Dafeng’s Night Squad

Vol 4 Chapter 62: Important

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Distorted and incomplete lines that symbolize spiritual accumulation... After seeing the appearance of Xiaolong's human body, the three extraordinary powerhouses at the bow and stern were stunned, and it was difficult to conceal their astonishment.

If the dragon’s mutation is an accident, it’s an "extreme encounter in the ocean, then the similar changes in the Xiaolongren will break the fluke of Xu Qi'an, Nine-Tailed Fox, and Pearl. They realize that the situation is not very good, and something big may happen." Up.

The nine-tailed celestial fox rolled the little dragon man to the front, squinting his beautiful eyes to look at the dazzling lines.

"Xu Ningyan!"

Her voice was soft and solemn.

Xu Qi'an naturally understood her meaning, raised his drooping hand, and a "black snake" with a thick thumb appeared from his sleeve.

Hei Sheyao flew towards the Silver-haired Demon Fairy, and in the process swelled into a six-foot-long black-scaled dragon, as thick as a water tank. Two-thirds of its body was lying on the boat, and one-third of its body was dragged in the sea.

The nine-tailed fox took a deep breath, resisting the dizziness, and stared at the lines on their bodies. .

After the comparison, she found that the lines of the two are equally disordered, distorted, and of the same nature, but the spiritual connotations symbolized by the lines are different.

"The lines on his chest are of earthy nature, the legs are the spiritual accumulation representing power, and the tail seems to be...space?"

Relying on the rich knowledge of gods and demons, the silver-haired enchantress interprets the power symbolized by the lines one by one.

"It's not the same as the one on Jiaolong, but the nature of the distortion is the same. They may have encountered an abnormal change in the same place."

Xu Qi'an combined the clues and reasoned out the results.

Then, he looked around at the Queen of the Shark and the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, and said with a smile:

"It seems that an extraordinary place has indeed appeared overseas."

Before Xu Qi'an asked, where can the descendants of the gods and demons get spiritual accumulation that does not belong to their own blood, the answer of the Nine-Tailed Heavenly Fox and the Queen of Sharks is—unheard of, it does not exist.

"And it appeared recently."

The silver-haired enchantress still couldn't accept that the spiritual accumulation could be condensed, but the facts were before her eyes.

"Not a good thing."

Pearl shook her head, her delicate brow furrowed, and her thoughts passed into Xu Qi'an's mind:

"It doesn't matter whether Mo Yu or the patrol guard is crazy, it can be seen that there is a price to pay."

Mo Yu was the dragon that was made into a puppet by Xu Qi'an.

The look of her frowning, especially weak, can always make men unable to help but feel affectionate.

Sure enough, after the face value reaches a certain level, the real winner is the figure and temperament, except for the flower god...Xu Qi'an sighed in his heart and immediately turned his thoughts back to business.

"How long have you not been to Arzu Islands?" He looked at Pearl.

The shark queen slightly tilted her head and said unsurely:

"There are probably three or four cold and heat."

The time concept of the descendants of gods and demons is not as strong as the human race, and Pearl will not deliberately remember time.

"Moyu's territory is in the West Sea, far away from the Arzu Islands. If this situation has occurred recently, theoretically, it is impossible for Moyu to be the same as the patrol guards of the Arzu Islands and undergo an abnormal change at the same time."

Xu Qi'an analyzes.

Pearl said softly:

"The leader of the Arzu Islands is a descendant of the'dragon', and Mo Yu is also a descendant of the dragon. There should be a connection between them."

This is connected. Moyu and the ruler of the Azul Islands went on an expedition together, but they encountered an accident and were infected with the chaotic and distorted spirits of the gods and demons—the lines are the external symbols of the spirits. .

It is reasonable and normal for the "Island Owner" to go on an expedition and bring a guard, so it can explain why the little dragon is the same as the third-grade flood dragon, with the same abnormal changes.

The silver-haired enchantress thought of the corpse of the little dragon man she met first, and said in deep thought:

"So, that guy is as insane as Mo Yu. After returning to the Arzu Islands, he slaughtered the creatures on the island indiscriminately?"

"That guy" refers to the island owner.

Xu Qi'an took the Jiaolong back and said:

"Go to Arzu Islands immediately to check the situation."

The mackerel queen and the silver-haired enchantress looked eager to try.

It is related to the spiritual inheritance of gods and demons and is closely related to them.

Xu Qi'an smelled a breath of "big events". The power of gods and demons was also called Lingyun, which was born in the blood.

There was Moyu Jiaolong in the front and Xiaolongren in the back, both of which were contaminated with spiritual accumulation that did not belong to them.

This matter is by no means unusual.


In the dark and boundless ocean, several silhouettes are holding steel forks, swinging their slender tails, and swimming swiftly in the deep sea.

Their limbs are like oars, and their tails and spine form a curved "line", splitting the sea water, accompanied by dense bubbles while swimming.

In addition to the body structure suitable for swimming in the water, they are also born with the ability to control water, as small as the use of water currents to increase their speed, and as large as setting off a violent tsunami to inundate the enemy.

"Jiao" is the captain of the Dragon Guards. He is commanding twelve dragon tribe warriors. As he swims, he says:

"Attention, according to the information provided by the Luan Clan, that fallen man was nearby, and one of our brothers died tragically at the hands of the fallen man. The fallen man has a short-term teleport ability, so beware of his sneak attacks."

Through the medium of sea water, his voice was clearly transmitted to the ears of the twelve dragon tribe warriors behind him.

Let the sound spread smoothly in the sea without distortion, which is also a kind of dragon man's ability to control water.

