Dafeng’s Night Squad

Vol 4 Chapter 94: Conquer 3 countries

As soon as she asked this sentence, she got the answer herself, and a name appeared in her mind—Xu Qi'an!

Looking at Kyushu, there is only the newly promoted first-class martial artist who has hatred with the witch **** sect and has grown to a level that the witch **** can't suppress it.

Dongfang Wanrong had seen Xu Qi'an come here with his own eyes.

"But the last time I saw him come to collect debts, he was blocked by the Great Wizard." Dongfang Wanrong expressed her doubts.

The great wizard can still stop it, not to mention that the wizard **** has further broken away from the seal, and the power that can be involved now is far from what it was when it was initially broken away from the seal.

There are witch gods and great wizards in Jingshan City, even if Xu Qi'an is a first-rank martial artist, the great wizard should not be so jealous.

"Furthermore, I heard from the elder of the Wuda Pagoda a while ago that Wufu has already gone to sea." Someone said.

This ruled out the possibility that the enemy was Xu Qi'an.

Yes, it's nothing more than a first-class martial artist. To them, it is indeed superior, but for the wizard **** and the great wizard, it may not be as strong.

If the enemy is Xu Qi'an, it shouldn't be such a movement.

"Could it be... Buddha?"

A wizard made a bold guess.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw his hooded head twisted around, looking at him with straight eyes.

The expressions of my fellow students are probably "Don't talk nonsense", "It makes sense", "Crow's mouth", "Are you crazy" and so on.

"But if it weren't for the Buddha, who could make the witch **** and great wizard so jealous." Dongfang Wanrong said softly.

A few months ago, Dafeng's battle against Alan Tuo between the supernatural powers and Buddhism had long been passed back to the witch **** cult.

It is said that the Buddha broke the seal earlier than the witch god.

Although the monks of the wizarding system are unwilling to admit it, it seems that the Buddha is better than the wizard god.

No one spoke for a while, and the faces of the wizards around were not very good.

After a while, a wizard whispered to himself:

"The great wizard summoned me to wait in Jingshan City to help the wizard **** resist the Buddha?"

In this case, there will be heavy casualties. .

When the wizards had many thoughts, or they were startled or afraid, they sat cross-legged on the altar, and the great wizard Sarun Agu, beside the statue of the wizard god, suddenly stood up.

The rain master Nalan Tianlu beside him, the two spiritual wisdom masters Ilbu and Uda pagodas, then stood up and stood side by side with the great wizard. The four transcendents of the witch gods looked toward the south at the same time, behind the wizards.

"It's very lively."

A clear voice sounded, echoing in the dark night.

The expressions of sisters Dongfang Wanrong and Dongfang Wanqing changed. The voices were so familiar that they heard them more than once.

The wizards suddenly looked back and saw a young man in an indigo robe stepping into the sky under the silver full moon.

Xu Qi'an!

It's really him.... Dongfang Wanrong's expression is slightly sluggish, never expected that the person who made the great wizard so jealous and so inspiring was really Xu Qi'an?

She looked at her sister again and found that her expression was similar to her own, she was shocked and dazed.

Xu Qi'an? ! Thousands of wizards turned their heads together, looked at the sky behind them, and saw the tall young man.

Now in Kyushu, who doesn't know this legendary taker?

However, it was actually him who made the witch **** and the great wizard so jealous, and he did not hesitate to summon all the wizards to gather together in Jingshan City. It was Xu Qi'an.

Is he worthy?

A first-class martial artist, can we force the shamanism to this level?

The wizards did not accept this fact. They looked around, looking for other enemies that might exist, and listened silently with their ears pricked up to see what the great wizard and legendary Wufu would say.

"Saron Agu, since I killed Joan of Arc, you have been targeting me everywhere. Yesterday I fought against the Buddha at the border of Leizhou, and your witch gods are still contributing to the flames. Ever thought that there will be today's liquidation!"

Xu Qi'an's voice was clear and calm, resounding in the ears of every wizard.

Thousands of wizards heard it clearly, they first confirmed one thing, Xu Qi'an really came to retaliate, because the great wizard had repeatedly offended him before.

But the following words, the wizards would not understand.

What did he say, fighting against the Buddha at the border of Leizhou? Xu Qi'an and Buddha fought on the border of Leizhou? Isn't he a first-grade martial artist? When did the first-grade fight the super-grade... The wizards' minds were full of questions.

Although the first-rank strong is an unattainable existence in the eyes of ordinary monks, the super-rank is the **** in people's eyes.

