This plan to step on the cherry blossoms is also known as Miss Qiu's marriage plan.

Miss Qiu had already been developed a month ago, and is currently stored in the hinterland of Gansu, and is currently developing another nuclear weapon that is fifty times more powerful than Miss Qiu, named the Tsar Bomba.

Listening to the name, you can know that this Tsar Bomba must be a dimensionality reduction blow to the Tsarist Russian Empire.

"The two of you, you must coordinate all parties to realize Miss Qiu's marriage as soon as possible, and we must crush the enemy's core at the beginning of the war.

Han Hee-won pointed to the location of Tokyo, and his idea was to put Miss Qiu in Tokyo, and then raze Tokyo to the ground.

At this moment, Tokyo, the imperial palace of Fuso Province, the emperor of Fuso Province, is currently sitting Tojo, and he handed over a top-secret document, and the author of the document is Shichihachi Yamamoto.

"Your Majesty, now the Demon Dragon Plan we formulated earlier has been implemented in advance in the Great Jin Empire, and from the current point of view, it has not completely failed. However, the strength of the Great Jin Empire was unfathomable. We had to guard against it. For my sake, the country of Fusang can be in peace and stability for a long time. We, the War Department, have developed this plan. Your Majesty is invited to check it out. "

Although Han Xiyuan strictly guarded the situation of the plague, after all, the infiltration of Fusang Country was also very strong, and some news had already been revealed.

Based on some information, Tojo boldly expressed his speculation to the emperor of Fuso Province.

But the emperor of Fusang after the curtain did not say a word.

It has to be said that if this plan is successful, the results will be tempting, but if it fails, Fuso will be destroyed.

This couldn't help but make him think a little more, and secondly, he came to meet the emperor of Fusang this morning, and he was ready to resign.

Because, he frankly told the Emperor of Fusang that the Great Jin Empire would definitely not let go of Fusang, and the Emperor of Fusang who heard the news couldn't help but fall into despair.

Looking at the figure behind the curtain, there was no movement for a long time, and Tojo continued to speak.

"Your Majesty, at present, the American Eagle Empire is too reckless to point the finger at the Great Jin Empire too early. Secondly, there are also people in our country who have already sold all our information to the Great Jin Empire, so the situation is very bad for our Fusang Kingdom. Only by fighting to the death can we give our Fusang country a glimmer of life. In addition, even if the plan fails, our military department has a backup plan.

Tojo continued to speak, and the Emperor of Fuso Kingdom, who heard this, slowly asked.

"I didn't expect much from this project. But with the war situation that has been unable to save. Maybe you can give it a try, and you might as well be honest about your backup plan. The

curtain slowly opened, the emperor of Fusang had given up the last fig leaf at this moment, he knew that now the royal family of Fusang country wanted to be alone in it, it was impossible to achieve, so at this moment, he gave up his illusions.

"First of all, our military department has built a central command and combat system in five cities such as Jiangzhou, escorting the people of the Great Jin Empire from all over the country into Kyoto, and publishing it in the World Gazette, the plan for the great migration of the population. Besides, Your Majesty, you must withdraw from Tokyo.

Tojo said slowly, his plan was simple, that is, to establish six operational command systems in Fuso Province, so that if one of them was destroyed, the other five could take over.

If all six operational command systems are destroyed, it means that Fuso has completely fallen.

Second, Tojo knew that if this bombing plan failed, the Great Jin Empire would inevitably launch a retaliatory counterattack, that is, to inflict a devastating blow on Tokyo, so he suggested that the imperial family of Fuso Province withdraw from Tokyo.

The migratory population is to make the Great Jin Empire restrained, and it does not dare to easily drop destructive weapons on Tokyo in Fuso Kingdom.

After listening to Tojo's initial plan, he thought for a moment and agreed.

"And the only plan for our Fusang country to turn the tables, or the strategy to put it to death and survive, is the Demon Dragon plan we implemented before. Based on the Magic Dragon Project, we designated this plan as the Moth Project.

