Next, Ge Shunda reported to Han Xiyuan that the current situation of the secret intelligence bureau's spies in the major empires is that the main purpose of these spies is to spy on the strategic military deployment of the major empires and some scientific and technological research.

"The Tsarist Empire and the U.S. Eagle Empire have recently engaged in the development of nuclear weapons?" Han

Xiyuan was only surprised for a moment when he received this news, and he was not surprised at all by the behavior of the two countries.

Because, at present, the U.S. Eagle Empire, with the help of a group of scientists, already has the ability to develop nuclear weapons, while the Tsarist Russian Empire is a deformed country, and their country has vigorously developed heavy industry, especially a large amount of money invested in the ranks of the military industry.

What surprised Han Xiyuan even more was that the current German Empire did not start the research work on nuclear weapons, but took the edge and began to study the principle of outward exploration.

This external exploration refers to outer space, and even now it has been developed, the so-called Führer-1.

The Führer-1 resembles an alien flying saucer structure, which makes people have to think about it.

"According to our intelligence from the Secret Service, the German Reich may already have the ability to develop weapons of destruction. And they also came up with the so-called Cosmic Peace Plan.

Ge Shunda opened his mouth to respond, if Han Xiyuan had not known the direction of the future generations, he might also have thought that the German Empire also had the ability to develop nuclear weapons.

In fact, however, Adolf was pursuing the most important strategic objective, to take over the Middle East and to solve the oil impoverishment problem facing the German Empire once and for all.

As we all know, the armored divisions of the German Empire are the first in the world, but tanks that need a lot of oil.

"It seems that our allies have greater pursuits, how can we lag behind!

Han Xiyuan's mood has eased a little now, as for the fifth plan he mentioned, it is to launch an artificial satellite into outer space.

At present, no country in the world has launched artificial satellites into outer space, and if the launch is successful, Han Xiyuan will be able to proclaim the authority of the Great Jin Empire to the world.

According to his vision, people all over the world must listen to the national anthem of the Great Jin Empire from now on.

As for the fifth and third documents, there is also a fourth document, and the main content of this fourth document is to study the hydrogen bomb.

As for the lunar defense plan to explore the moon, the space station to build a space station, and the space order plan to build a spaceship, they will all be studied in the future.

Because of the arrival of Han Xiyuan, this world has undergone great changes in all aspects, especially Han Xiyuan can buy some senior scientists from the system every month, which directly leads to the rapid development of science and technology in this world.

Even according to Han Xiyuan's conception, in his lifetime, the cosmic order plan will definitely be realized, but this will take decades to develop, and most of the materials will be exhausted.

"Yes, Your Majesty. In addition, the senior agents of the Secret Intelligence Agency stationed in the U.S. Eagle Empire received news from Trump Brown. Are we going to respond to Trump Brown's request?"

Ge Shunda handed over another document, and Han Xiyuan flipped through it.

Trump Brown wants the Jin Empire to launch a military campaign against Fuso territory after the plague is over in response to his election campaign.

"This Trump Brown, for us, can't rely too much. I've heard that Secretary Miffy is also running for president in the future. We also need to have more contact with her, and we must not be bound by the enemy. Han

Xiyuan mentioned Secretary of State Miffy, who had previously lost the competition with Brown Jr., but was still appointed Secretary of State, that is, because of her ability, which is indeed good.

Moreover, the U.S. Eagle Empire is now setting off a movement for equal participation of men and women in politics, and Brown Jr. can only adopt the method of appointing Miffy in an attempt to win the support of public opinion.

However, Brown Jr. has a discriminatory attitude in his bones, and he is still a staunch racist, and he even has the intention of abolishing the equal rights of citizens, but it has not been realized.

Of course, because Brown Jr. has these discriminations, most of his leadership team is this kind of person.

As a result, the other races in the U.S. Eagle Empire are living in dire straits, but none of these people have been granted the right to vote, so Little Brown doesn't care about these people's feelings.

Miffy is an alternative, her husband is also known as the cheapest of the human race.

Someone even publicly attacked Miffy, claiming that Miffy's one-day salary could buy a boatload of people like his husband.

However, because of this, Miffy is deeply supported by the people at the bottom, and Miffy is also fighting for the rights and interests of these people.