Anyone with a bit of knowledge and experience knows that there is an insurmountable gap.


The night sky was densely covered with dark clouds, covering the full moon.

I saw the great wizard standing on the edge of the altar, spreading his arms, communicating the power of this world.

The thick thunder pillars of the water tank came, and the Wufu who split into the air, the whole world repelled him, resisted him, and wanted to kill and surrender him.

The wizards shivered under this mighty power, but they had a little more confidence and confidence in their hearts.

This is their great wizard.

The sky and the earth instantly showed a blazing white color, and the thunder column twisted and danced wildly.

Facing the majestic punishment from the heavens, Xu Qi'an raised his hand and grabbed it lightly. In a short time, the sky and the earth returned to darkness, and the clouds disappeared.

In the palm of Xu Qi'an's palm, there was a thunderball with an external arc beating, and its core was blazing white.

"Saron Agu, who you are now, is a bit too close!"

He squeezed the thunderball with his palm. Then, his back was tight and his right arm was pulled back, his skin lit up with complex and profound lines that made people dizzy.

The space around his fist quickly distorted, as if he could not bear the pressure and was about to shatter.

Xu Qi'an punched out in the air, and his fist made a harsh sonic boom.

Takeo's attack was unpretentious.

But the wizard below saw with his own eyes that the space in front of the great wizard was shattered like a mirror, and a muffled sound came from the void.

As we all know, the first-rank wizard can use the power of heaven and earth to fend off the enemy, and is inherently invincible.

Unless a master of the same level refines this world, it is difficult to hurt the great wizard.

Salun Agu used this trick to deal with Supervisor, and against Wei Yuan in peak state, and never missed it.


But this time, the ability of the first grade of the wizard system seemed to be ineffective, and Sarun Agu vomited blood mist, his body arched, and his legs slipped back against the ground.

The red blood hung sticky on the thick beard.

The great wizard's face quickly became decadent, and his eyes were bloodshot, like an old man who had run out of oil.

Sarun Agu sat cross-legged, bursts of blood all over his body, quickly removed the Qi machine that had invaded his body, and repaired his injuries.

He didn't try to fight back with a curse, because it was destined to not hurt the half-step Valkyrie.

There was an uproar.

The wizards below witnessed this scene with their own eyes, but no one could believe it.

One punch, just one punch severely wounded the first-class wizard.

Is this what Yipin Wufu can do?

Through this, they thought of what Xu Qi'an said just now—I and the Buddha were fighting on the border of Leizhou.

They suddenly understood and understood why the great wizard was so jealous. The martial artist in front of them had a strong cultivation base beyond their imagination.

This is just a few months...

A legend like this, since he chose to be the enemy, he should have been desperate to obliterate it, or it would be backlashed sooner or later, no, now it has been backlashed.........

What realm is he now...

All kinds of thoughts surged in the wizards' hearts.

The Dongfang sisters stared at each other in amazement, seeing the fear and shock in each other's eyes. At the same time, Dongfang Wanrong was trembling slightly when she saw the shaman **** beside her.

After Xu Qi'an severely wounded the great wizard with a punch, he did not immediately make a move and said loudly:

"Sorcerer God!

"Believe it or not, Lao Tzu killed all your disciples and grandchildren with one punch!"

When the words fell, the sculpture with the crown of thorns buzzed, and a thick oil-like black mist spurted out, suddenly unfolding in the sky, forming a curtain covering the full moon.

Behind the curtain opened a pair of indifferent eyes looking at the whole world.

Xu Qi'an didn't try to kill the thousands of wizards below, because he knew that this was destined to be impossible. When he stepped into the boundary of Jingshan City, the world and the wizard **** merged into one.

It is extremely difficult to kill people under the watchful eyes of the wizard god.

The punch that severely injured Salun Agu just now worked, I guess it was the shaman who was evaluating his combat power.

"Sorcerer God is on!"

Thousands of wizards bowed down and bowed.

A strong sense of security surged in their hearts again, and they no longer feared the coercion of the half-step Valkyrie.

"Change me to test you!"

The vulgar Wufu had no awe of the existence of super products. The complex and profound lines crawled all over his body again, his skin turned blood red, and his pores sprayed with blood mist. In an instant, he seemed to have become a symbol of strength.

The space around him was violently distorted, as if he could not bear his power.

Enveloping the sky, nine figures emerged from a curtain thick as oil. Their faces were blurred, each of them was filled with terrifying mighty force, and the majestic aura was overwhelming.

