"Mr. President, are we going to visit the states next?"

Troy saw that Little Brown was in thought, and then asked, after all, the presidential election still has to pull the votes of the people, and the best choice for canvassing is to enter the states and give speeches to express his political views.

In fact, it is necessary for the states to meet with some important chaebols and consult with them, and after they come to power, the policies they will implement will inevitably be in their real interests, so as to win their support.

"I'll leave this matter to you! The content of the speech must be strictly controlled this time, so that the accident of the last time must not be repeated. Little

Brown specially instructed this time that the speech he got at the presidential report meeting before was completely inconsistent in several places, and his own proposition, if he hadn't discovered it in time.

That will inevitably lose its credibility in front of the people, after all, the content of this meeting will be conveyed to the people everywhere through radio.

At this juncture, there is such a mistake that should not have happened, and little Brown must be angry.

But all this is the result of Troy's arrangement, but Little Brown still trusts Troy very much, so he only removes the original paperwork and does not hold Troy accountable.

However, anyone with a discerning eye can see that this matter has nothing to do with Troy.

"That's right. Did they react to the first draft of the national development and economic policy submitted to the major chaebols?" At

this moment, Little Brown still wants to change the current stagflation status quo of the U.S. Eagle Empire, and he clearly knows that the biggest factor in the stagflation of the U.S. Eagle Empire today is that most of the capital is in the hands of a small number of people.

In other words, low-income people put their income into the bank, and the wealthy businessmen borrowed money from the bank to invest.

This will inevitably lead to the stagflationary development of the country's economy, so Little Brown hopes that the major chaebols will increase the people's income, thereby increasing the people's desire to consume and driving the development of the national economy.

However, when the major chaebols heard that they wanted to share the big cake they got with others, they naturally had a reluctant attitude.

"As things stand, it's not optimistic. We still can't expect too much.

Troy shook his head, little Brown knew that he was powerless to change the current status quo of the American Eagle Empire, and he sighed helplessly.

"If we can't expel the chaebol from our country, our country won't be able to completely eradicate its malpractices. We must build a strong army and eliminate the ills of the country.

As soon as Little Brown said this, Troy subconsciously took a step back.

Brown Jr.'s current position is exactly the same as the policy of the Tsarist Empire, which is also Troy's determination to help Trump Trand become president.

Little Brown realized that he was speaking too aggressively, and he coughed softly, and then spoke.

"Lately, I have been studying why the Tsarist Empire was slow in its development in many of our countries. It can also continue to develop the economy, and even in a short period of time, complete the country's strength. As for some of the policies of the Tsarist Empire, I think that the American Eagle Empire can also adopt them.

When Troy heard this, he responded with a compliment.

"The Tsarist Empire, at the moment, is also developing its economy and developing nuclear weapons in a steady and orderly manner. There are merits, but Mr. President, you still have to weigh one or two. After all, in our country, the greatest power is in the hands of a few. If you insist on doing so, you may be hindered by a lot. "

Troy for Brown Jr., he just thinks that Brown Jr. is an overly aggressive president who doesn't fit into the current status quo of the U.S. Eagle Empire.

However, Troy did not want to kill Little Brown, after all, Little Brown had the grace to know him.

The Tsarist Empire has always been different from the current economic system of the major empires, and in terms of the major empires, it is different, although now the major countries have not carried out an economic blockade of the Tsarist Empire.

However, the Russian Empire never took the initiative to join the economic markets of other countries, because the Russian Empire believed that the economic crises of other empires were inevitable and cyclical.

It has no economic system of its own, it is stable, and it is indeed possible to achieve democratic power for the whole people.

Of course, Brown Jr. is also aware of the cyclical nature of crises in his country's economy, which is why he is in a hurry to change the status quo.

"Alas, I think that when I first ascended to the presidency, I promised the people that I would inevitably change the situation in the country, but it turned out that the country was rotten to the bone, and if we could not remove the rotten meat, we would never be able to change the status quo. Little

Brown said his most helpless point at this moment, and he even thought that no one could change the status quo of the American Eagle Empire.

"Mr. President, maybe we should give more benefits to the chaebols so that they will support our reforms. Thus changing the power of our American Eagle Empire. After all, only by making the cake bigger can we share it with the people, and the interests of the chaebol will not be damaged.

Troy was also well aware of the erosion of the American Eagle Empire, so he offered his opinion, but Little Brown only chuckled.

"If the cake grows bigger, how can the ambitions of those chaebols be greedy for the benefits they originally wanted. You have to remember that in our country, every businessman does not have an urgent concern for the safety of the country. They are all chasing interests and advocating the supremacy of interests.

Little Brown directly refuted Troy's argument, and Troy was speechless at the moment.

"Originally, I wanted the people to establish a basic sense of patriotism, but those businessmen were exalting their interests. If not, I will take advantage of the situation to promote the threat theory of the Great Jin Empire. And the Great Jin Empire has indeed touched the cake of their interests. Do you really think that they would be so willing to contribute money to build warships and expand their army? It was not so much to defend their country as to protect their property from persecution.

Little Brown became angrier and angrier the more he spoke, he originally thought that he could take advantage of this expansion to firmly control the power of the army in his own hands.

However, he made a mistake, and the current power of the government is still very weak, and now he still can't change the status quo.

"Troy, you have to remember. The U.S. Eagle Empire can only achieve the most fundamental changes by expelling the power of capital. Only then will the U.S. Eagle Empire be able to see free sunshine and free air. It's just a pity that I can't change that. If that Trump is serious and can change the status quo, I am really willing to step aside. But, judging by the current situation, he is nothing more than a braggart sophist. And now, you are the only one who may be able to inherit my claim. Little

Brown said, getting up and patting Troy on the shoulder, he had made up his mind in a short time.

At this moment, Troy stood on one side for a long time, without speaking.

He had an indescribable feeling, but he couldn't express it, and finally he was ready to give up and reveal the news to Trump Brown.

Because, he knows very well that the little Brown in front of him is also a real reformer, but he is unable to carry the banner.

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