And it was these beautiful figures that instantly attracted the attention of the treasures.

"Wow! These ladies are so beautiful"

"They are all flight attendants, and each one of them is a beautiful little fairy."

"If I become a stewardess in the future, I won’t be as beautiful as these young ladies.……"

Immediately afterwards, Zhongbaomen started discussing in a low voice with these flight attendants as the center.

And their voices were not deliberately suppressed, which instantly attracted the attention of the flight attendants.

"Whose child is this? Not only does he look so cute, his mouth looks like it has been smeared with honey. It’s so sweet that you don’t want it."

"They look like they are still sextuplets. It is so happy to have six such cute little angels in the family."

"No way, they are still sextuplets."

"It seems so. You see they are about the same age and look so similar. The lady and gentleman sitting next to them must be their parents.……"

After seeing the treasures, the eyes of several stewardesses lit up.

They also felt that these children were extremely cute. If it weren't for the fact that they had to continue working, several flight attendants would have wanted to get up and rub their hands on the faces of these treasures.

After a while, the captain's voice sounded around Jiangsu Airlines, which also meant that the flight was about to take off.

"Okay, okay, it's all done, don't move around, the plane is about to take off."

Seeing this, Su Hang also quickly warned them, fearing that they would run around after the plane took off.

Even if they want to go to the toilet, they have to wait until the plane stops rising in altitude and flies more smoothly. Just some

"oh oh."

In this regard, all the treasures were very sensible and quickly sat down in their seats.

Then, as the plane gradually began to taxi on the runway, and then accelerated.


Then, the entire plane suddenly jerked backwards. Tilt, the edge began to leave the ground, and gradually rose to high altitude.

During the period when the aircraft continued to rise, all the treasures felt a little discomfort more or less.

But they were all fine, and they were all within the normal range. Inside.

The only problem is the Four Treasures. Ever since the plane left the ground, his face has become a little strange, and his whole head looks a little dizzy.

And Lin, who has been observing the physical condition of the Treasures Jia, he also discovered the strangeness of the Four Treasures right away.

"Xiaozhuo, how are you feeling now? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Following this, Lin Jia asked quickly, and Su Hang also turned his gaze over.

"I, I uh~"

Hearing this, Si Bao seemed to be about to say something, but suddenly his mouth opened before he could even say the words, and then he closed it tightly.

At this time, his two The face looks bulging, like a cute little squirrel.

However, there is a faint trace of yellow liquid flowing out of Si Bao's mouth, and the situation does not look very good.

"It looked like I was feeling nauseous and wanted to vomit."

Seeing this, Su Hang quickly analyzed and accurately stated the situation of the Four Treasures at this time.


Hearing this, Si Bao nodded quickly.

However, he did not dare to nod too vigorously at this time, lest he accidentally vomited it all out, which would be terrible at that time.

"Come on, spit in this."

Immediately afterwards, Lin Jia also took a bag from the side, handed it to Si Bao and said.

When he saw the bag being handed over, Si Bao suddenly felt as if he had seen a savior, and almost snatched it from Lin Jia's hand. He took the bag over.


The next moment, he almost buried his head in the bag, and then vomited.

Judging from his look, he probably gave up all the breakfast he had eaten in the morning. He vomited it out, so it seemed that breakfast was in vain.

Hey, in response to this, Erbao and Dabao, who were sitting next to him, leaned their bodies to both sides with disgusted expressions, as if they were afraid that Sibao would vomit. The vomit came out and splashed on them. After vomiting for a long time, Si Bao stopped.

At this time, there was already a lot of vomit in the bag in his hand, and compared to just now, His face looked even worse

"Phew~ It's finally better, almost everyone died."

Immediately afterwards, Si Bao took a deep breath and sighed sincerely.

When he just took off from the plane and left the ground, he already started to want to vomit, but he kept holding it in and didn't vomit it out, so that his face turned red..

When the plane climbed back, he couldn't hold it anymore. Fortunately, Lin Jia had discovered it in time.

If it had been discovered a little later, maybe one of the four treasures could not hold back and vomited directly on the plane. I would have made a big joke then.

However, after he vomited out everything he had been holding in at home, although his face did not look particularly good, he was much more comfortable than before, so he made such a statement Feeling.

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