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After staying up all night, Mag rubbed his sour eyes and looked at the various relationship spectrums and social system reasoning on the small blackboard on the side, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Miss Black Cat" is an inspirational story of a typical woman breaking free from social and family shackles and rushing towards freedom.

Men are superior to women, arranged marriages, setbacks in career...

Of course, this kind of story that is not novel on earth is very novel and groundbreaking in Nolan, so the opera and picture book have achieved great success.

In this story, the society described by Vicky not only incorporates some customs and customs of Luodu City, but also has many places that are different from the current world after careful study.

In "Miss Black Cat", you can clearly feel the powerful energy of the family. Although it is blurred into a noble, Mag can see the kind of high-level overlooking from the lines, more like a black hand hidden behind power, such as A chaebol of a kimchi country.

The power and influence of the Vicky family can also be seen from it, and she is indeed a eldest lady.

"This girl has a much simpler mind than Xi, why don't you take the time to go to Luodu again?" Mag rubbed his chin and thought.

Xi has received professional training, and even if she eats food, she can't get much useful information from her mouth.

But Vicky is different. Although this girl is smart, she is not as rigid as Xi.

And there may be another personality in her mind. Although she has not formally contacted it, it may also be a breakthrough.

Military power is not described in "Miss Black Cat", so it is difficult for McGonagall to infer whether the chaebol has control over the military.

"Last night, there must be a lot of people who didn't sleep well, right?" Mag wiped the relationship diagram on the small blackboard and left the study.


"Marshal, the analysis report of the mecha core has come out. The core is not from the military, nor does it belong to the five major companies. The technology is one generation ahead of the core that the military has put into use, and it also belongs to one hundred and thirty-two of the five major companies. The core of the generation is still in the research and development stage, but the current information is limited." A staff member walked into the office and respectfully handed the scroll tablet to Ferdinand sitting behind the desk.

Ferdinand flipped through the information, frowned, and said, "Can't find the source? Can't crack it?"

"The core has a self-destruction setting, but it was violently destroyed by an unknown external force, and the self-destruction mode was activated. After dismantling, the useful information obtained is very little, and it is not enough to crack.

Regarding the source, the technicians are stepping up their investigation. The current inference is that this core technology beyond the five majors is very likely to come from the "undead" organization. In previous operations, similar technical means were discovered. "The staff replied quickly.

"Undead?" Ferdinand's brows furrowed deeper, "These guys again."

"Marshal, the technical department has applied for inspection of other parts of the mecha, and may be able to find more information from other parts." The staff said.

"This matter is too late, let them continue to investigate the core." Ferdinand raised his hand and signaled the staff to leave.

Ferdinand was alone in the office, and a video of the fight began to play on the monitor on the wall.

A man wearing a mask slashed the 100-meter-high mecha in half with one sword, and then stepped on the exploding core of the mecha with both feet and played in a loop.

The video was paused, and he enlarged the metal warehouse that was kicked by the man, and there was a elf in it.

"Is this little guy their target?" Ferdinand mused.

Yesterday, Xi returned the news that the demigod-level mecha appeared in the Nolan continent, and caused the death of the elf queen and the high priest.

This is no small matter.

The dungeon is strictly forbidden to privately cross the two borders, but the prohibition is repeated, and the border enforcement team arrests hundreds of people who cross the border every year.

These border crossings have different strengths, but there are very few tenth-level existences.

The higher the strength, the more aware of the price to be paid for this kind of behavior.

As for the extraordinary, it is no longer within the limits of the limit.

The strength of those who cross the border is limited, and most of them rarely cause trouble after reaching the Nolan continent in order to avoid the pursuit of the law enforcement team.

This incident led to the death of the Elf Queen and the High Priest, a major event that was enough to shake the Nolan Continent.

What caused this was actually a mecha, whose strength far exceeded tenth level and was close to the mecha of the extraordinary.

The tenth-level mecha is still in the stage of small-scale production in the five majors. Now someone has been able to control the extraordinary mecha, killing people and goods across borders, which is completely beyond the control of the military.

However, the mecha failed to escape completely, but was destroyed by this young human named 'Mag Alex'.

While amazed at the strength of this young man, Ferdinand's appreciation for him also increased a bit.

This is not the first time he has paid attention to this man. This young man, known as the strongest man in Nolan Continent, once led Nolan Continent's siege against the old rulers and successfully sealed Cthulhu.

Xi had contact with him, and he once saved Vicky's life, speaking of which, he owed him a favor.

He should be one of the few people in Nolan Continent who knows the existence of the dungeon, and he detained the mecha and made his own request.

"Interesting, it seems that I should also take the time to go to Nolan Continent." Ferdinand closed the video, stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the busy base outside, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth: "Those who are immortal, think again Did you break the rules? But this time, an interesting little guy appeared."


"This stupid human made me lose a super mecha, damn it!"

In an ancient dim hall, a low and hoarse voice echoed in the empty hall.

At the end of the hall stood a huge black stone pillar. The ancient inscriptions were covered with the stone pillar. On the top of the stone pillar stood a black and golden spear. The spear was nailed to the stone pillar and penetrated A chaotic ineffable.

The stone pillars and spears seem to have existed for endless years, but the indescribable half of the chaos is squirming irregularly as if it is still breathing.

Below the stone pillar, there is a black stone chair, shrouded in the shadow cast by the stone pillar, and a squat and thin figure sits in the darkness.

Below, there are also four men in black robes, wearing uniform faceless masks and standing with their heads bowed.

"Kill him and snatch the baby back." A voice came from the darkness again.


One of them came out of the queue silently, and then disappeared in the hall in an instant.

"Palace Master, the military is closely investigating the origin of the mecha, do you need to use force to suppress this matter?" a faceless man whispered.

"No need, since Ferdinand already knows about this, he can't hold back. Let him check it out. I want to see what he can find out."

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