There is no doubt that this young man belongs to the kind of master who is absolutely not short of money.

In his mind, if there is a way to quickly improve his physical fitness, then, let alone a mere 100,000, even hundreds of millions, he will pay willingly, and he can't wait to pay every moment !

Therefore, when he learned that the fee for using the technology was "only" 100,000, he was instantly overjoyed, and his heart was in full bloom!

Of course, the young man's reaction was completely within Zhang Song's expectations.

Back then, Zhang Song was like this young man when he first experienced the power of technology in the Sunshine Budokan...

In short, Zhang Song has a very thorough insight into the psychology of the young man in front of him at this moment.

In a way, he was almost looking at a shadow of his own past!

"These young people... have never seen anything good before!"

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Zhang Song couldn't help muttering in his heart: "A defective booster ray device is so excited!"

"Wouldn't it be crazy if you saw the teacher's violent enhancement instrument power?"


After muttering for a long time, Zhang Song continued to hold his hands behind his back, and said leisurely: "My Dagan online banking account is... After you pay the fee, go to the Wude Hall outside and find a teacher to apprentice yourself."

Hearing this, the young man quit immediately, and hurriedly said: "Vice-Master Zhang, it only took me a minute!"

"I, I, I, I want to continue using it!"

"Well, I'll pay double the price, I just ask Deputy Curator Zhang to let me use it a few more times!"



Patting the young man on the shoulder, Zhang Song, who knew his inner thoughts well, said in a slow voice, "You must remember the rules of our Sunny Martial Arts Center, right?"

"Each technological item can only be used once per day per person at most."

"So, if you still want to use it again, and want to experience the magic of other technological objects, then come to queue early tomorrow!"


As soon as these words came out, the young man's mood was a little depressed for an instant, and then he looked at Zhang Song eagerly.

That expression was like saying: Deputy curator Zhang, please let me use it one more time! I am willing to pay ten times the price!

Zhang Song, who had expected this for a long time, smiled lightly, and then said: "Young man, don't think too much! The rules of our Sunshine Budokan cannot be broken. After paying, come to line up early tomorrow!"

"Yes, Lord Vice-Master!"

Finally, the young man asked helplessly.

While transferring the money, the young man secretly warned himself in his heart: "No matter what happens tomorrow, you must come to the ranking early, and strive to be able to use the technology again!"

"Deputy Head Zhang, I'm the first to sign up, let me use it first?"

"No, no, no! Let me go first, deputy curator Zhang!"

"Please let me experience it first, deputy curator Zhang, I am willing to pay another 1 million!"


At the same time, other new students flocked towards Zhang Song one after another, talking non-stop, trying their best to fight for the right to experience.

It has to be said that after witnessing the strength of the young people with their own eyes, after a 5kg increase in a short period of time, each of these new students has fallen into a state of complete excitement!

Everyone is extremely eager to experience these technological objects in the hall like young people, so as to improve their physical fitness quickly.

For this reason, even if they pay several times more money, they don't care!

"Next, you!"



That's it, about an hour later.

The first batch of new students who signed up have already walked out of the gate of the Yanjing branch of the Qingtian Martial Arts Museum.

I saw that the faces of each of them were filled with unspeakable excitement at this moment.

Countless martial arts enthusiasts who had been watching this scene were all amazed.

Huh? It seems that they are very excited?

Could it be that,

What kind of great masters are there in the branch of the Sunny Martial Arts Hall?

As soon as I thought of this, there were many gossipers in the crowd who gathered towards the first batch of new students, asking all kinds of questions.

"Mr. Bao, can you tell me what you have experienced in the museum just now?"

"President Li, let me tell you about 'lu' and 'lu'... What's so special about this branch of the Sunshine Martial Arts Academy? It dares to charge 100,000 yuan for an apprenticeship fee, and it's called a special price!"

"Mr. Zhang, look at your slick face. Could it be that you have greatly improved your strength under the guidance of a famous teacher?"


Faced with all kinds of problems, the first batch of new trainees were all excited, sharing what they had seen and heard and all their personal experiences one by one. out.

Therefore, in the branch of the Qingtian Budokan, there is a magical technology that can quickly improve the physical fitness, and it spreads like crazy at the fastest speed.

The registration frenzy is coming!

Those martial arts enthusiasts who were still on the sidelines, without any hesitation, chose to register as soon as possible, for fear that if they were half a step too late, the number of students in the branch library would be used up.

200 people, 500 people, 1000 people...

The number of student applicants in the branch library is constantly increasing at a terrifying rate.

Ye Lingwei and several other staff were so busy that they couldn't even collect the money!

"Master Ye, I am willing to pay 2 million! Let me sign up first!"

"No! I have to notify my brothers immediately. If they come one step later, they may not be able to report!"

"Old Fang, you are at the airport, ready to go to Mei Country? Hurry up, hurry up and take a taxi back, don't go to Mei Country, come to the branch of Qingtian Budokan to register, the on-site registration fee is a special price, only 1 million!"


The entire square in front of the Yanjing branch was completely in a state of boiling. Everyone was eager to sign up as soon as possible and enter the museum as soon as possible to experience those magical technological objects.

As for the small group of people who were particularly disdainful of the high apprenticeship fees charged by the Qingtian Budokan, they were all speechless at this moment, and could not utter a word.

What no one knew was that among the first batch of applicants, there was a high-ranking martial artist man from the star Qi Yu.

At this moment, the high-ranking martial artist man had already left the square, came to a secluded communication room alone, and dialed a person's phone.

The contact person displayed on the screen of his mobile phone is Mr. Tsukasa!

"Mr. Zhong, I have shocking news to report!" The high-ranking martial artist man said excitedly just after the call was connected.

"Shocking news? What shocking news?" Mr. Zhong asked in a deep voice.

"That Chen Xuan's Sunny Martial Arts Gym has opened a branch in Yanjing!" the high-ranking martial artist said solemnly.

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