Hearing the words, the twelve dragon men couldn't help but clenched the steel forks in their hands.

They were dispatched this time to hunt a fallen man of the same race, who was slaughtered in the Arzu Islands, and the creatures on the troubled island were panicked.

And there are many fallen people like him.

In order to eliminate these fallen people, the six tribes suffered heavy casualties.

"Jiao" is a burly and strong body, a lap larger than the subordinates behind him, but even he is not confident that he can evade the attacks of the fallen.

"Brothers, we are the descendants of the ‘dragon’, the brave warriors of the tribe. It is our mission to protect the Arzu Islands and our homeland. It is the mission that our ancestors have passed on from generation to generation.

"Our ancestors guarded the islands, and then we have a home for us to inhabit and multiply. Today, we should also protect our homes for future generations."

"Jiao"'s dragon face showed a look of death.

The descendants of the gods and demons of the Arzu Islands are different from those in other places. They worship not only the strong, but also the noble ones.

Therefore, every captain is not only the strongest person in the team, but also the purest person.

When civilization develops to a certain level, individuals will change from obedience to power to obedience to character.

This is why it is said that convincing people with strength is temporary, and convincing people with morals can last long.

The descendants of the gods and demons of the Arzu Islands have developed a "ethical outlook."

After patrolling intensively for a long time, this team never encountered the fallen.

Have you left this sea area? While "Jiao" guessed, he breathed a sigh of relief.

It is naturally best to avoid encountering the fallen.

At this moment, a dragonman behind him shouted:

"Captain, look at the top."

"Jiao" trembled in his heart and was taken aback. It was too late to reprimand his subordinates. Following his gestures, he looked up, the sun pierced into the sea, the waves swayed, and a shadow on the sea sailed quickly.


Dragon people are no strangers to ships, because some weak and different descendants of gods and demons will also build ships to cross the sea.

For example, among the six tribes of the Arzu Archipelago, the descendants of the king of the earth, "Pimu", the ordinary people of this tribe hardly go to sea, unless they have a large enough vehicle, they will drown in the sea.

"Go up and have a look!"

As the captain, the "Jiao" took the lead to float up, and the twelve Longwei behind him followed closely.

Need to rely on boats to cross the sea, which means that they are not good at water, and dragon people have a natural advantage, so they have a lot of confidence.

Besides, it just happens to be able to ask the crosser about the situation.

In the sound of "crash", the waves broke through the water one after another, and the captain of the "reef" and the twelve dragon patrol guards stood on the surface of the sea, like walking on the ground, scrutinizing the characters on the ship.

The first thing they noticed was the seductive vixen and the pure and feminine shark queen, but before they had time to appreciate the beauty of the two females, their attention was forcibly attracted by the male on the bow.

What kind of male is this...The dragon people looked at Xu Qi'an curiously and surprised.

The Arzu Islands are tens of thousands of miles away from the mainland of Kyushu, and the human races rarely come here, and the descendants of the gods and demons on the island will not travel far to the Kyushu mainland.

Therefore they have never seen the appearance of the human race.

The male creature on the bow of the boat is different from the male in their impression. The overall body is more coordinated and better-looking, but it is also more "soft" because he does not have scales, exaggerated muscles, or sharp parts that symbolize defense.

When the dragon people looked at the three of them, Xu Qi'an was also looking at the dragon people.

There is no bloodthirsty madness, and a sound mind..........The situation in the Arzu Islands is different from what I expected? Xu Qi'an groaned and stroked his chin.

In his guess, the Arzu Islands should be plunged into dire straits.

Even the island has been destroyed.

At this time, the dragons finally noticed the dragon corpse on the deck.

The fallen...their pupils shrank fiercely like a snake, and their breathing became a little quicker.

The dragon people easily infer what happened. The bloodthirsty and crazy fallen man met the ship. Under the trend of killing instinct, he shot the three on the ship and was killed.

It's no wonder that he didn't meet the fallen, who had been hunted down by the three strong men on the ship.

Pearl moved closer to the ship's gunwale, glanced at the dragons, and said in a gentle voice:

"I am the queen of the shark tribe."

Queen of the Shark Race? !

The thirteen dragons looked at each other. With their status and status, they were not qualified to see the Queen of the Dragon.

Therefore, their identities are uncertain.

Pearl turned to look at Xu Qi'an, and transmitted with thoughts:

"They don't know me."

Being too high is sometimes bad... Xu Qi'an shook his sleeves and slid out a little black snake.

The little black snake was swimming in the air. With a roar, the body swelled and turned into a dragon with a body length of tens of feet.

The extraordinary breath instantly filled this sea area, and the pressure from the higher creatures made the thirteen dragons tremble all over, and the lines all over the dragon's body were covered by Xu Qi'an with Qi, and the dragons could not see it.

Otherwise, they will faint on the spot, and if it is serious, they will be confused directly.

"Mo, Master Mo Yu..."

"Reef" crawls motionless on the surface of the sea~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but seems to recognize the Jiaolong.

Why would Master Mo Yu be with them?

Didn't he die in the expedition?

"Reef" had many thoughts in his mind, and all kinds of speculations flashed through.

He has no doubt about the identity of the Queen of the Shark, only the extraordinary can be associated with the extraordinary.

Seeing the tall and burly dragon man posing in a posture of surrender, Pearl asked softly:

"This dragon man on the deck is your tribe?"

"Jiao" still kept its prostrate posture, "Yes, Queen!"

Pearl frowned and asked the key question:

"Why did he become like this."

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