stayed in the magic capital for nearly three days, and at this stage, there were also spies from various countries to carry out assassination operations against Han Xiyuan, especially Fusang Kingdom, they always believed that if they wanted to solve the contradiction with the Great Jin Empire, the first thing was to solve Han Xiyuan.

However, with the protection of the Special Intelligence Agency, Han Xiyuan still escaped the assassination without danger.

In addition, Han Xiyuan is a person who especially cherishes his life, after all, his current eldest child is only one year old.

And if he falls at this critical moment, there will be no successor, and the complete rise of this magnificent empire will not be realized.

Even, Han Xiyuan couldn't predict whether the junior warriors he summoned would still exist in this world after his death.

Therefore, he vigorously developed the original science and technology of the Great Jin Empire, as well as the basic economy.

In addition, he also opened nearly 100 universities, leaving enough scientific and technological talents for the Great Jin Empire.

On the way to the port capital, Han Xuhu handed over a document about the port capital.

The reason why Han Xiyuan wants to develop the port capital is that it is a gathering place for wealthy businessmen, and secondly, it is strategically located.

In addition, Han Xiyuan also wanted to make Hong Kong a companion capital, so as to connect the Great Jin Empire with Southeast Asian countries.

If this goal is achieved, then Han Xiyuan can rely on the geographical location of the Lanfang Dynasty to include all Southeast Asia in his territory.

However, there is also a certain degree of difficulty in solving the problem of the port capital, and there are also many challenges for the two leaders of the port capital.

"It seems that this trip will not be so simple.

Han Xiyuan rubbed his temples.

Most of the land in the port capital was previously a colony of the Eagle Empire, so nearly half of the Eagle people lived on it.

And according to the previous idea of the Eagle Empire, that is, to make the port capital the permanent territory of the Eagle Empire, but Han Xiyuan's birth broke all this.

In addition, the Eagle Empire has made diplomatic representations, and the Eagle Empire can give up the port capital area, but hopes that Han Xiyuan will unconditionally release the three thousand Eagle soldiers who were originally detained.

Secondly, it is required to open the visit and exchange between the Eagle Empire and the Great Jin Empire, especially for the port capital area, which is also the latest directive issued after the discussion between Churchill and Trump Brown.

At present, the Eagle Empire is ready to deal with a great plague.

In order to liquidate and sort out the population and wealth of the port capital, Han Xiyuan previously issued an order to blockade the port capital, which directly led to the chaos of the port capital.

Some eagles even paid to incite the people to revolt, and claimed that they had been treated inhumanely in Hong Kong, which was a loss of human dignity, and asked for the support of international organizations.

"Your Majesty, as long as we solve the problem, these people who eat inside and outside, and formulate some policies, we can solve the problem. "

Han Xuhu was a senior soldier before, but after learning about government affairs, he has now grown into a senior government officer.

It can be seen that the high-level fighters produced by the system have a strong learning ability.

He talked eloquently to Han Xiyuan.

"Well, then follow the practice of international migration! If they don't want to stay, we don't need to stop them. In addition, it is time for the military to deal with some national scum. Without these scum, Hong Kong would probably be at peace.

Han Xiyuan thought for a moment, he didn't want to rush to the chaotic situation he faced when he rushed to the port capital.

Therefore, he asked Han Xuhu to send electricity to Zhao Donglai, the mayor of Hong Kong, which can be taken by international practice.

In addition, he is well aware of the demagogic ability of some national scum, after all, some traitors can create a greater wave of public opinion.

Moreover, the Hong Kong capital, which is located above the tuyere of world public opinion, should pay more attention to handling it.

This order reached the ears of Zhao Donglai, the mayor of Hong Kong, who immediately discussed with Fu Yixing, the commander of the 1563rd Brigade stationed in Hong Kong, urgently unsealed the Hong Kong capital, sent an official letter, and carried out the handover procedures for immigrants.

"Your Majesty, this trip will be delayed in Sanming for two days, and we must completely clean up the chaos in the port capital within two days. If we can't solve it, I'm afraid that the black gauze hat on our heads won't be able to keep it.

Zhao Donglai said earnestly, originally Han Xiyuan was going to go directly to the port capital, but Sanming, Fujian is his hometown, and he is going to go to take a look.

Of course, the former master's hometown is Sichuan-Chongqing Province, but Han Xiyuan, whose soul has passed through, is Sanming, Fujian.

"If we didn't care about the feelings of the majority of the people, our 1563 Brigade would have opened fire a long time ago. Fu

Yixing had a hot temper, and those people who were instigated by the Eagle People actually openly shouted on the streets that Hong Kong was the territory of the Eagle Empire.