Nine first-class martial arts.

This is the first-grade martial artist that the wizard **** has killed and targeted in the endless years.

At this time, it was summoned through the fifth-rank "Blessing Sacrifice" ability.

In theory, the witch **** can also summon the first generation Jianzheng and Confucian sage, these two also have a deep relationship with him, but the existence of the first generation Jianzheng has been fundamentally erased by the contemporary Jianzheng.

If you summon the Confucian Sage, the Confucian Sage might attack the "Summoner".

Xu Qi'an stretched out his right arm and shook his palm towards the heroic soul of nine first-class martial artists.

Bang bang bang...

The nine first-class martial arts were exploded one after another, restored to a pure black mist, and returned to the curtain that obscured the sky and the sun.

The Wufu heroic spirit summoned by the wizard only possesses the strength and defense of the original owner, as well as the abilities under the extraordinary realm.

It does not have the tenacity of an immortal body, and the intention of being in harmony with the Tao.

And if it was just a competition of strength, Xu Qi'an, who had devoured the spirit of the gods and demons, could fight ten first-class martial arts.

You must know that even in the half-step martial arts realm, Xu Qi'an is also a leader, at least the power of the gods is not as good as him.

The next moment, Xu Qi'an heard a loud "dang" noise from his chest, like a collision between gold and stone.

He sank in his chest.

With the help of the "falling" of the nine great heroes, the witch **** attacked him with a curse.

It can transform the body of a half-step Martial God, this force is enough to severely damage any grade.

It is indeed a super grade, any spell can cause a grade other than Wufu to temporarily lose its combat power..........Xu Qi'an has a preliminary judgment on the power of the wizard god.

It is not much different from the Buddha who rescued the gods at the beginning, but not as much as this moment, it has turned into a whole piece of the Buddha of the Western Regions.


He snapped his fingers.

The next moment, the viscous curtain covering the sky trembles violently and boils as if it has been hit hard.

Jade broken!

He returned 100% of the injuries that the Sorcerer had imposed on him.

The witch **** did not continue to cast the spell killing technique, because he would be returned by "Jade Broken" again, and then he would cast the spell killing technique again, and so on, the descendants and grandchildren were infinitely lacking, which made no sense.

The oily curtain slowly sank, enveloping thousands of wizards around the altar.

The great wizard stood up and said slowly:

"Xu Qi'an, can't stop the Great Tribulation. The day when the Wizard God breaks the seal is when the Great Tribulation comes.

"You can convert to the wizard system, so that you can protect the people around you, and work with the wizard **** to fight the other four super products."

Xu Qi'an said lightly:

"get out!

"I have taken over the Three Kingdoms of Yan Kangjing. This is the price you must pay for the witch gods."

The curtain slowly shrank and returned to the sculpture with the crown of thorns on its head.

Thousands of wizards, including Salun Agu, Nalan Tianlu, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, and two spiritual wisdom masters, all integrated into the body of the wizard god.

This is the blessing of the witch gods to protect them from being liquidated by the half-step martial gods.

But within the Three Kingdoms, including Jingshan City, which is within easy reach, there are not only wizards, but more ordinary people and ordinary martial arts.

These people cannot be blessed by the shaman.

The Sorcerer Sect is to give up the huge northeast. This is what Xu Qi'an said, the price must be paid.

Of course, for the wizard god, the luck has been condensed and stored in the jade seal. The site is not important in a short time.

When he breaks through the barrier, he will be able to contain the luck and swallow the territory of the Three Kingdoms.

"Without the Sorcerer Sect, the Three Kingdoms of Yan Kangjing can be included in Dafeng's territory. With these millions of people, Dafeng's luck will inevitably increase. Right now, this is a good thing. First notify Huaiqing and let her use it. Take over the Three Kingdoms in the shortest time."

Population represents luck.

The luck of the three kingdoms of Yan Kangjing was gone, so their only ending was to return to Dafeng, and the three kingdoms ceased to exist.

There are days in the dark.

At this time, Xu Qi'an saw that there was still a figure below that had not left.

She is beautiful, graceful, and an acquaintance.

Shengzi's old friend is good, Dongfang Wanqing.

Because it was Wu Fu, she was not taken away by the witch god, and she was at a loss at the moment.

"Bring it back to the capital and give it to Li Lingsu, it's a souvenir, saint son, you have to take care of your waist."

Xu Qi'an took out the fragments of the book from the earth and preached:

[3: Everyone, I am in Jingshan City. 】

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