It was understandable that Si Bao was gone. After all, Lin Jia learned last night that he had gone to sleep with Su Cheng, but where were the other little ones?!!

Thinking of this, Lin Jia suddenly panicked. Where would these children run to in the early morning? I heard that there are more human traffickers recently, Dabao and the others will not encounter them...

For a while, Lin Jia imagined countless scenes in her mind. The more she thought about it, the less she dared to think about it, and the more she thought about it, the more terrifying she felt.

"Su Hang! Su Hang! No, Dabao and the others are gone.……"

Immediately afterwards, Lin Jia hurriedly ran back to the room. Su Hang, who had just gotten up, was startled.

But Su Hang was different from Lin Jia. After a brief daze, he calmed down instantly.

"Don't be anxious, tell me slowly, what's going on?"

Su Hang put his arms around Lin Jia's shoulders and asked softly.

Su Hang's voice and strong arms were like a warm harbor, which made Lin Jia feel a little relieved, but she was still worried.

"Just, when I was checking Dabao's room, I found that they were all gone. They couldn't get up so early normally, and I don't know where they went now.……"

Lin Jia stated, but she couldn't hide the anxiety in her words.

"Missing? What about the four treasures? He slept at dad's place last night. Have you seen it?"

Su Hang frowned slightly and quickly grasped the most critical point. The more this time comes, the less panic he can do.

"No! I haven't had time yet! Let’s go and have a look!"

Lin Jia shook her head. After Su Hang's reminder, Lin Jia gradually thought more clearly, and pulled Su Hang towards Su Cheng's room.


Su Hang nodded and followed Lin Jia closely.

Although the house was very big, with Lin Jia and Su Hang running all the way, they quickly arrived outside the courtyard of Su Cheng's room.

"Xiao Zhuo! is that so?"

"grandfather! grandfather! Look at my trick of white crane spreading its wings!"

"I still crow about flying.……"

As soon as they approached the yard, Lin Jia and Su Hang heard Jibao's voice coming from the yard, and they felt relieved.

As long as a few treasures were not lost, that would be fine. At that moment, Lin Jia was almost scared to death!

"dad! What's wrong with you? Why are you still doing Tai Chi?!!"

As soon as he entered the courtyard, Su Hang's heart was relieved, but he immediately became worried again.

Not only were all the treasures in the courtyard, but Su Cheng was also there, which made Su Hang's brows furrowed.

"I used to get up every morning and do Tai Chi. What else could I do without doing Tai Chi?"

Hearing this, Su Cheng not only did not realize the seriousness of the problem, but also asked as he should

"This, can this be the same?!!"

Su Hang was so angry that he vomited blood and was speechless for a moment.

Su Cheng brought Zhongbao here without saying a word in the morning. After he had just escaped from the waist on the first day, he took Zhongbao to do Tai Chi together. It was really... It's a bit nonsense.

It's not that he doesn't let Su Cheng get up and exercise in the morning. Apart from bending his waist, doing Tai Chi in the morning is good for his health.

But the problem now is that he's still not able to move his waist smoothly. It's not right to do Tai Chi so early in the morning. Are you deliberately looking for trouble?

"Xiao Zhuo! What's going on?"

After asking Su Cheng to no avail, Su Hang turned his target to the Four Treasures.

He estimated that Su Cheng should have gotten up on his own to practice Tai Chi in the morning. However, the appearance of the other treasures here was probably due to the Four Treasures. Credit goes

"ah? Grandpa gets up in the morning to exercise. I call my brothers and sisters, and my sisters come over and follow me to exercise!"

Si Bao was stunned, obviously not aware of the seriousness of the problem, and immediately stated.

The result was similar to Su Hang's guess, basically consistent. Now that the"disappearance" of Dabao and the others has been solved, they risked it again. Coming out of such a mess, Su Cheng only felt a little headache

"dad! It's cold in the morning and your waist hasn't healed yet, so you'd better go back and rest quickly!"

Seeing Su Hang coming up to feel deflated, Lin Jia also came up to dissuade him.

After finding the treasures, Lin Jia gradually returned to his former self.

"It's okay! I know my health, it’s feeling better this morning!"

For Lin Jia, the daughter-in-law, Su Cheng was much calmer and waved his hand.

Hearing this, Lin Jia gave Su Hang a helpless gesture, saying that there was nothing she could do.

"Huh? mom! You are here and you don’t advise my dad to go in and rest?"

Just when Su Hang was thinking about persuading Su Cheng into the house, he suddenly found his mother Lin Yueqing sitting in the corner of the yard and quickly asked.

"I wish I could persuade you! It’s not like you don’t know that as soon as I told him, he tried to excuse me by saying that he couldn’t stay for a long time!"

Lin Yueqing was even more of a bachelor, so she directly spread her hands and said

"For people like your dad, when his condition gets worse, he will just stay in bed!"

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yueqing seemed to be venting again, glaring at Su Cheng and adding another sentence

"Alas! I'm not deaf. I'm telling you, old lady, don't be so talkative!"

Su Cheng stopped doing Tai Chi, blowing his beard and glaring in anger.

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