Dad’s Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 856: Decision maker

Undoubtedly, Xiao Yan was undoubtedly stunned after knowing the true situation.

This is simply too exploding.

When I was in the chat group before, Xiao Yan still felt that everyone was the protagonist.

Like Conan and Inuyasha who joined in later, everyone found after chatting in the group that everyone was the protagonist of different planes.

There are some who do not know that they are the protagonist.

But this vast real world is too indescribable.

Every resident here, even Xiao Yan himself, knew that he was the protagonist.

However, when countless different protagonists, all gathered in one world, the situation is difficult to explain.

Xiao Yan calmed himself down and analyzed it carefully.

At present, there are only three kinds of people in this world. One exists because of special circumstances or who want to be the protagonist of evil because of their large numbers. They have also formed an extremely powerful force in a corner of this world.

Of course, the more people are peaceful people like Xiao Yan.

The other is the decision maker who licks blood at the edge of the knife.

Unlike the evil protagonist, such as the evil old woman who was just wiped out by Xiao Yan, she has collected 54 points.

She inherited some of these points.

This depends on the evil value. If Xiao Yan lived in this real world for a period of time, then he would be able to accumulate some points more or less. If there are 10 points, it is finally killed.

Then the old woman might inherit 5 points from Xiao Yan.

This is the welfare of the evil protagonist, and it is also the reason why more and more protagonists who come across are eager for success, and then take risks.

Being a bad guy is always able to hunt more.

The decision-makers of the righteous are different, just like Xiao Yan's behavior just now, beheading the evil protagonist who killed people, but because of the incarnation of justice, those points will automatically disappear and become the nourishment of this huge world.

And Xiao Yan can only get one point from the old woman, so there will only be one point on his chat group page.

If you don’t be a bad guy or a judge in this real world, in fact, it’s good to be an ordinary person. In a huge city or country composed of peaceful people, you can have unlimited lives if you follow the law and obey the law. , And can live a good life.

This is also the life that Xiao Yan yearns for, in fact, he is not a person with a heart to kill.

But the chat group spirit did not intend to make Xiao Yan so at ease.

She immediately gave a prompt: [Mission 2, upgrade the points to 10, then will use special methods to let the contractor return to the world where he is. 】

Xiao Yan knew that the Marvel chat group would definitely not let him relax, but he asked curiously, "Are the other protagonists who have traveled the same way?"

The chat group wizard shook his head and said: [No, only you are the most special. The other protagonists are all systems, and yours is a chat group, come on. 】

[There is only one life, do not die easily. 】

Of course, the underlying consciousness of the chat group means that if Xiao Yan dies, it will go to contract the next one, and then re-test from the lower planes.

It's really cruel, no matter it is the low-level or the current intermediate, it is inseparable from the fate of being slaughtered.

There is no way, now that I am here.

Since the beginning of the tester, used to test the stability of the lower planes.

Now upgraded to one of the many protagonists, this place is full of danger and killing. One bad thing is the end of death.

This made Xiao Yan more cautious, even ready to take out the Infinite Gloves at any time.

And the 1 point on his chat group is not useless. It is like a gem on the infinite glove. When 1 point of power is put into Xiao Yan's weapon, he can gain even greater power.

In other words, if the old lady also had a heavenly guardian baby like Infinite Gloves, plus her 54 points bonus, Xiao Yan would not be an opponent at all.

Fortunately, the other protagonists are all systems, and only his is the chat group.

At this time, a group of men dressed in white flew up in the sky. Some of them looked like aliens, not humans. It can be seen that the protagonists from different worlds also have different systems.

They took out something like a radar, and after checking the surrounding situation, they immediately asked in surprise: "There is a level 54 monster here?"

Then it was detected that Xiao Yan's body was only Level 1, and he was obviously a rookie.

They professed: "We are the decision maker. You should be the protagonist of the new plane, right? This is a manual for this world. Take a look."

That radar is very advanced and can detect whether the protagonist is evil.

As a decision-maker, you can't kill people casually, you must kill the evil, or you will lose your precious identity as a decision-maker.

So they saw that Xiao Yan was a peacemaker, but they didn't show hostility.

"Rookie, what's your name?"

Xiao Yan said, "My name is Xiao Yan."

"What happened here just now?"

They didn't believe that Xiao Yan killed the 54-level evil protagonist. They believed that a higher-level decision maker appeared. After the beheading, the newcomer left behind.

Xiao Yan felt that the world was full of dangers, and he would definitely have a super terrifying existence. Even if he had reincarnation eyes and infinite gloves, he still had to be more cautious.

After his points increase, he will add the power of the points to the weapon, and it will not be too late for him to be bullish at that time.

Therefore, Xiao Yan chose to hide his identity and said, "Well, yes, a 75-level decision maker just appeared. After beheading the devil who was going to devour me, he left."

"Level 75, a very strong decision maker, who is it?"

These decision-makers talked a lot.

Only then did Xiao Yan discover that among this group of people, the strongest was only level 65, and the rest were more than 20 levels.

In fact, they are too difficult to level up. They only increase 1 point by killing an evil protagonist. Level 65 is already killing 65 evil protagonists, which is very powerful.

It’s just that I didn’t expect that with such a powerful existence, Xiao Yan would take out Inuyasha’s broken teeth with a single knife...

He even wondered whether was he a little too cautious?

Maybe he is really strong?

However, if it is dead here, it is really dead.

There is only one life, and Xiao Yan still feels that there is nothing wrong with being careful.

"Since you are a newcomer, follow us to our city."

It turns out that decision-makers can also take newcomers to their city. Each head has 0.1 points. Although it is relatively small, it is also a way to improve strength.

Xiao Yanchu came to drive, and he checked the manual in his hand. In fact, it was the same in any world, only for his own benefit.

The horror of this world is estimated to be the size of 10 universes.

However, in the handbook given to Xiao Yan by these decision-makers, they only introduced a few cities around them, and they obviously beautify their own cities, hoping that Xiao Yan would join them and become people in their cities.

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