After Zhang Mingbiao finished reporting his work, he was followed by Han Zexin, the president of the Imperial Bank of the Great Jin Dynasty.

This person is also a senior governance talent sold by the system, and Han Xiyuan's father, Han Jingxing, has repeatedly hoped that Han Xiyuan can appoint some of the children of the Han family, but Han Xiyuan only gives those children some false positions, and they can't touch the core of power at all.

This caused Han Jingxing to be dissatisfied many times, but Han Xiyuan still acted like this, he completely trusted those children, his ability was insufficient, and he still occupied a favorable position, which would inevitably be the worst outcome for the country.

"Your Majesty, at present, the Royal Bank of the Great Jin Empire is responsible for the printing right of the Great Jin currency, and there are seventeen types of banks under it, such as construction, investment promotion, industry and commerce, and national, and nearly 120,000 banks have been built in the territory.

Han Zexin reported that the number of banks in the current territory, 120,000, is completely enough for a country with a population of 500 million.

And among them, there are government banks built by the Ministry of Government Affairs in various places.

"My main responsibility at the moment is to channel funds to entrepreneurs and provide construction for the Ministry of Administration. The second is to set up a special fund for social assistance to provide social security. In addition, the pensions of martyrs, as well as the discharge of disabled soldiers, also belong to our Royal Bank. "

The Ministry of Administration is equivalent to the executive department, and the Royal Bank is the department that pays for it.

Moreover, the main purpose of the establishment of the Royal Bank is to support the industrial and commercial development of the Great Jin Empire, although Han Xiyuan is currently reforming the development system in the territory, so as to attribute most of the assets to the state, but after half a year of reform and asset liquidation, Han Xiyuan ordered the Ministry of Government Affairs, some of the following powers and enterprises.

In this way, it is to stimulate the development vitality of the enterprise, and secondly, to let the private capital into the enterprise, so as to promote the healthy development of the enterprise.

But after all, some people who have the ability and are willing to build lack sufficient funds in their hands, then the Royal Bank will provide them with interest-free loans, but after the development of enterprises, the interest-free will be cancelled, and the international level will be connected to the international level to collect interest.

In addition, that is the economic distribution of the social security system, the Ministry of Government will set a minimum standard for the income of the population according to the local situation, and if the population cannot meet it, then the Royal Bank will release the relief funds.

However, in order to prevent some lazy people from working and leading to poverty, the Ministry of Government has proposed a support plan to provide technical support for these people who cannot get rich.

If there is still little effect, then the Ministry of Government will send these lazy people to the construction teams in various places, and the construction teams are all traveling in major cities and playing a role in construction.

As a result, the emergence of some lazy people has been fundamentally eradicated, thus reducing fiscal expenditures.

The biggest role of the Royal Bank is that it has built a retired soldier security institution, and the Royal Bank will directly issue 50,000 large gold coins to soldiers who have been discharged from the army for three years, and if they are retired due to injury, they can get a fixed monthly relief payment.

As for the amount of benefits, it is also based on the level of per capita consumption in the cities where the servicemen choose to live.

After the Royal Bank finished reporting work, the minister of the epidemic prevention department also stepped forward to report on the work.

"Your Majesty, at present, we have built a total of 100,000 epidemic prevention stations across the country, and secondly, we have now temporarily controlled the scope of the plague, but it is not impossible to reduce the scope for the time being. Hearing

the work report of the epidemic prevention department, Han Xiyuan paused, this was the first time he asked.

"The plague has affected 18 medium-sized cities and 3 provinces. How many people have died from this plague?

Han Hee-won asked about the data of the deaths.

"Back to Your Majesty, the official count is 3,000, and the actual number is 40,000. And that number is constantly expanding. However, most of the people who died were elderly. The

epidemic prevention department responded again, after all, this plague is a type of virus, and most of them will induce some other causes, resulting in death.

"Forty thousand, and now the number is still growing, hasn't the Academy of Sciences found a vaccine yet?"

Han Xiyuan turned his head to look at Feng Yimin, who stood up at this moment.

"Back to Your Majesty, at present, our Academy of Sciences has only developed an initial vaccine, and it is still in the experiment, and if it wants to officially put into large-scale injection, it will take three to five days. Second, even if a vaccine is developed, it will not cure those patients.

Feng Yimin continued to shake his head as he spoke, and the venue fell silent at this moment.

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