In order to create the greatest amount of panic in the territory of the Great Jin Empire, Tojo specially selected the most intensive period of population flow, and in addition, he chose the seventeen cities of the Great Jin Empire, for which he mobilized nearly a hundred agents lurking in the Great Jin Empire, and these seventeen cities mainly have three characteristics: a huge population, a fast population flow, and a high population density.

However, due to the early exposure of the northern capital, the hidden agents could only swallow the virus pills as ordered, causing the plague to start early.

"Previously, for the smooth progress of this operation, all my agents were in one-line contact, and I also ordered that if they were unfortunately arrested, they must swallow the virus pill.

Tojo answered Ishihara's doubts again, and Ishihara touched his chin and pondered for a moment.

"Tojo-kun, if this plan is implemented in advance, it may also bring great disasters to the Great Jin Empire. It's just that I have some doubts, is this virus really inexplicable?"

Ishihara continued to ask, and then handed over a seal, viruses are extremely contagious, and it is impossible to eradicate them in a short period of time.

"Although according to the research data of our joint research group of Fusang and the U.S. Eagle Empire, it should be impossible for the Great Jin Empire to develop a vaccine in the short term, as long as the isolation measures for personnel are realized, even if it is the emperor of the Great Jin Empire, a secret execution will be carried out. Completely eradicating the spread of the virus may not cause a big wave in the territory of the Great Jin Empire. "

Tojo is afraid, because this matter will have a chain reaction, which will make the Great Jin Empire suspicious, at this time, Tojo, it is not clear, the Great Jin Empire is already on guard against the outbreak of the plague.

"Tojo-kun, since the Great Jin Empire has not been able to develop a vaccine in a short period of time, and these sleeper agents of ours are all one-line contacts. This means that we may be able to postpone the implementation of this plan.

When Ishihara heard Tojo's words, his face subconsciously changed.

"The Demon Dragon Project, as long as one agent is arrested and the other agents get the news, then the plan will start directly. However, Ishihara-kun, don't worry, I won't lead Fuso Province into the endless abyss. I hold the beginning of the U.S. Eagle Empire's formulation of this plan, and even if the Demon Dragon plan fails, the U.S. Eagle Empire can't stay out of it.

Tojo took Ishihara's seal and spoke.

At present, Tojo was also hit by the news, and he was also a little distracted, after he was forced to step down, in order to regain power, the layout of nearly half a year, did not expect an agent's mistake, resulting in a full loss.

Although he is unwilling, he can only do his best to make up for the mess in front of him.

Moreover, he also softened his attitude towards Ishihara in front of him, because the two of them essentially wanted to protect the rights and interests of Fusang and the royal family of Fuso.

"Tojo-kun, we didn't agree on politics before, so it's really offensive. But now we must work together. All I can do is provide you with the baggage and money to prepare for the battle. However, Tojo-kun, we have to make a proper trade-off, and withdraw our troops from the Goryeo Dynasty.

Ishihara pointed out that instead of expanding the army now, it would be better to withdraw the nearly one million elite soldiers stationed in the Goryeo Dynasty to the country.

"Ishihara-kun, for this time, when I came to power, I had already carried out this work in secret. But we have lost all our sea power. And the emperor of Fusang is stubborn to us and is unwilling to let go. The army of the Goryeo Dynasty could only ask for more blessings.

Tojo shook his head, after he returned to power, he prepared to mobilize the combined fleet to the Goryeo Dynasty to cooperate with the troops stationed in the Goryeo Dynasty and retreat, but the result was obviously a failure.

Because, Yamamoto Nanacha pointed out that the navy of Fuso was not replenished with the expected warships, or without the support of the fleet of the U.S. Eagle Empire, it was simply not able to fight head-on with the Royal Navy of the Great Jin Empire.

Tojo also sent an envoy to meet with Lu Zijing, the foreign minister of the Great Jin Empire, but received a firm refusal to meet with the request.

Subsequently, Tojo hoped to ease diplomatic relations between Fuso and the Great Jin Empire with the Eagle Empire and the American Eagle Empire, but the result was also a ruthless refusal.

After several maneuvers, there was no room for maneuver, and Tojo had to abandon the nearly one million garrisons of the Goryeo Dynasty.

