With Zhu Longji leading the people to surrender, the Xinjia Dynasty has also become history, and Han Xiyuan was extremely happy when he received the news.

He directly divided the entire territory of the Xinjia Dynasty into Xinjia Province, and owned the land of the Xinjia Dynasty, which means that the Great Jin Empire has another outlet to the sea in Southeast Asia, which is undoubtedly the best news for the Great Jin Empire.

Because, this also means that the navy of the Great Jin Empire can directly enter the Atlantic Ocean unimpeded.

Moreover, when Han Xiyuan received this news, he directly transferred the Third Fleet of the Great Jin Empire to the waters of the Xinjia Dynasty and was responsible for the cruise in this area.

In addition, at present, the Great Jin naval fleet has completely occupied the Fusang Strait, and every day to the coastal cities of Fusang, the oath of the founding of the Great Jin Empire, and those who violate our Great Jin Empire will be punished even if they are far away, which has brought great deterrence to the people of Fusang State.

To this end, Tojo also deliberately relocated the people of the coastal cities of Fuso Province to the interior.

The air force of the Great Jin Empire, in accordance with Han Xiyuan's instructions, is now carrying out patrols in the skies above Fusang State, and Fusang State does not dare to dispatch air force fighters to intercept this kind of behavior.

And they were afraid that the air force of Fuso would drop bombs on them at any time.

At the beginning of May, the cabinet meeting of Fuso Province was held again, this time with Tojo sitting in the main seat and Ishihara sitting in the first position on the right.

Ishihara currently serves as Minister of Economic Development of Fuso Province and Deputy Prime Minister, and is currently second only to Tojo in power.

However, in the country of Fuso, the people's voice for Ishihara is even higher, after all, Ishihara is a pacifist faction.

The people of Fusang have a kind of servility in their bones and like to give in to the strong, and the current strength of the Great Jin Empire has completely dormant the people of Fusang State, and even many Fusang people advocate the abolition of the military establishment of Fusang State, so as to surrender to the Great Jin Empire and attach themselves to the Great Jin Empire, so as to solve the current war crisis.

Tojo's domestic approval rating is declining, which is also due to the defeat and defeat of Fuso's foreign wars.

Secondly, Tojo's means of rebirth is too despicable.

Even, when Tojo went to the Tokyo Army Academy to give a speech yesterday, he was abused in public by a student.

"Ladies and gentlemen, at present, the Xinjia Dynasty in Southeast Asia has surrendered to the Great Jin Empire, and the Golden Triangle region has fallen, and the Lanfang Dynasty was originally the territory of the Great Jin Empire. We have to recognize the reality and give up our interests in Southeast Asia.

At the beginning of the meeting, Tojo said this sentence in a very frustrated manner, and everyone present did not say a word.

They had long known that this would be the result, but if they had made this decision, it would undoubtedly be to abandon the five divisions stationed in Southeast Asia.

This is because the current Fuso Navy has shrunk into the Pacific Ocean.

"Your Excellency, we must now continue to urge the U.S. Eagle Empire to provide material support to our Fuso Kingdom, as long as we can complete the Meiji Tianmu Plan, our navy will be able to unite with the U.S. Eagle Empire to launch a counterattack against the navy of the Great Jin Empire.

Seeing that everyone didn't speak, Tojo looked around, and finally stopped his eyes on Yamamoto Nanhachi, who also understood and immediately opened his mouth to respond.

This Yamamoto Nanahachi was originally evacuated from the Fuso Strait without authorization, which caused the Fuso country to suffer a nuclear weapon attack from the Great Jin Empire, so he was once removed from his post and even had to go to a military court, but he was saved by Tojo Force.

The reason why Tojo wanted to keep Yamamoto Shichihachi was also because of the dispute between the horses and land of Fuso Province, and the navy and army of Fuso Province had always been at odds.

At present, the army of Fuso has gradually shifted to Ishihara's side, and Tojo can only do his best to maintain control of the navy.

As for the Meiji Tenmu plan mentioned by Yamamoto Shichihachi, that is, to build eighteen Nagato-class battleships, thirty-two Kongo-class cruisers, eight Yunryu aircraft carriers, and five Furutaka-class heavy cruisers.

However, Fuso was originally an island country with scarce materials, and although it had the ability to build these warships, it was not enough to carry out the project.

Therefore, Fuso directly turned to the U.S. Eagle Empire for help.

And the U.S. Eagle Empire is also currently opening an era of large-scale aircraft carrier construction.