For such behavior, of course, Fu Yixing couldn't bear it, and he directly sent the army to suppress it.

However, Zhao Donglai warned him that he must not shoot, and he must not let the conspiracy of the Eagle Empire succeed.

Therefore, the troops sent could only suppress it with their bare hands, and even the soldiers had to endure the beatings of the demagogic people, but could not resist.

"Our stationing, to a certain extent, still harms the interests of some people. However, for the sake of historical progress, damage and sacrifice cannot be avoided. I think one day, our people will understand all this. And we are burdened with some infamy, and rightfully so.

Zhao Donglai stepped forward to comfort Fu Yixing, and Fu Yixing laughed dryly.

"Lao Zhao, I don't understand your vernacular. I only understand that what you are seeking is remembered in the history books. Our lifelong struggle is only a few strokes. And with a few strokes, how many people are needed, and bloodshed and sacrifice can be exchanged. I do not refute your point of view, I only want the country to be rich and strong, and it is enough to have a clear conscience.

After Fu Yixing finished speaking, he walked out, he was ready to shoot this time, for those stubborn elements, blood and tears must be used to make them realize the reality.

An hour later, in the port capital, in a church, ten Dajin people gathered together.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are on the verge of victory, and the government's forces are now beginning to retreat. As long as the troops are withdrawn, we will inevitably return to our previous lives.

Li Mingxiang, who was the leader, said to the other nine people.

These people were the compradors of the Eagle Empire before, and later, with their own vision, they opened major companies in Hong Kong, and even at their peak, Hong Kong was alone from life to death, and these people were directly controlled.

Because after the 1563 Brigade was stationed, most of the warehouses were directly seized, and a large amount of opium was found in these warehouses.

These people belong to the blackboard to eat all, and the 1563 Brigade seized the kilns and casinos in the port capital, which touched their fundamental interests at once.

They directly deduct the wages of enterprise employees, lower the purchase prices of agricultural products from peasant households, and raise prices.

and pointed the finger at Zhao Donglai and Fu Yixing.

The people who didn't know what to do thought that Zhao Donglai and Fu Yixing were corrupt, so they took to the streets, waving the banner of "expelling Zhao Donglai and Fu Yixing", and even wanted to restore the autonomy rights of the Eagle Empire in Hong Kong.

"Elder Li, with all due respect, those fat guys in the Eagle Empire are unreliable. We still have to be aware of the reality and leave Hong Kong as soon as possible.

When Li Mingxiang heard this, a trace of displeasure flashed on his face, but the person who looked at the person who spoke was the former Chinese inspector Lei Ming.

This person has always been invincible.

"And, a kind suggestion to you. This immigration policy is our last chance to leave.

After Lei Ming finished speaking, he stood up, saluted everyone, and left.

As soon as he walked out of this church, he saw a group of soldiers with loaded guns, coming directly to the church.

"Brother Lei, the military has done it. Lei

Ming ran out directly from the back door, and just got into the car, his lard boy stepped forward to report.

An hour earlier, the soldiers of the 1563 Brigade had rushed directly into the casinos and kilns that had been hidden in the shadows.

This time, the 1563 Brigade has received the support of many forces, most of whom are not clean themselves, but ask for pardon.

For example, Yan Hui, who reported Lei Ming, is also a Chinese detective, but he lost the competition with Lei Ming, so he holds a grudge, and this time he is ready to use the strength of the military to defeat Lei Ming.

"These people, those fat guys who are still in the eagle, have expectations. As everyone knows, the Great Jin Empire is powerful. How can a country that can be defeated by the major empires sit idly by and watch a rebellion in one place.

Lei Ming knew very well his current situation, he quickly packed a truckload of cash, according to the predetermined route, fled to the American Eagle Empire in a hurry, on the way out, he felt that it was impossible for him to return to this place, holding the soil with both hands and putting it into a bottle.

But at the customs, Zhao Donglai slowly appeared and stretched out his right hand.

"Inspector Thunder, I can let you go, but your cart of cash must be left behind. That's the wealth of the people of Hong Kong, not yours.

Lei Ming saw Zhao Donglai, and saw a large number of soldiers in the dark of the station.

"Mayor Zhao said with a smile, I'm a thunderer, and I'm willing to leave my homeland.

Lei Ming laughed dryly, and then was escorted by a large number of soldiers.

Soon after, he met many of his men in prison.

This time, the large-scale crackdown in Hong Kong caused the death of 18 soldiers and the extermination of 376 gangsters.

Since then, there has been no more chaos in Hong Kong.

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