"Your Majesty, we have been in contact with Miss Miffy before, but Miss Miffy is very resistant. However, I heard that our Great Jin Empire supports the independence of some Black Continent countries, and this Miss Miffy has taken the initiative to contact us. And in public, he highly praised the humanitarian behavior of our Great Jin Empire. So we at the CIA also believe that we can support Secretary Miffy.

Ge Shunda also did his homework this time, and handed over several documents in turn.


Han Xiyuan said, and briefly looked at the information of Secretary of State Miffy, this person was actually the daughter of the president of the U.S. Eagle Empire from 1921 to 1927, which was the stagflation era of the U.S. Eagle Empire.

Then, he looked down through a few more documents, and the train was now starting to move slowly, and Ge Shunda did not leave.

"Statue of the Mother of the Motherland?"

Han Hee-won saw a grand statue building plan.

"Your Majesty, this matter was proposed by the Qilin Pavilion to be built, and I came here this time to hand over this detailed plan by Pavilion Chief Zhou. "

Qilin Pavilion has always believed that the Great Jin Empire should set up a tall sculpture, so that the world can have a deep understanding of the Great Jin Empire.

And this statue of the Mother Motherland is even taller than the Statue of Liberty of the American Eagle Empire.

"Well, this plan, I approved.

Han Xiyuan took the pen from Han Xuhu's hand and quickly wrote his name on the paper.

At present, Han Xiyuan has ordered the scientific research department to develop a pen.

Fountain pens are not only inconvenient to carry, but also expensive, while fountain pens are more suitable in comparison.

However, a simple pen, some of which have the level of science and technology, has not yet been solved by the Ministry of Scientific Research.

"Your Majesty, then what else do we need to do next?"

Ge Shunda had already marked on the notebook he carried with him that he wanted to further corrode the territory of the King of Yunnan.

"To create divisions in the countries of the world, to incite some colonized countries to fight for their independence. And our Great Jin Empire is willing to provide them with funds and weapons, and even expeditionary force protection. "

Han Xiyuan has learned all the methods of a country in his previous life, and as for the division he refers to, he specifically refers to the American Eagle Empire.

The colonial area points to the South American continent, as well as the Australian continent, and the Black Continent continent.

The colonies of these three regions were divided equally by the countries led by the American Eagle Empire, and it was only because of this that Adolf of the German Empire held high the slogan of redividing the sphere of influence.

Because, when the German Empire rose, most of the world had already been divided.

Moreover, both the U.S. Eagle Empire and the Eagle Empire have a large number of overseas enclaves, and these enclaves are undoubtedly issues with territorial disputes with other countries.

From this, it is very simple to provoke these disputes.

Moreover, the U.S. Eagle Empire is a multi-ethnic country, and there is obvious racial discrimination, and the people of such a country are very easy to be instigated.

"Those countries are doing what they think is a clever tool. Now, we can give back all of these countries.

Han Xiyuan remembered what happened in the port capital a few days ago, and he knew very well that there must be the means of the Eagle Empire behind this.

Even, in the telegram he received from Zhao Donglai, he also pointed out that the plan for dealing with some spies of the Eagle Empire was directly shot.

"Han Xuhu, send a telegram to Qilin Pavilion, order Your Excellency Qilin to issue a document to merge Hong Kong and Guangzhou into one, transfer the 6th Army, the 57th Army, and the 59th Army to form the Southward Group Army, and appoint Zhao Donglai as the governor of Dongguang Province and Fu Yixing as the chief of the general staff of the Southward Group Army. Feng Guozhong, commander of the 6th Army, was transferred to be the commander-in-chief of the Southward Advance Group. After

Han Xiyuan learned about the garrisons of various armies, he recently mobilized his troops and formed the Southward Advance Group Army. And Fu Yixing and Zhao Donglai, they all jumped several levels at once.

"Yes, Your Majesty.

Han Xuhu immediately replied, and then went down to generate electricity.

The next stop of the train is the port capital, originally Han Xiyuan was going to go to Guangzhou first, but after thinking about it again, there are also two northern cities of Anshan and Liao'an, and before he has inspected, he is ready to go directly to the port capital to review three days later, and rush back to the northern capital.

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