"The Great Jin Empire, an empire, has always been tough in terms of military strength and external attitude. However, such a country still has such a powerful ally. Our country is weakened and isolated. Is it true that our Fuso country has reached the point of exhaustion?"

Ishihara blurted out subconsciously, he was still a pessimist in his bones.

When Tojo heard this, he was a little helpless at first, and then frowned.

"Whether our Fusang country can usher in a turnaround lies in the current Great Jin Empire.

Tojo said, looking at the northern capital marked on the map, Ishihara also raised his head and glanced at it, and then stood up with difficulty.

After Ishihara left, Yamamoto Nanachi walked in quickly, and he asked a little incomprehensibly.

"Mr. Tojo, why didn't you drop the cup for a long time, but let that surrender faction Ishihara go.

"He and I are both pawns of His Majesty, and besides, he has already handed over the seal, so why bother with it.

Tojo waved his hand, and then handed Ishihara a copy of Ishihara's exclusive seal, with this seal, if the military department wanted to allocate funds in the future, it would no longer be restricted.

"I just didn't think that this foolproof demon dragon plan would actually fall to this point.

As he spoke, Tojo got up, and he walked tremblingly to his room, and at this moment Yamamoto Nanachi spoke.

"Tojo-kun, if we can assassinate Han Xiyuan, the emperor of the Great Jin Empire, the Great Jin Empire may fall into chaos. Maybe it will be more useful than the plague. And at this moment, there is such a big chaos in the northern capital, so Han Xiyuan will inevitably go to the northern capital to inspect. If we can do our best to bomb the northern capital of the air force units stationed in the Goryeo Dynasty.

As soon as these words came out, Tojo stopped directly, and I have to say that this idea is very crazy.

Because, if you want to go smoothly to the northern capital, during the flight, you will inevitably be intercepted by the air force of the Great Jin Empire and attacked by the air defense forces on the opposite side.

However, if the nearly 3,000 bombers stationed in the Goryeo Dynasty were mobilized, there might still be some possibility.

However, even if he flew over the northern capital and successfully implemented the bombing plan for the northern capital, it was absolutely impossible to kill Han Xiyuan, after all, Han Xiyuan, as the emperor of the Great Jin Empire, would inevitably go directly into the bomb shelter once he was bombed.

"Tojo-kun, this bombing operation is just a cover, we can mobilize all the sleeper agents in the Great Jin Empire, lurk in the northern capital, and take advantage of this break when Han Xiyuan enters the bomb shelter to carry out assassination activities. "

Yamamoto Seven and Eight, this plan is basically to use the air force stationed in the Goryeo Dynasty as cannon fodder, which can be regarded as a small and large.

Hearing this, Tojo hesitated for a moment, and then he continued to walk forward, although this plan was feasible, but it was too risky, and the possibility of success was very slim.

Tojo, as the prime minister of a country, obviously would not agree to this plan.

"Tojo-kun, the garrison of the Goryeo Dynasty was originally an abandoned son, and with the abandoned son, it will win a hope for our Fusang country, don't you want to try? I know very well that our Fusang country has no longer eased relations with the Great Jin Empire, and if the Demon Dragon plan fails. We, the Fusang Kingdom, will inevitably face the attack of the Great Jin Empire again. At present, only by fighting hard can we fight for a land for the survival of our country.

When Yamamoto Nanhachi said this, Tojo, who was originally firm, was shaken.

"Tojo-kun, think about the people on Yingzhou Island, we, the people of Fuso, must not repeat the mistakes of the past. "

Yamamoto seven or eight, it can be regarded as being said to be painful.

Before, most of the Fusang people who were originally on Yingzhou Island were exhausted to death, and after death, all the corpses were thrown into the sea and eaten by sea fish.

However, Tojo was also worried that if the assassination was successful, the Dajin people would launch a nuclear weapon strike against Fuso again.

However, Tojo was moved by Yamamoto Nanabachi, because even if he didn't anger the Great Jin Empire, the Great Jin Empire would launch a destructive weapon to Fuso in the future.

Therefore, he also recognized the current situation and gave up his previous concerns.

"This plan is your sole responsibility, and you must pay attention to confidentiality.

Tojo instructed, and Yamamoto Nanhachi slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Tojo-kun, I will definitely live up to your trust.

Yamamoto Nanocha promised.

And Han Xiyuan, who Tojo and Yamamoto are concerned about, has just arrived in the northern capital at this moment

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