu Wan asked.

"Yes." Su Chen nodded.

"But you were out for two hours that night." Shu Wan was surprised, "Husband, you wouldn't... finish it in two hours, right?"

Shu Wan completely forgot that there was a live camera filming them.

As soon as this was said, the live broadcast room exploded.

"Fuck!!! It only took Su Dad two hours to write this one-hour piano piece?"

"Horrible!!! It takes an hour to play it! It only took him two hours to compose it?"

"It must be done in one go, right?"

"I can't believe this is true! This is a piano piece, not a pop song... And everyone just heard that every section of this variation is extremely perverted. In two hours, he wrote a piece that even Master Xiao Na exclaimed was God's work? Perverted! If he had more time, wouldn't it be... against the sky?"

"I would like to call Su Dad the fastest man in the world!"

"Xiaoyan: So scary!"

Su Chen has been thinking about the live broadcast.

I have been guarding against my daughter, fearing that she would say something earth-shattering again, but I didn't expect my wife to let it slip!


If the audience knew that I finished writing "Variations 2" in two hours, wouldn't I explode?

But it has been broadcast live now!

Swallowing his saliva, he pretended to be calm and explained: "How can you write it in two hours? This variation has been conceived for a while, and Ye Lang happened to need it, so I took advantage of the inspiration that night to complete it."

"These are all the bits and pieces of my thinking and accumulation day and night."

The audience was relieved to hear this explanation.

"I see."

"I said that such a long song could not be written in two hours, there must be accumulation in it."

"That's also very powerful! Dad Su is really a god. It's okay to write pop songs that are nice, and now he can play piano music so well."

At this time, Shu Wan also realized that she had let the cat out of the bag.

Don't continue this topic.

"Dad, I'm hungry." Su Xiaoxi said softly.

"Then let's go eat something delicious?" Su Chen looked at Su Xiaoxi.

"Okay." Su Xiaoxi's eyes lit up immediately, "I want to eat barbecue."

Hearing the word barbecue, Shu Wan also became greedy. She immediately leaned closer to Su Chen with her arm around his, and said like a spoiled child, "Husband, I want to eat barbecue too."

"Two greedy cats." Su Chen certainly had no ability to resist being begged by the two most important women in his life, and immediately agreed, "Then let's go eat barbecue."

"Yeah!" Su Xiaoxi smiled happily.

She stretched out her little hand and high-fived Shu Wan in victory.

The family of three chose a nearby barbecue restaurant with a good reputation.

Su Chen was responsible for the barbecue, and his wife and daughter were responsible for feasting.

Of course, they would not forget Su Chen, the barbecue tool. Shu Wan would pick up a piece of meat for her husband from time to time and feed him, and Su Xiaoxi would also feed him often, "Dad, open your mouth, ah."

Su Chen opened his mouth.

A piece of pork belly wrapped in lettuce was stuffed into Su Chen's mouth.

"Dad, is it delicious?"


"Hehe, it tastes like love."

This scene is extremely warm.

The audience in the live broadcast room was envious.

"This life is so beautiful. Wife, daughter, a family of three, all year round. I want to get married instantly, future girlfriend, please show up soon."

"Xiao Xi is so warm."

"Give me a dozen daughters like this."

"The series of cheating to give birth to a daughter!"

"This is the fireworks of the world."

Husband, wife, daughter, happy and warm.

At this time, Su Xiaoxi burped a little, but as a foodie, they can't put down their chopsticks when they are full, they have to eat to their heart's content.

"Dad, I want to eat beef (liu) meat." Su Xiaoxi couldn't distinguish the front nasal sound from the back nasal sound.

"Beef (niu) meat." Su Chen corrected.

"Beef (liu) meat." Su Xiaoxi followed and learned.

"No, no, it's niu, n, iu, beef."

"n, iu," Su Xiaoxi learned to spell, "beef (liu) meat"

The pinyin stage was correct, but when it was connected, it was liu again.

The audience in the live broadcast room laughed.

"Hahaha, I thought I was the only one like this, it turns out that Xiaoxi can't tell liu and niu apart"

"My boyfriend often laughs at me, okay"

"Xiaoxi, who can't tell the difference, is so cute"

"Dad Su: This generation of my daughter can't lead."

Shu Wan was also ashamed.

Because she was like this before her debut, this is inherited from me, hey... she later took great pains to correct it.

Seeing her daughter like this, she suddenly wanted to laugh.

But she still helped her daughter correct it seriously, "Xiaoxi, learn from mom, niu meat"

"Beef." Su Xiaoxi finally got it right once.

"Great." Shu Wan saw the dawn of victory, "Fat beef."

Su Xiaoxi: "Fat Liu"

Shu Wan: "Fat beef"

Su Xiaoxi: "Fat Liu"

Shu Wan: "Fat Liu"

After a few rounds, Shu Wan was completely defeated by Su Xiaoxi.

The audience in the live broadcast room exploded.

"Hahaha! I laughed out eight abdominal muscles."

"Goddess Shu Wan was successfully led astray."


PS: I beg all readers to vote for me. As long as there are recommendation votes, monthly tickets, and rewards, I am willing to update four, five, six, and seven times a day. I will dare to be as crazy as you are. The author thanks you here.

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