"Yamamoto-kun, I must remind you that we are officials of the state, and the people voted to ascend to power. Therefore, we must always stand in the interests of the people. At present, because of the war, the people have no fixed place to live, and they are not even able to achieve food and clothing, and they are in fear all day long. And at this moment, we have to allocate funds to build warships. Furthermore, I am being appointed Minister of Economic Development, and I warn you that you are not qualified to embezzle the money of our Ministry. When

Ishihara heard that he was going to draw money and build a battleship, he directly stood up against it.

Moreover, Ishihara's words were clearly pertinent, and he satirized Tojo for winning the election through irregular means.

"Minister Ishihara, are we going to be slaves of the country? The Royal Navy of the Great Jin Empire cruises in our Fuso Strait every day, and their fighter planes hover over us every day. If we can't do our best to change the current situation, then I, Fuso, will follow in the footsteps of the Singapore Dynasty. You ask our people if they are willing to be slaves of the country?"

Tojo naturally heard the meaning of Ishihara's words, but he still gave Yamamoto Nanabachi a look, motioned for him to stand up, and sealed Ishihara's mouth.

"Could it be that Yamamoto-kun is so naïve? Now, according to the intelligence of the Imperial Intelligence Bureau, the Royal Navy of the Great Jin Empire is already the first in the world, and the Great Jin Empire has a mysterious warship construction base on the islands of the Pacific Ocean. If not, is it really worth it for us to spend a lot of money in exchange for a pile of scrap iron? Could it be that the tragedy of Sakishima and Nagashima has not yet awakened you? The U.S. Eagle Empire is unreliable.

Ishihara said with emotion, his wife and son, as well as his grandson, all killed by the devastating blow to Sakishima.

And this brought him not hatred, but endless fear, and he realized that the people of Fuso only needed peace.

Yamamoto Nanocha was speechless by Ishihara's words.

Because of the speed at which Fusang built warships, it was indeed no match for Han Xiyuan's speed of obtaining warships from the system.

Moreover, in the hands of the Great Jin Empire, it has nuclear weapons.

Ishihara's side of the army general staff Tohi Yuan was also about to stand up, he also agreed with the armistice, which was a meaningless expansion, but as soon as he stood up, a voice came from behind the curtain, interrupting the cabinet meeting.


Emperor of Fuso interrupted the meeting with a slight cough.

It didn't take long for Ishihara and Tojo to sit down in a secret room, and behind the curtain of the secret room, the emperor of Fuso Province spoke for the first time.

"For hundreds of years, the people of Fuso have been on a mission to protect the royal family. And now facing the threat of the Great Jin Empire, I hope the two of them can work together. Tojo, you can confess to Ishihara that our Fuso Kingdom is about to have a dragon plan in the territory of the Great Jin Empire. In addition, Ishihara, we in Fuso should also let go of the economic development plan. Efforts to develop the economy will be devoted to the construction of underground fortresses. As

soon as the Emperor of Fuso opened his mouth, he once again emphasized to Ishihara that it was not a pity for the people of Fuso to die, but the royal family of Fuso was extremely noble and must be best protected.

As for the Demon Dragon Project, Ishihara has heard about it for a long time, and today is the first time he has heard the Emperor of Fusang mention this.

"Ishihara-kun, it is true that our Fusang Kingdom cannot defeat the Great Jin Empire at present. However, we in Fuso can cooperate with the U.S. Eagle Empire to drop some highly contagious plague viruses into the Great Jin Empire. And the population of the Great Jin Empire is huge, if there is a large-scale contagion. It will inevitably drag down the development of the Great Jin Empire. Even if it can't be dragged down, it can slow down the development of the Great Jin Empire. And taking advantage of this opportunity, we Fuso National University prepared for war and jointly counterattacked with the U.S. Eagle Empire. In this way, not only will our country not be destroyed, but we will also have the opportunity to realize the long-cherished wish of our generations. Tojo

still has reservations about Ishihara, and the information he says is still very vague.

"Your Majesty, I have no objection to Tojo-kun's plan, but I hope Tojo-kun understands. We, the country of Fuso, must not follow the old path of the Tsarist Empire. I am confident that we can complete the expansion of the armed forces on the basis of economic development.

Ishihara did not oppose this dragon plan, on the contrary, he was very much in favor of it.

However, it still did not change Ishihara's mind, but the Emperor of Fuso was very satisfied with this result.

Tojo was tired of seeing Ishihara's stubborn appearance, but he still shook hands with Ishihara at the request of the Emperor of Fuso Kingdom.

ps: Today's new book at Qi Point received a notice from the station, the author's name is Roast Duck is really delicious, and it is expected to complete the signing at half past five in the afternoon. If you are interested, you can check it out. Once again, I would like to thank all of you for your great support.

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