In the master bedroom, after Lin Peng picked up Dabao, Lin Yueqing immediately came to the second treasure.

"Let’s go, grandma will take our second baby to take a big bus~"

As she said that, she picked up the second baby with a smile.


Looking at grandma, Erbao pursed her lips and frowned.

She wanted to be held by her father.

She wanted to go see big cars with her father.

In short, she missed her father.

Guessing Erbao's thoughts, Lin Yueqing shook his head:"Dad is busy now and can't go with us.……"

At this point, she suddenly stopped.

The next second, she looked at Er Bao in her arms in astonishment.

"Erbao, what did you just say?"


Although he didn't know what grandma was asking, Erbao still yelled.

Hearing the pronunciation of"Dad" clearly, Lin Yueqing was stunned and looked at Su Cheng and others in surprise.

"Did I hear that correctly?"

She said, blinking her eyes.

Hearing this, Su Cheng and others shook their heads in surprise.

"You heard that right"

"Can our second child call him daddy?"

As he said that, Lin Yueqing looked at Erbao in disbelief.

At the door, Lin Jia, who had just packed her things, looked at her mother-in-law's happy look and said with a smile:"I learned it yesterday, Liubao also learned to call mother."

"Isn’t that right, Liubao? Lin

Jia said, smiling and coming to Liu Bao.

She then leaned over and picked up the little guy.

"Well, well, well, well."

His two little arms hugged his mother's neck tightly. Liu Bao grinned happily and rubbed his little head in front of Lin Jia. When the little guy saw his mother, he immediately became disgusted.

"For such a big child, things really change every day."

Besides, Tang Yimei looked at Erbao and Liubao with a smile.

She glanced at the two little guys silently, and Lin Penghuai looked at Dabao in his arms.

"Call grandpa"


Looking at grandpa in confusion, Dabao chewed his little hand.

Seeing this, Lin Penghuai frowned and said again:"Call grandpa."


"No, it’s grandpa."Lin Penghuai corrected himself seriously.

He blinked his eyes, stared at his grandfather and thought for a while. Dabao opened his mouth again.



Lin Penghuai frowned as he heard the words"Yeah" coming out of his grandson's mouth.


This is far different from grandpa.

"Don't embarrass Dabao."

Tang Yimei looked at her wife's depressed look and smiled helplessly.

"The words grandpa, grandma, grandpa and grandma are much more troublesome than mom and dad."

"They can call them mom and dad now, so how can they call them grandpa?"


Turning to look at his wife's explanation, Lin Penghuai frowned and finally gave up.

Since he can't learn, he can't force the child to say

"Okay, okay, let's go quickly, it's almost half past nine."

Su Cheng looked at a few people with a smile and issued a reminder.

After hearing this, a group of people quickly picked up the little guys and left the house.


All the way to the bus station.

Because of good luck, as soon as Lin Jia arrived with her parents and children, a bus drove over.

Under the shocked gaze of the driver, Lin Jia and four elders lifted the stroller into the car.

After finding a seat and sitting down, he picked up a few anxious little guys.

For some reason, all the little guys like riding the bus.

Occasionally when I take the bus, everyone is very excited.

But when I sit in the nanny car, my reaction is mediocre.


Standing on her mother's lap with her little feet, Liu Bao pressed her little hands on the car window glass excitedly.

Looking at the passing scenery outside the window, her big eyes were bright.

On the seat next to her, Wubao was also being supported by Tang Yimei. She stood and stared out the window without blinking.

Compared with the other little guys, she was much quieter.

Looking at the reactions of the little guys, Lin Jia and the four elders also laughed.

At first, Che The people who came up were still looking at the little guys with shocked eyes.

After seeing the cuteness of the little guys, their eyes changed unconsciously.

Lin Yueqing was relatively familiar.

After a while, he followed The woman next to her was familiar with her.

When she got off the bus, she even helped the driver move the stroller.

"Among ordinary people, there are still many good people."

Pushing the stroller, Lin Yueqing said with a smile.

Seeing her happy look, Su Cheng smiled helplessly.

That's right. It seems...there's nothing wrong with it?

When they were doing business in the past, they knew... Most of them are not very good things.

Even if you have a good relationship with some people, it is based on common interests.

Without common interests, or when there is no profit, these people will disperse in an instant..As for those sincere friends, they can be counted on three fingers.

So at that time, although their material life was satisfactory, it was not easy.

"From this point of view, the current life is better."

Hehehe smiled, Su Cheng looked satisfied.

Life is happy, everyone is in good health.

This is enough

"Parents, let’s go."

In front of the two of them, Lin Jia saw that the two elders had not followed up, so she turned around and reminded them.


Lin Yueqing replied happily, looked at Su Cheng with a smile, and the two of them walked slowly towards the hospital.


During the inspection, although there was a long queue, the whole process went smoothly.

After getting all the inspection reports, Lin Jia gave some instructions to the other three elders, and then led Lin Penghuai into the consultation room.

After carefully reading all Lin Penghuai's reports, the doctor looked at Lin Penghuai thoughtfully.

"It turns out you have some cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems, right?"

"kindness. Lin

Penghuai nodded when he heard this.

Thinking that his father's problem was not resolved yet, Lin Jiaxiu frowned.

"Doctor, does my dad have any other problems with this?"

"No, he is recovering well."

The doctor smiled lightly and handed the report back to Lin Jia and Lin Penghuai.

"As long as you continue to maintain it, don't drink alcohol, and eat relatively light, you'll be fine."

"As for other aspects, there is no problem"

"That's good……"

Lin Jia said, breathing a sigh of relief.

On the side, Lin Penghuai raised his eyebrows proudly

"This is all Xiaohang's fault. After drinking traditional Chinese medicine for so long and still getting acupuncture all day long, is it all for nothing?"

"Dad, if you don’t want to continue taking medicine in the future, you still have to be careful."

Lin Yueqing looked at her father's somewhat confused expression and patiently reminded him

"The doctor also told you just now to have a lighter diet and stop drinking alcohol."

"You haven't completely given up drinking yet, have you?"

Speaking of this, Lin Jia's eyes narrowed slightly.

Facing her daughter's gaze, Lin Penghuai coughed lightly.

"I only have a small cup every day, and it’s no different than not drinking at all."

Just when Lin Jia was about to speak, the doctor had already taken the initiative and said with a smile:"It's better to quit completely if you can."

Hearing this, Lin Penghuai's expression darkened and he nodded gloomily.

This is why he didn't want to come to the hospital for a check-up. Because every time he came, the thing he heard the most was to stop drinking.

Seeing his father's irritable look, Lin Jia helplessly smiled..

After chatting with the doctor for a few more words, she took the old man and left. She briefly talked about Lin Penghuai's condition with several other elders.

After confirming that there were no health problems, she took several elders and left the hospital.

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