Han Xiyuan did not immediately open the two gold boxes stored in the system warehouse, but entered the tunnel, bought enough rice for 2,000 people to eat for half a month, and then ordered the soldiers to carry all the rice out.

The soldiers who held on to the Four New Bank had not eaten for several days.

Then Han Xiyuan walked into the temporary headquarters on the fourth floor, and Xu Yitian saw Han Xiyuan walk in and handed Han Xiyuan a pack of cigarettes.

It's a sandalwood brand, and it's also Han Xiyuan's favorite one, and Han Xiyuan is not polite.

He pulled out one and tossed it twice in his hand.

"Brother Chen Yuan, this time you mixed the Sixth Brigade to delay the retreat of our 88th National Defense Division, and now it is up to you to stick to the Four New Bank with us."

Xu Yitian has no habit of smoking.

"Brother Boyo, if you have any requests, my battalion of soldiers will obey your arrangement."

Han Xiyuan exhaled a breath of turbidity, and in terms of military rank, Han Xiyuan was naturally lower than Xu Yitian.

In addition, Xu Yitian understands better than Han Xiyuan that the senior management is committed to sticking to the instructions of the Four New Bank.

"Brother Chenyuan, you and I are brothers who have died, and I will not hide anything from your brother Chenyuan. Our ministry has been instructed to hold on to the four new banks for the United Nations General Assembly to be held tomorrow in Rottnasi.

Xu Yitian gave a brief introduction to Han Xiyuan and adhered to the purpose of the Four New Bank.

This was the emperor of the Great Qian Republic of China, Jiang Zhiqing, in order to win the sympathy of the major empires of the Western continent, especially the sympathy of the Fafa people on the other side of the Four New Bank.

It is hoped that through this, the major Western empires can realize that the magic capital has not yet been lost, and hope that the major empires will come forward to force Fusang to withdraw from the magic capital.

Hearing this, Han Xiyuan sighed helplessly.

"Brother Boyo, I am a big country, I didn't expect to fall to such a point, I have to make people think deeply!"

"Yes! 800,000 soldiers faced the 300,000 soldiers of the Fusang Army, and they were actually defeated and retreated. Even within three months, the whole army was wiped out.

Xu Yitian stood by the window and looked at the Pufa Concession on the other side of the river, where the people of the Republic of China only occasionally looked at it, and the other people still lived as usual, they never realized that this war was related to them.

"Still, we're not going to throw in the towel. Brother Boyo, if your superiors have any instructions, just mention them! I, Han Yuanchen, came to the Demon Capital, and I didn't plan to go back alive.

Han Xiyuan said, stepped forward and patted Xu Yitian on the shoulder, and stood on Xu Yitian's side.

"Today, I found that the members of the newspaper office in the Franco-Prussian concession opposite were observing us with binoculars, even if I expected it to be right. Tomorrow's war, there may be an observation group, and these reporters will film and record this scene. Therefore, I would like to hold the flag raising tomorrow.

Xu Yitian said, holding out a banner of the Republic of China from the box.

"Brother Boyo, if this is the case, I am afraid that the Fuso army will desperately attack us."

Raising the flag during this period must have been a provocation, and even the Fusang Army disregarded the Franco-Prussian people in the Franco-Prussian Concession and dispatched fighter jets to launch an attack on the Sixin Bank.

"Brother Chen Yuan, I, Xu Boyo, also have the determination to die to take this heavy burden, and my subordinates downstairs are the same. Therefore, I hope that Brother Chen Yuan and your subordinates can hold their positions, and the flag-raising ceremony on the roof of the building will be carried out by me and my subordinates. "

Xu Yitian, this is preparing to stop the most difficult position.

"Brother Boyo, my subordinates and I are not greedy for life and afraid of death. It's just that, on behalf of my dead subordinates, can I ask you Xu Boyu, will we get sympathy from the major empires of the Western Continent if we make these efforts?

Han Xiyuan's inquiry made Xu Yitian distracted.

"Brother Boyo doesn't have an answer in his heart, does he? Brother Boyo, look out the window. Compared to the scene we have here, it's the difference between heaven and hell.

Han Xiyuan's gaze turned to the Imperial Hotel, where the lights were bright, and the Four New Bank was pitch black in order to hide the firepower.

"I've been thinking about why we're holding on, but now I understand that all the efforts we've made are not aimed at gaining sympathy from the great empires of the Western continent. Everything we do is for a better future. A future in which future generations do not want to suffer from war again. "

Han Xiyuan really wants to express his high respect for Xu Yitian as a descendant at this moment.

