After a brief debriefing meeting, Han Xiyuan met with the envoy sent by the Tsarist Empire, Chernomaansky.

"Dear Your Majesty the Great Jin Empire, this time I am here on behalf of my Majesty the Tsar. It is hoped that there will be a truce between our two countries and the establishment of friendly diplomatic relations. For this reason, we, the Tsarist Empire, can reclaim the territorial disputes that have existed between our Tsarist Empire and our allies since 1840.

Chernomansky's unprovoked aggression turned into a territorial dispute, much to Han Hee-won's displeasure.

"Can we put the so-called territorial dispute issue in another way. Shameless occupation, since 1840, your Tsarist Russian empire has shamelessly occupied 5,883,800 square kilometers of our country. Now that you are willing to pay it back, I will gladly accept it. However, if you insist on not returning it, the royal army of our Great Jin Empire will also use the guns in their hands to regain the lost territory. And Mr. Chernomansky, I must remind you. I have far more than two weapons in my hands to destroy a city.

As soon as Han Xiyuan said this, Chernomansky subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

"Dear Your Majesty the Great Jin Empire, we believe that war can only bring unprovoked casualties. Therefore, we believe that by peaceful means, we can return the land we have previously usurped, and we can compensate you. "

This time, Tsar II also learned that Han Xiyuan had a destructive-level weapon in his hand.

Therefore, he also instructed Chernomansky to do everything possible to repair relations with the Great Jin Empire.

"First, about 250,000 square kilometers of land occupied before 1840 in the Khing'an Mountains and west of the Erguna River, about 100,000 square kilometers south and southwest of Lake Baikal, and about 100,000 square kilometers of Kuye Island. Second, abolish the affiliation of Kazakhstan and Brut with your country. Third, publicly apologize to our Great Jin Empire internationally. Fourth, compensate our Great Jin Empire with 5 billion Great Jin coins as reparations for this war.

Han Xiyuan held out four fingers.

The first is that before 1840, some losers lost land, especially Emperor Kangxi, who obviously defeated the Tsarist Russian Empire, but still ceded land.

As for the second article, both Kazakhstan and Brut were vassals of the original Qing Dynasty.

Han Xiyuan, naturally, also wanted to take the two countries as vassals, and the combined land area of the two countries was nearly 1.1 million square kilometers.

If this agreement is reached, the land area of the Great Jin Empire will be second only to the historical Great Yuan Empire.

As for the remaining two conditions, they are nothing more than additional terms.

When Chernomansky heard this, his heart was dripping blood, because Han Xiyuan's request was simply cutting flesh on the body of the Tsarist Empire.

"Your Majesty, the Emperor of the Great Jin Empire, I think this agreement is too harsh. After all, our Tsarist Empire..."

Chernomansky subconsciously wanted to say that the Tsarist Empire was not defeated and begged for peace, but he still stopped and did not speak.

"I want you to understand that this is the result of my backing down. If so, the Russian Empire did not see our sincerity. I can drop a weapon of destruction on the border cities of the Russian Empire to show my sincerity for peace.

Han Xiyuan said, holding a model of a nuclear weapon in his hand and slowly putting it on the table.

In many cases, the threat of force is more convincing than simple and dry language.

"Dear His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Jin Dynasty, I still need to give a final reply after I have returned to His Majesty the Tsar. Every

time Chernomansky saw Han Xiyuan, it was a kind of pressure, because the pressure released by Han Xiyuan made him feel sincerely helpless.

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