Tojo handed over a document at this moment, his eyes flashed with helplessness, the emperor of Fuso took the document, quickly flipped through it, he stood up, and spoke to Tojo.

"Is this the only way we have? We are not alone in the implementation of the Demon Dragon Plan, so should the American Eagle Empire really sit idly by and watch our Fusang Kingdom be annexed? Can't we send people to the Tsarist Empire? And the Fandi Dynasty. I don't believe they don't understand the truth. The

emperor of Fusang slowly put down the papers, and then sat down weakly.

It would be too heavy to carry out this plan, and he didn't want to die with a sense of guilt.

"Your Majesty, the warships of the American Eagle Empire have privately approached our Admiralty, and they are willing to accept the children of the royal family to the American Eagle Empire and be protected by them. But as a condition, our combined fleet must join their American Eagle Empire. It can be seen from this that the U.S. Eagle Empire is well aware of the current war situation, and they have begun to abandon us.

Tojo sighed helplessly, the last plan he made, that is, the seed plan, was to select the high-level intellectual talents of Fuso Country and migrate to the American Eagle Empire, hoping that one day, with the help of the American Eagle Empire, he could regain the country.

"Moreover, the Tsarist Empire was currently under the dual threat of the German Empire and the Great Jin Empire. He categorically did not dare to launch an attack on the Great Jin.

Tojo shook his head, if he was the tsar of the Tsarist Russian Empire, he would not dare to launch an attack on the Great Jin Empire.

"As for the Fandi Dynasty, it is nothing more than an empty country with no fighting power. There is no need to make a fuss.

Tojo thoroughly clarified the current situation in the major countries, and the emperor of Fuso Province, who heard this, paused for a moment and stopped speaking for a while.

"Your Majesty, at present, our War Department has discussed and is preparing to send the third prince to the American Eagle Empire first. Reserve the seeds for the royal family, and as for the external caliber, it is to go to the American Eagle Empire to study.

Tojo continued to persuade, but the emperor of Fuso was still silent at the moment.

"Your Majesty, now that it has arrived, when life and death are at stake, I am forced to wait for this strategy, but I am also forced to be helpless. The country of Fusang should not be destroyed, and our nation should not be erased from the world.

At this moment, Tojo said this, and the emperor of Fuso Province sighed and then spoke.

"It seems that I can only be a sinner in this history, just follow the plan of your military department!"

Tojo's moth plan was to release the plague virus to Fusang itself, so that Fusang would become a virus-infected area, so that the Great Jin Empire would not dare to attack this area.

Because, as long as the army of the Great Jin Empire steps into this land, it will inevitably be infected with the virus, which is the worst news for the Great Jin Empire.

And if this is the case, then Fuso will inevitably usher in a large area of infection, which will lead to a large area of population reduction.

However, according to the experts of Fuso who developed this virus, this virus is a disaster for the weak and the elderly.

For some young and vigorous people, it's not a big deal.

In other words, this virus will inevitably form autoantibodies in the future.

If this is the case, there will be people in Fuso who can stand up. That's why it's known as Project Moth.

The moth fights the fire, it is self-destruction, but also yearns for light.

"Your Majesty, you don't know anything about this plan, if you are a sinner in history, then leave it to the old minister!" Tojo

burst into tears at the moment, they didn't expect that in just one year, Fuso would actually use this way to save itself.

He vaguely remembered that a year ago, he was still commanding, and he was even clamoring for the battle against the Great Dry Republic of China to take the entire territory of the Great Dry Republic of China in three months.

And now the Great Qian Republic no longer exists, and what has risen is a more powerful and more terrible enemy, the Great Jin Empire.

He didn't even know what had happened in the past year, the war was lost again and again, and the number of troops in the Great Jin Empire was getting bigger and bigger, like a snowball.

It was not only Tojo who had such thoughts, but also Little Brown, who was far away in the White House of the Eagle Empire, stared at the documents handed over by the secretary general, and drank a glass of red wine helplessly.

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