He originally thought that those who had followed one after another had a firm belief in their hearts, but now it seems that even if the future is dark, they are still moving forward.

The purpose of moving forward is to make the future no longer dark, but bright.

"Brother Chen Yuan, I haven't seen you in just four years, you have changed a lot."

Han Xiyuan's words made Xu Yitian's heart tremble, and he suddenly became enlightened.

"Brother Boyo, I support you in raising the flag tomorrow so that the Fuso army raised by the bitch, their ancestors, will disdain them. It also lets the compatriots on the other side of the river know that the magic capital has not been lost, and the magic capital is still with us.

Han Xiyuan said, looked at Xu Yitian, and the perseverance in his eyes made Xu Yitian smile happily.

"Brother Boyo, I want you to grant me a request. Tomorrow's flag-raising ceremony will be handed over to us.

As soon as Han Xiyuan spoke, Xu Yitian was about to refuse, but Han Xiyuan shook his head.

He thinks that his subordinate junior soldiers are very wooden in all aspects except for combat, or rather, Han Xiyuan thinks that they are just war machines.

And Xu Yitian is different, Han Xiyuan really doesn't want these soldiers to die.

"Brother Boyo, leave some more seeds for the elite army of the Great Qianguo Republic."

Han Xiyuan's intentions are very clear, hoping that Xu Yitian will preserve his strength.

And Xu Yitian couldn't help but be a little surprised when he heard Han Xiyuan's words, because he also received an order, as long as he held on for two more days.

After the joint congress was convened, they could retreat to the Prussian concession.

As for this news, Xu Yitian did not mention it to Han Xiyuan.

"Brother Chenyuan, you really make me a little unable to see through you."

Xu Yitian felt that Han Xiyuan in front of him was a little different, but four years of life was enough to change a person.

"Tuanza, someone jumped into the river and swam over in the Franco-Prussian Concession."

After receiving this news, Xu Yitian thought that something was going on in the Pufa Concession, so he immediately walked down, but found that it was a few students.

These young students also wanted to take up guns and fight.

"Go back! The burden is still on the shoulders of our generation.

Han Xiyuan looked at the three students in front of him, and took the first step to speak, he beckoned a few more soldiers and called the eight fourteen or fifteen-year-old youths in his battalion over.

"Brother Boyo, if you have the opportunity, send these young people to the Franco-Prussian Concession!"

Xu Yitian saw what Han Xiyuan meant, Han Xiyuan didn't want these young people to die here.

"General, you are soldiers who defend the homeland and the country, and we can also be soldiers who defend the homeland and the country."

One of the young men spoke a little unconvinced.

Han Xiyuan directly threw over a medium-sized rifle.

"Someone, press the captives up."

Han Xiyuan asked the soldiers to press up the captured Fusang soldiers and tie them to the pillars, and then called all the deserters who had been collected by the 2nd Regiment of the 386th Brigade of the 88th Division of National Defense to come up.

"As long as you can pull the trigger and shoot the Fuso people on the other side, I can let you stay, and the same goes for the two of you."

"You have fled from the battlefield, and now you have reached a situation where there is no way back. Raise your guns and shoot at the enemy in front of you. Otherwise, it is you who will die.

Han Xiyuan said, pointing at the group of deserters again.

At this moment, Xu Yitian also left slowly, he had just received a news that someone had indeed come from the Pufa Concession.

However, after a long silence, the three students present and the eighteen deserters were not ready to make a move.

"We defend our territory with guns, and I hope that you will be able to fight with your pen and defend our territory henceforth. Go back, your sacrifice here is a loss to our country.

Han Xiyuan ordered the soldiers to take back the formal rifles in the hands of the three young students, and the three young soldiers were a little reluctant.

"General, thank you for your teachings."

One of the young students made a lame military gesture at Han Xiyuan, Han Xiyuan looked at the three young students, waved his hand, and asked the three of them and the other eight young people in their own camp to obey Xu Yitian's arrangement.

"Shoot! I order you to shoot! As

soon as the eleven people left, Han Xiyuan raised his rifle and pressed it against the head of a deserter, who was trembling and his legs trembling.


The deserter raised his head and shot at the pillar in front of him, and the subsequent deserters shot one after another under Han Xiyuan's urging.

After appeasing the group of deserters, Han Xiyuan rushed back to his makeshift headquarters, and he was about to open two golden treasure chests.

After all, there is a flag-raising ceremony tomorrow.

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