
The little body pounced on his little bed, and Sanbao buried his little face directly into the pillow.

Intermittent sobs came from the pillow from time to time, which made Lin Jia feel distressed.

Glancing at her husband who was still angry next to her, she waved her hands to the other little guys.

"You guys should go over first, mom and dad will have a chat."

"Woo woo……"

"Bah...bah...don't be angry……"

Reaching out to wipe away the continuous tears, Liu Bao's face turned red from crying.

Seeing this, Dabao quickly walked over and held his sister's little hand, and then pretended to be calm and said:"Listen to Ma Ma."

While speaking, he also quietly glanced at his father.

The little guy looked calm on the surface, but actually he was extremely panicked.

The hand holding my sister's little hand trembled slightly.

After all, this was the first time Dad was really angry with them.

It's a lie to say you're not afraid

"Woo woo……"

Under the leadership of Dabao, several little guys walked into their small bedroom in a panic.

Lin Jia walked over and gave a"hush" gesture to the little guys, and then gently closed the door.

As soon as the little guys left, Su Hang seemed to be discouraged.

He scratched his hair in annoyance and sat down on the sofa angrily.

He didn't want to be angry either.

But just now, I don’t know why, but I just couldn’t control my anger.

"drink water?"

Seeing her husband's angry and self-blaming look, Lin Jia poured a glass of water and pushed it in front of him.

He picked up the water glass and took a brief sip. Su Hang raised his head, looked at Lin Jia with complicated eyes, and said in a hoarse voice:"I Just now, shouldn't I be angry with them?"

He urgently needs someone to help him relieve his emotions.

Sensing his need, Lin Jia sat down next to him, then dragged her chin, pretending to be thoughtful and said:"Well... it should be, but what you did just now wrong"

"I knew it."

Su Hang smiled bitterly and said helplessly:"I just heard them say that it was the boy named Xiaojie who told them that they could do this, and they learned it, and then they suddenly became very angry."

"Because we have taught them that toilets are unclean places"

"I thought they should know that the water in the toilet is dirty……"

"Their idea is very simple. Lin

Jia gently held Su Hang's hand and said softly:"They know that the toilet is not clean, but they don't know that the water in the toilet is not clean either.""

"Knowing that the children playing with them are fine if they drink it, they will naturally instinctively think that they can drink it"

"After coming to this world, they are just a blank piece of paper"

"Their understanding of this world requires the two of us to describe it carefully and carefully."

"We have not taught them this well, which is actually our dereliction of duty."

Turning to look at Su Hang, Lin Jia continued:"You should reprimand them, because they did do something wrong."

"You don't let them play with Xiaojie because you think about them"

"But you were so angry just now that you didn't tell them, why were they wrong? Why can't they play with Xiaojie?"

"Their thinking is very simple now and they will not think deeply, so we need to be more straightforward."

After saying this, Lin Jia said no more, just looked at her softly.

After shaking her little hand hard, Su Hang exhaled:"That's right... I didn't handle this well."

"I will explain it to them in detail in a moment."

"As for now……"

Speaking of this, Su Hang suddenly felt embarrassed.

After coughing lightly, he continued:"Should I apologize to them?"

Nodding, Lin Jia smiled and said,"I should apologize for getting angry at them suddenly."

"As for the things they did wrong, they still need to be punished."

"Yes, I understand."Sighing, Su Hang then smiled bitterly and said:"I will be careful this time."

As he said that, he turned to look at the bedrooms of the little guys.

The anger faded away.

At this moment, he felt more guilt and self-blame.

When he got angry just now, the little guys must have been frightened...

Frowning, Su Hang walked slowly to the bedroom of the little guys.

Just when he was about to knock on the door and go in, he suddenly heard whispers coming from inside.

Sanbao:"Baba is fierce, Xiaoxiao is angry." Got it!"

Wubao:"Don't say Ba Ba is bad, Ba Ba will be sad. Sanbao:"

But smiling is also sad."……"

Dabao:"You did something wrong, so Baba is angry."

Sibao:"Why can't you drink toilet water?"

Sambo:"Baba says it's dirty, and drinking it will cause stomachache."

Erbao:"But we don't have it. I have a stomachache."

Liu Bao:"Bah, the toilet water is bad!"

Dabao:"Well, the toilet water is bad, so you can't drink it!"

Wubao:"Baba, you're right, the toilet water is dirty.

Sanbao:"Then Xiaoxiao said Ba Ba is fierce. Is Ba Ba sad?"……"

Dabao:"Well, I have to apologize."

Sambo:"Well... then... Xiaoxiao, go and apologize now?"

Erbao:"Apologise together!"

Sibao:"Well, apologize together!"

Saying that, several The little guys jumped out of the big bed together.

Their little hands clasped together one after another, they looked at each other anxiously, and then walked slowly to the bedroom door.

Staring at the door in front of them, the little guys felt worried.

"Well, the door is closed and cannot be opened. Liu

Bao looked at the tall door handle and pouted.

San Bao hesitated for a few seconds, looked around, and fixed his eyes on the small bench beside him.

The little guy put the small bench on the door without saying a word. Then he climbed up with all his strength and raised his little hand to hold the door handle.

When the little guys next to him saw Sanbao's move, they panicked for a moment.

Because their parents said, don't do this, it is very dangerous.

Especially After seeing Sanbao's swaying little body, they became even more frightened.

"younger sister……"

Dabao stared at Sanbao closely, watching Sanbao try hard to turn the door handle.

But because of his weak strength, Sanbao's little face turned red and he could only move a little.

Outside the house, Su Hang saw that there was no movement inside and was about to open the door and go in.

At this moment, there was a sudden clicking sound from the door handle.

Guessing that some little guys inside might be opening the door, he quickly opened the door.

As a result, as soon as the door opened, Sanbao's body was shaken and he stepped directly off the small stool.


The fearful shouts instantly echoed throughout the home.

The little guys watched Sanbao fall down and closed their eyes nervously.

Sanbao himself was so scared that he closed his eyes tightly.

Just when she thought her face was going to smash into a pie like her mother said before, something suddenly came close to her.


The little guy felt a pain on the tip of his nose and opened his eyes in panic.

Her big, watery eyes burst into tears when she saw her father, who had fallen to the ground in order to catch him.

"Woo woo woo...bah...sorry!"

"Xiaoxiao will never say Ba Ba is fierce again!"

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