A total of one brigade was stationed on the heights of Huangdunpo, and the supreme commander of the Fusang army in charge of the attack had been bribed by the Special Intelligence Bureau, so the army of the Fusang State was directly slammed into the preset encirclement.

The Fuso army, which entered the encirclement, lost any cover and met the guns coming from all directions on the uncovered flat ground.

The Fusang army, which was under siege, could only surrender on the spot.

The army of the Goryeo Dynasty who was willing to lead the army to surrender to Chengcheng was arranged to the position of transporting baggage in the later period, and the army of Fusang Kingdom, which was willing to surrender, was arranged in the position of reserve.

As a result, it directly squeezed all the main forces of Fuso into a limited living space.

In this limited living space, the army of Fuso was constantly defeated.

The desperate air force units of Fuso were surrounded by nearly 10,000 fighters when they entered the airspace over Dongshan Province, and under the coercion of the fighters, these 3,000 fighters were directly forced to retreat to the skies over the Arahai Sea, and a fierce air battle broke out over the airspace.

In order to successfully realize the bombing plan, the fighters of Fuso gave up their offensive weapons, and thus directly fell into the situation of being besieged and strangled.

A group of fighters, unable to escape the fate of being destroyed.

At this time, Miss Qiu also successfully boarded the fighter jet, and under the cover of 500 Black Widow fighters, she successfully entered the sky over Tokyo, and successfully completed the marriage mission.

That night, most of the people in Tokyo saw their deceased relatives.

However, most of Tokyo's government officials have been evacuated, and Tojo is also on the list of evacuees and survived.

As for the royal family of Fuso, they were the first to evacuate.

However, Ishihara and other surrender factions did not have this good luck and were all blown up in Tokyo.

Early the next morning, the World Gazette published that the Great Jin Empire took the initiative to provoke a war and took the initiative to drop nuclear weapons on the Goryeo Dynasty, resulting in the loss of nearly 700,000 innocent people, which completely did not follow the rules of international peace and public law.

They demanded to condemn this behavior sternly, and called on all countries in the world to exert political and economic pressure on the Great Jin Empire.

The reason why there is only economy and politics is entirely because none of the major empires in the world has military strength comparable to the Great Jin Empire.

The behavior of the U.S. Eagle Empire directly made Han Xiyuan angry.

Han Xiyuan directly asked the People's Daily to issue a counterattack, and expressed between the lines that if any country stands up and supports it.

The Great Jin Empire would be regarded as a declaration of war, and would launch a nuclear strike against the country.

Hearing Han Xiyuan's clamour, Little Brown did not choose to retreat, but chose to gather a group of countries and prepare to put pressure on the Great Jin Empire.

Fuso country, Osaka.

This was the second command center established by the Fuso Kingdom, and Tojo knelt in front of the Emperor of the Fuso Kingdom.

"Your Majesty, we have completely failed."

Tojo is powerless to admit this reality, at present, the entire air force of the Goryeo Dynasty has been buried in the sea, and as for the army of the Goryeo Dynasty, it is also all surrounded by the Great Jin Empire, and it is only a matter of time before they are surrounded and annihilated.

In particular, the destruction of Tokyo made most of the people of Fuso Province stand up against the war and support surrender.

After all, if you can't beat it, why can't you kneel down and be a slave, this is the heartfelt thought of these people.

"Could it be that our Fuso Kingdom is really going to stop here?"

The emperor of Fuso was still in shock at the moment, and if he hadn't evacuated Tokyo the day before, he would have been a dead soul.

Moreover, he has already sent his third son to the American Eagle Empire.

"Your Majesty, our front-line army is losing ground one after another. And the Great Jin Empire has repeatedly dropped destructive weapons on our land. The people have lost confidence in this war, and even some soldiers who have just enlisted in the army have set off a mutiny. We must surrender unconditionally. Tojo

was awakened at this moment, and he had witnessed the fall of Tokyo.

A nuclear weapon could destroy the entire city of Tokyo.

"Well, then follow your ideas!"

The Emperor of Fusang sat up tremblingly at this moment, and then left here.

Tojo also got up slowly, preparing to return to his administrative department and give orders.

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