Chapter 962 You have to believe me

"So this is ah! So what does your new home look like?"

"There are so many people in your family. Is the room very big?"

"How did you clean yesterday?……"

As soon as they heard Liu Baobao talk about moving, these curious children became interested instantly, so much so that they forgot about Si Baobao's unprecedented initiative to write exercises.

"The new home is really big. After we cleaned it yesterday, we chose the rooms ourselves. Everyone has a room. Of course, the biggest bedroom is reserved for mom and dad.……"

Liubao was also very happy at this time and kept sharing with the classmates around him what his new home looked like and what happened yesterday.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet for a while, take out your books and get ready for class!"

At this moment, the Chinese teacher, who was also the class teacher of Zhongbao, suddenly walked in from outside the class and said loudly.

Although he was a college student who had just graduated, Lin Ze's class teacher had the imposing manner there. After speaking out, all the other students quietly fell silent.

"It’s over, it’s over! Where is your elder brother? Where did he go this time? He won't be late again, right?"

At the same time, a classmate came over and whispered a reminder. It has been so long that Dabao has not come in to class.

"This seems to be the third time. Big brother is sure to be cool again this time! Sanbao grinned at the side, expressing deep sympathy for the situation that his elder brother will face next.

You know, plus this time, Dabao has been late for the third Chinese class, and he was warned twice by Lin Ze before. Second-rate

"Where is Su Chen? I haven’t coded it yet, where did I go?"

Sure enough, Lin Ze lowered his head and looked at each other. It was enough to tell who was missing in the class without even using the roll call.

"Report! Hu~hu~"

In the next class, Dabao's voice sounded from the door of the classroom. He was breathing heavily as he spoke. It was obvious that he had run all the way back.

"What happened this time? The first time, you overplayed and didn't pay attention to the time. The second time, you ran too fast and fell. But this time, what new reason do you have? Lin

Ze looked at Dabao with a questioning tone.

No teacher would be able to tolerate being late for class again and again, right?

"I'm sorry, teacher, I was wrong. I just had a stomachache and went to the toilet. I didn't expect to be late when I came back.……"

Dabao apologized first, and then explained in a low voice

"Stomach hurts, right? I believe you for the time being, but you have been late to my three classes in a row. I have reason to believe that you did it on purpose!"

Lin Ze said unceremoniously that he didn't believe that Dabao was so lucky that he was late for his class three times.


Hearing this, Dabaozhi lowered his head directly. He also knew that this was too much of a coincidence and could not be explained at all, but it was the fact.

"You go back to your seat first and ask your parents to come to school tomorrow!"

Afterwards, Lin Ze didn't bother to say anything more. If you have any questions, just talk to your parents directly. This is more effective than anything else.

"Finished playing……"

Dabao secretly thought that something was wrong, he would definitely be criticized again when he went back.

In the afternoon, after returning home from school

"Mom, are you free tomorrow?"

Dabao found Lin Jia who was cooking, and then asked cautiously

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

Lin Jia asked Dabao to speak directly, but a bad feeling arose in her heart.

"Our teacher wants you to go to school tomorrow!"

Dabao said tentatively, planning to run away as soon as something happened, and then seek asylum from Su Cheng, Lin Penghuai and others.

"What's going on? Please tell me clearly. Did you stir up trouble in the school again?"

Sure enough, after hearing Dabao's words, Lin Jia couldn't help but feel her heart sink, and quickly asked

"Just, I'm in school today……"

Later, Dabao sorted out the things that happened today and were late for class two days ago, and then told Lin Jia

"Mom, you have to believe me. I don’t know why I bumped into our class teacher’s class. Maybe it’s just my bad luck.……"

Immediately afterwards, Dabaoyou added another sentence, as if he was afraid that Lin Jia would not believe him.

"Okay, mom believes you didn’t do it on purpose, but the reason is still because you have no sense of time, so you still have to let your memory last!"Nu~"

Lin Jia said, first agreeing with Dabao's statement, then pointing out his mistakes, and then nuzzling again.

She herself had no good impression of the class teacher of Zhongbao because of the previous incident, so she Ichiya just looked for Dabao's own problems and planned to expose this matter.


Hearing Lin Jia's words, Dabao understood instantly, nodded, and then walked to the corner, faced the wall, and began to think about it.

The next day, Lin Jia responded to the request of the class teacher of Zhongbao, I went to school and the conversation was nothing more than about how Dabao was late for class.

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