Chapter 910: Books are all lies.

Afterwards, Su Hang took the black man and the treasures to a nearby restaurant for dinner.

As for Lin Jia, it was because she had to check in and board the ship, so she had to queue for a while and a half.

As luck would have it, the restaurant Su Hang and the others went to happened to be the restaurant where the black guy just begged to go to the toilet.

Since the restaurant is not big, it can only be regarded as a small archway. The toilets in such restaurants are basically for private use. When I saw this black guy again, even the shop owner laughed.

Although I was still a little embarrassed, I was here for dinner this time. After all, I had promised Su Hang, so the black guy still had the courage to enjoy the meal.

"What? Are you on this boat too?"

Su Hang was surprised. While the two were eating, Su Hang learned that this black man was actually on the same boat as them. It seemed that he was going to the Garden Country, or was transferring there.

"right! Yes, are we destined to meet again?"

The black guy didn't deny it, he nodded and said

"kid! I need to learn a few more sentences in foreign languages ​​in the future, you know?"

After the meal, the black man touched Si Bao's head and said.

By doing this, he had completely forgiven Liu Bao this time. It seems that Su Hang's invitation to the meal was effective.


Although Si Bao didn't understand what the black guy was saying, he still nodded vigorously,"

Ding dong~ ding dong~"

At this moment, Su Hang's hand rang, it was Lin Jia calling.

"Have you done it? We are ready to start the security check and board the ship. Come here quickly!"

Lin Jia's urging voice came from the other end of the phone. Just before leaving, Su Hang also mentioned the black guys to Lin Jia, so he knew about it.

Later, at Lin Jia's urging, Su Hang also talked to the black guys. They parted ways directly, but in the end they didn't even have time to ask their names.

After Lin Jia took care of all the preparations required for security check and boarding, soon, Su Hang and Lin Jia successfully boarded the ship with the treasures.

However, when they first boarded the ship, Dabao almost fell off the ship because he moved blindly. Thanks to Su Hang's quick eyesight and quick hands, he caught Dabao, otherwise the consequences would have been disastrous.

"Xiaochen! Come and catch me, stop running around!"

Afterwards, Lin Jia yelled to Dabao. She didn't dare to let the treasures run away anymore. She was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat just now!

After boarding the ship, there was no further delay, and the ship set off directly.

Su Hang After setting up their luggage and resting place with Lin Jia, they went to the deck with the treasures.

Although the sea breeze blowing on the ship made people feel very comfortable and comfortable, the treasures were all exhausted at this time. a little disappointed

"Huh? The books are all lies, there are obviously no whales or dolphins!"

Wubao muttered. She had been observing here for most of the day. Not to mention whales and dolphins, she didn't even see a single fish. The other treasures had almost the same idea, but they didn't. I gave up and still stared at the sea carefully. I spent today with the dolphins and whales!

"OK! If you want to encounter whales or dolphins in the sea, it is rare. It is still early to leave the harbor now, so go to eat first, and come back to see dolphins and whales after dinner!"

After dinner time, Su Hang ran out and expressed to the children.

People are iron, rice is steel, and there is always food to eat. Just now when he was having dinner with that black guy, all the treasures were only looking at him. Just kidding, you didn’t even touch a bite of rice!


After hearing Su Hang’s words, the treasures seemed to have remembered that there was such a thing as eating, and their stomachs started to ring.

"bring it on! Eat here. If any of you are hungry in the future, you can order directly here!"

Seeing this, Su Hang also waved directly to the treasures and led them to the dining place.

"Wow! So much seafood!"

"There are also desserts over there, I want to eat that cake!"

"dad! can i have that drink……"

As soon as they entered the dining area in the ship, the eyes of the treasures were attracted by the various dishes here, and their stomachs protested, which made each one even more happy.

"Can! Can! You can order anything except drinks!"

Su Hang smiled and nodded. He is quite generous on this ship. No matter how hard he tries, he can't just make do with it, can he?!!

Moreover, the prices of these dishes on the ship are quite reasonable, so Su Hang Not stingy because of this

"How good! I want this, this, this……"

"Brother! Brother! It's my turn!"

"I haven't ordered it yet……"

The treasures rushed to order, and almost started to fight because of the menu.

Soon, Su Hang discovered the problem, and his brows furrowed slightly.

"With so many dishes ordered, can you guys finish them all?"

In the end, Su Hang couldn't help but asked. In just a short time, the treasures had already ordered more than a dozen dishes.

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