But before Gong Shaoting could say anything, he was interrupted by Su Hang.

"Nothing to worry about. Wasn't the ice sculpture carving competition postponed to three days? At present, your ice sculpture carving level has reached a bottleneck. It can no longer be improved in a short period of time just through practice."

"In this case, just take a day off honestly. This will also make it easier for you to adjust your condition and better cope with the next game."

After a pause, Su Hang said directly.

If he didn't make it clear to Gong Shaoting, he would probably get into trouble again based on his temper.

Moreover, Su Hang didn't dare to snow as heavily as it did today. Let Gong Shaoting drive over.

He still remembered the last time Gong Shaoting had a car accident. If Su Hang agreed to let Gong Shaoting drive over to his place to practice ice sculpture carving, Zhang Yun would be the first to disagree, saying Maybe I'll come over and have a few words of discussion or something.

"Okay, master, I understand."

Hearing this, Gong Shaoting nodded, and then said.

At this time, he also put aside the distracting thoughts in his heart, and planned to take a good rest for a day, and then prepare for the finals three days later.

At the beginning, Gong Shaoting felt At first, he was a little unconfident, feeling that the first place in the ice sculpture competition was out of reach, and he even flinched.

But now, he has the confidence to stand in the ice sculpture competition and compete with other contestants for the adult category. The champion of the ice sculpture competition.

There is no doubt that he has changed a lot during this period.

And this is not only because of his extensive practice and hard work in learning ice sculpture sculpture, but also because of Su Hang's careful teaching.

If it is true If someone else had taught him, Gong Shaoting would not have made such a big change and progress in such a short period of time. He would have been even better than those seed players who had practiced ice sculpture carving for several years.


Su Hang nodded, and then said a few more words to Gong Shaoting before hanging up the phone.

After briefly helping Lin Jia clear away the dishes and chopsticks on the table, Su Hang looked out the window.

I saw Liu Bao already lying down in the yard with other treasures and playing.

Although Liu Bao was a girl, she also had a snowball fight with Er Bao, Dabao and Si Bao in the yard.

As for the three treasures and the five treasures, they made snowmen in the yard.

Su Hang taught them how to build this snowman when it snowed last time, so building a snowman is not new.

"Let's go take a walk in the yard later.……"

Immediately afterwards, Su Hang secretly said.

He planned to go out and walk around the yard after helping Lin Jia clean up the house.

After all, it has only snowed heavily for such a long time. It is a good idea to take the opportunity to build a snowman and have fun with the children.

After a while, Su Hang helped Lin Jia put away the dishes and chopsticks.

"How about we go out and play with the children for a while? The two of us can build a big snowman or something together."

Following this, Su Hang mentioned to Lin Jia and expressed his thoughts.

"Hmm...Okay, but you have to wait a little bit. I plan to lie on the bed and read a book for a while and then come out."

Lin Jia thought for a while and agreed, but she has not completed the reading task she set for herself today. She still has to read for a while first.


Su Hang didn't think much, turned around and walked out of the yard.

As soon as he arrived outside the yard, the treasures noticed him

"Dad, Dad!"

"Dad, why did you come out?"

"Dad, do you want to build a snowman with us?……"

Then, the treasures gathered around Su Can one by one, like a bunch of little sparrows, chattering non-stop.

"Okay, I came out this time to play with you, but forget about snowball fights and the like, I can help you build another snowman."

Hearing this, Su Hang pulled the treasures to his side, and then said with a smile.

The strength of the treasures can't compare with him. What if he accidentally exerts too much force while having a snowball fight with them? It will hurt them

"Oh, dad, let’s build a snowman together……"

Hearing this, the treasures nodded, then pulled Su Hang towards the open space in the yard ahead.

They were a little disappointed when they heard that Su Hang couldn't have a snowball fight with them, but when they heard that Su Hang could help them build a snowman, they all became happy again.

At this time, in the yard, Sambo and Wubao had worked together to build a snowman, but it was still a half-finished product.

Although the body and head of the snowman have been installed, the eyes and nose have not yet been placed, so it looks a bit too monotonous.

However, at that moment, Sanbao had already taken out a carrot and some unused buttons from the kitchen.

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