Later, as more and more problems were discovered in the exchanges with other Si Bao, Si Bao's confidence was even more eroded.

Now, he just hopes that his score in this exam can stabilize his ranking and not drop too much compared to the midterm exam.

"It's okay, Mom, let's just wait here. Even if we go out to the yard right now, we're not in the mood to play."

"That's right, Mom, now that you know your results are coming out soon, how can you still be in the mood to go out and play?"

"I'll continue to wait here.……"

Immediately afterwards, other treasures also expressed their opinions.

After Lin Jia said that, none of them planned to leave, or in other words, they had no intention of playing at this time and were focused on their final grades.

After a whole semester of hard work, success or failure depends on this.

"Okay, then you guys continue to wait here slowly, I'm going to catch up on the drama first, and I'll come back later."

Hearing this, Lin Jia also nodded, and then said.

Although she looked very relaxed on her face, she felt otherwise in her heart. Lin Jia's worries and concerns were no less than those of the treasures at this time.

She She is also worried that after working hard with these children for a whole semester, if she fails to pass the final exam, it will be a big blow to both Crowdsourced and her.

However, Lin Jia I didn’t want to lose my composure in front of these children, and I didn’t dress like an adult.

The reason why I said I wanted to run over to watch the show was partly to cover up my worries, and partly because I really wanted to go. Go binge-watching.

Although binge-watching can't effectively change anything, it can divert her attention so that she won't have to think about these things for the time being. At least she can calm down for a while.

"Uh-huh, go ahead, Mom, I’ll let you know directly when our results come out……"

Hearing this, the treasures also nodded, and then expressed their opinions in unison.

Afterwards, Lin Jia glanced at Zhongbaomen again and then left.

In the next two or three hours, it was undoubtedly a very painful time for these restless children. They had to ask almost every moment, how long will it take? words.

The clock hanging on the wall was carefully scanned by these children over and over again.

They only felt that these short two or three hours seemed longer than a whole year.

And in this family, the only one who feels calmer is probably Su Hang.

From his point of view, regardless of whether these children did well in the final exam, Su Hang would accept it.

After all, as far as he could see, each of these children had tried their best to study, and that alone was enough.

He values ​​the attitude and learning process of these children more. As for the final results, they are not that important to him.

And these two or three hours are neither long nor short, and finally the time has come


The security guards also stood in front of the computer one by one, and then took a deep breath and held their own breath.

It looked as if what they were about to witness was a miracle. Everyone was not even excited. Dare to breathe.

At the same time, Su Hang and Lin Jia also came behind them, preparing to witness this scene together.

When the official website for checking scores was opened, the treasures quickly found their class, and then put the grade list in the class Open it.

The next moment, a table with dense numbers and names appeared in front of them.

"yeah! Finally, I beat the previous number one!"

Just before the other few treasures could react, Wubao stood up first, waved his fist and shouted.

At the top of the entire score sheet, where the first place was, there was clearly written five Bao's name.

The first position is undoubtedly the most conspicuous, and it is specially marked in bold and emphasized fonts, just like an uncrowned crown, which can be seen at a glance.

"Not bad, not bad, I will try my best to maintain it next time."

Seeing this, Su Hang was not stingy with his words of praise and nodded directly, giving Wubao great recognition.

Su Hang didn't seem to think that Wubao could achieve such good results in the exam. It's too surprising. After all, Wubao has never fallen out of the second place, and he is always ranked first in the class.

"Xiaoyan is so amazing, she is either first or second every time"

"It would be great if I could get as good a score as Xiaoyan every time."

"I don’t want my grades to be as good as Xiaoyan’s, I just want to be in the top five……"

Regarding this scene, other treasures also expressed that they were used to it after seeing it.

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