As we entered June, the situation around the world fell into calm, like the great calm before the outbreak of war.

The Great Jin Empire had revoked its declaration of war on the Twenty-One Kingdoms and had concluded diplomatic relations with a number of countries, while Han Hee-won hoped that the Goryeo Dynasty could gain independent power internationally.

Not only that, Han Xiyuan also expressed international solidarity with the countries in Southeast Asia and the countries of Heizhou, hoping that they could achieve national independence and completely get rid of the fate of being colonized.

With Han Xiyuan's support, the colonized countries, which were originally powerless to roar at the bottom, began to stand up and fight for the greatest interests of their national independence.

Despite the support of the Great Jin Empire and its allies, there was still a long way to go for these countries to achieve complete independence.

After all, these areas are all colonies of military alliance countries led by the U.S. Eagle Empire.

At present, almost all countries in the world are spared, and they are all grouped into two groups, that is, the military alliance dominated by the Great Jin Empire and the German Empire, and the military alliance dominated by the American Eagle Empire.

Moreover, all countries in the world subconsciously classified the Tsarist Russian Empire as a military alliance of the Great Jin Empire.

Of course, there is also the existence of a third party, that is, a country dominated by the colonized countries of Black Continent and seeking national independence.

In addition, Han Xiyuan opened up a new economic development line along the ancient land Silk Road, which was also benefited from the return of the previous territories of the Tsarist Empire.

Through this series of measures, the currency printed by the Royal Bank of the Great Jin Empire was rapidly circulated all over the world.

Moreover, the universal pharmaceutical company that was originally in the U.S. Eagle Empire has now been noticed by Little Brown and is an industry of the Great Jin Empire, so Little Brown has carried out a series of policy suppressions.

However, the credibility of the government of the Meiying Empire is limited, and it only brings some small pressure to the development of Universal Pharmaceutical Company, and it does not hurt its roots.

However, Han Xiyuan also raised his vigilance, and he began to gradually transfer most of the capital and industry of the Universal Pharmaceutical Company to the territory of the Great Jin Empire through foreign trade.

Previously, Zhuge Xun launched an internal and external circular economy development pattern for the development of various places, and then began to gradually promote the opening up to the outside world.

The industries of the universal pharmaceutical company can also take root in these cities.

The magic capital, the first stop of Han Xiyuan's inspection, the magic capital is different from other cities, most areas, there are monuments to the sacrificed soldiers, before the defense of the magic capital, 800,000 soldiers, there are nearly 300,000 soldiers blood spilled here.

Although Han Xiyuan ordered the Ministry of Government to find all the bodies of these soldiers and find out the names of the sacrificed soldiers, he did not want these soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the country to be remembered by the world.

And Han Xiyuan rushed very coincidentally this time, it was the body handover ceremony, many of these found corpses have been burned by Fusang State, and Han Xiyuan is now also advocating cremation.

Advocating cremation will naturally lead to the disapproval of the people, so Han Xiyuan did not strictly implement this policy, but slowed down the implementation of this policy.

As a result, these families can only receive the ashes of the sacrificed soldiers.

A soldier holding an urn in his hand slowly walked slowly towards a couple who had lost their son, the soldier walked to a mound, the mound suddenly collapsed, and the soldier's left leg knelt down, this scene was directly recorded by the newspaper reporter.

It is known to the world as borrowing the single leg of the living to bow down to his parents.

Han Xiyuan, who saw this scene, also didn't speak for a long time.

Previously, he suspended internal unification and was praised by many Chinese people as cowardly and incompetent, but he didn't care at all.

Because once the war starts, how many parents will lose their children, and how many women will lose their husbands.

The greatest revelation of war is to settle disputes by peaceful means and avoid human tragedy.

But at the same time, Han Xiyuan never promised to give up the means of war to complete reunification.

Because force has always been a demonstration of absolute strength.

"Your Majesty, according to your instructions, a large memorial hall has been set up in the Pudong area of the magic capital, and the suburbs of the eastern and western parts of Pudong have been designated as martyrs' cemeteries.

Liu Ende, the mayor of Modu at the time, reported to Han Xiyuan.

Because of the soldiers who died in this war, many of them could not find their relatives, and there was even a family of five fathers and sons, all of whom spilled blood on the battlefield and had no survivors.

Faced with such a situation, Han Xiyuan directly took a picture of the board and independently set aside an area for these martyrs to sleep.

In addition, Han Hee-won also opened memorial halls in various places, and the main purpose of these memorials is to keep the people from forgetting the shame.

Remembering history is not a betrayal.

In the area that Liu Ende said, Han Xiyuan went to watch all of them, and then he checked the foreign exchange accounts of the magic capital.

At this time, the magic capital had not yet become one of the four Asian tigers, but with the injection of funds from Universal Pharmaceutical Company, as well as the transfer of industries.

Han Xiyuan believes that in less than two years, the magic capital will become the most shining light in Asia, and it is the only one.

The main core of the first five-year plan is to develop the seven cities of Modu, Beidu, Jianning, Liao'an, Anshan, Huaining and Hong Kong, and then use the seven cities as radiation points to help the development of the whole country.

This plan is also based on the consideration that these seven cities are the best developed areas in China.

"Development must come first, but we must also be careful not to let some bed bugs mix. Second, crime must be reduced.

Han Xiyuan watched the government report again, with a hint of displeasure on his face.

He did not expect that in this era, the crime rate is actually 57 percent, which is simply not safe for the lives of the people.

"Your Majesty, I think the magic capital may be able to adopt some special bills. At present, there are certain loopholes in the adoption of laws in China. In addition, I think we can strengthen the authority of the law, perhaps the law should not be greater than the emotion.

Liu Ende plucked up the courage to meet Han Xiyuan.

Because, in the previous corruption review case, he directly increased the severity of punishment in some punishments.

For example, if the embezzlement is more than 500,000 yuan, you will face the crime of direct shooting, and if you abduct and sell children, you will also face the crime of direct shooting.

In this way, officials enforce the law impartially and no longer dare to bend the law for bribes, but the measure of the law cannot only lie in the law, but also have more human feelings.

Moreover, in order to firmly grasp the power in his hands, Han Xiyuan used most of the governance talents purchased by the system, and these people, after all, are a little wooden, and they also abide by the law.

As a result, some citizens who did not need to be tried at all were directly tried and thus imprisoned.

This has also led directly to an increase in the crime rate.

In this way, not only will the crime rate increase, but it will also lead to the fact that the people have no actual standards for the regulation of their own behavior, and they will always think about problems with legal thinking.

To be honest, this will inevitably lead to a loss of human affection.

Moreover, the law does not necessarily apply to all cases, such as the legal execution of a woman who happens to be pregnant.

We can't take the execution order to shoot, that's the human touch.

Liu Ende is a senior governance talent, for the key cities supported in China, the mayors of these cities, those are all senior governance talents, and they will inevitably be selected to the northern capital and enter the Qilin Pavilion in the future.

"According to your words, maybe we should carry out a revision of the law, and in addition, we should also make the law humane?"

Han Xiyuan is also aware of the problems in the country, after all, he has developed too fast and expanded his territory too quickly, which has led to some problems, which are hidden.

However, as the pace of development slowed down and the trend of territorial expansion slowed down, the problem gradually became apparent.

"Your Majesty, that's exactly what happened. If the law is unforgiving and unreasonable, then it will inevitably repeat historical mistakes. I would like to ask for the amendment of the law, and I would like to solicit the opinions of the people. In addition, it must be revised every five years.

As soon as Liu Ende's words came out, several senior governance talents who accompanied Han Xiyuan on his inspection looked at each other, and it was honest that Liu Ende's suggestion was very correct.

However, now the Great Jin Empire, in the final analysis, is an authoritarian country, and it must be absurd if the people are allowed to stand up and speak.

The most important point is that since ancient times, it has been necessary for the law to be stable, so that the policy can be implemented steadily.

If it changes every five years, there will inevitably be a major strategic mistake.

However, after all, a few high-level governance talents have no ability to govern, and they have not yet achieved the basic work at the grassroots level.

"If I can't hear the voice of the people, then I'm a single man, and since ancient times, it has not been advisable to torture a harsh official. And the single husband will also completely lose the support of the people, which will lead to the demise of the country. As for the actual situation in the country, we must also amend the bill appropriately. Liu Ende, I didn't expect you to know you like this just after taking over the magic capital for just two months.

Han Xiyuan patted Liu Ende on the shoulder, he was ready to open a national assembly according to Liu Ende's idea, the main content of this parliament, that is, to hear the people's thoughts on national policies, only in this way can we develop better.

In addition, he was determined to change the law and delegate some powers, so that the law could only exist with a human touch.

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