Osaka, the temporary residence of the Emperor of Fuso, the Emperor of Fuso was silent for a long time in the audience Tojo before he slowly spoke.

"Your Excellency, our country is facing great difficulties right now, and now there is nothing we can do. Do we really want to die to escape the harsh reality? "

Because the hydrogen bomb No. 1 dropped by the Great Jin Empire on the western coastal area of Fusang destroyed most of the cities and bunkers on the coastline, which completely deprived Fusang of its natural protective defense line.

And because of the large number of people infected with the virus epidemic in Fuso, these people created a large-scale panic in a short period of time.

In this way, some pessimistic people use suicide to escape the survival problems they face.

Even at one time, the crematorium worked overnight, and it could not meet the domestic needs of the current Fuso country.

"Your Majesty, we still have a chance. As long as we show tenacity, we will certainly win the sympathy of some countries. Moreover, I have learned that a large number of infected people have also appeared in the territory of the American Eagle Empire. In this way, the plague will inevitably sweep the whole world. At that time, this magic dragon plan can also be successful.

At this moment, this Tojo had a glimmer of hope on his face, he had heard that there were infected people in the territory of the American Eagle Empire, and he immediately jumped up with excitement.

If it weren't for the Imperial Navy of the Great Jin Empire, which locked the gates of Fuso Kingdom, Tojo would inevitably send more agents to other countries to spread the virus.

Because, only when most of the people in the world are infected with the virus, the Great Jin Empire will naturally not be spared.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, I have heard that you have developed a specific drug that can effectively prevent the spread of the virus. But I don't know anything about this, so how do you explain it? "

The emperor of Fuso Country, when he heard that Tojo mentioned the virus plague, he naturally asked, but Tojo was a little suspicious, because he had kept this time a strict secret, after all, Tojo was not ready to give the medicine to his emperor in front of him.

Now Tojo is already in a high position, and he has kicked the Fuso Emperor in front of him to the side, especially after the bombing of Tokyo, the officers of the Ishihara faction have lost everything, and the court has no strength to confront the Tojo faction anymore.

After the balance between the court and the center was broken, the emperor of Fuso Province naturally had power in his hands and could not compete with the Tojo in front of him.

Moreover, when he came to Osaka, the emperor of Fuso lost his freedom.

"Your Majesty, this is true, but because the medicine developed is a semi-finished product, we dare not offer it to the children of the royal family. This is also for the safety of the children of the royal family.

Tojo's shriveled face showed a hint of flattery, but of course the emperor of Fuso Kingdom knew the meaning of Tojo's words, but he didn't break it.

"I just hope that Your Excellency the Prime Minister can truly implement the Demon Dragon Project successfully, so that my Fusang country can get a little respite."

After the emperor of Fusang finished speaking, he got up and left here directly.

Tojo also took advantage of the situation to leave, and Yamamoto Qihachi outside the door saw Tojo walking out slowly, and then followed closely and stepped forward.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, I have just learned that Ampere Komaki came to pay homage to His Majesty yesterday evening. Perhaps, he revealed something to His Majesty about our plans. "

Yamamoto Nanachi also just learned about this, he was afraid that the emperor of Fusang Kingdom, this time he summoned Tojo to attack, it was a Hongmen banquet, so he immediately brought a large group of soldiers to guard.

As for the Ampi Komaki he mentioned, he was also a middle-aged military officer who had taken drugs before, but he was very loyal to the emperor of Fuso, so even if he noticed a hint of strangeness, he came to report the matter to the emperor of Fuso.

"Your Majesty, I won't listen to some people's slander, but some people think that it would be foolish for me and Your Majesty to have a disagreement. We still can't tolerate this kind of person.

As soon as Tojo's words came out, he directly gave Ampei Komaki a killing order, and Yamamoto Shichihachi also commanded a team to prepare to go to Ampei Komaki's residence.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, the Cabinet meeting and the House of Representatives meeting are ready for you to go."

Subsequently, Nanhachi Yamamoto stated the main purpose of the trip, and Tojo convened a cabinet meeting and a meeting of the House of Representatives.

The former is to build some secret fortifications, after all, all the fortifications on the face of Fuso have been destroyed.

And if such a fortification is built again, it will inevitably cause a devastating weapon attack from the Great Jin Empire.

The following meeting of the House of Representatives is mainly to make a new round of discussion on the issue of the royal family of Fuso, in fact, it is to make the emperor of Fusang completely hand over administrative power, so as to empty the emperor of Fuso.

At the cabinet meeting, Tojo slowly sat down and spoke slowly to the cabinet members in front of him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you must have taken the medicine I sent. With the blessing of this medicine, you will be able to gain some immunity so that you can survive this plague virus.

Before the meeting, Tojo calmly told the cabinet members in front of him that he had given everyone in front of him the power to live.

The people who heard this looked at each other and did not speak again.

They don't have a fixed affiliation in their hearts, and they can be regarded as opportunists, but they are more inclined to surrender to the Great Jin Empire.

Therefore, they were ordered to enter the cabinet under the critical order, and they needed to get some valuable information, so that they could sell some money to the Great Jin Empire to ensure the safety of their lives.

But after all, it was a meeting of the cabinet reorganization, and Tojo did not focus on pointing out some strategies, but only had some discussions with the people in front of him, and finally briefly mentioned the matter of rebuilding the defense line, which made everyone feel helpless, and even a little empty.

The next meeting was the House of Representatives, at which Tojo made it clear that it was necessary to amend the bill to clearly limit the power of the Fuso Emperor, so as to help the Fuso Emperor evade the blame of the war after the war.

Even, some people spoke out.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, during your administration, we carried out what we called a plan of aggression. But this plan has brought millions of orphans and widows to our country, and has brought endless war whirlpools and economic crises to our country. Also, three devastating weapon strikes of the Great Jin Empire. You have made such a great mistake, but you have not committed suicide and apologized with death, and now you are so grandiose that you are here to limit your majesty's power. "

Tojo Dufu, if it weren't for the annexation plan you formulated, how could our Fuso Kingdom suffer the crazy revenge of the Great Jin Empire within a year. And what kind of situation your so-called Moth Project, and that bullshit Demon Dragon Project, has become now. How do you explain it now? "


The crowd in the audience spoke, constantly attacking Tojo.

Tojo's originally soothing brow suddenly wrinkled at this moment, and he stood up directly, pointing at these spittles and scolding.

He never understood in his heart why the people in front of him kept criticizing him for the so-called Demon Dragon Plan and the Moth Project, which made him unable to resist it for a while.

The reason for this is naturally because of the preparations made in advance by the Emperor of Fusang State, and after he received a secret report from Ampei Komaki yesterday, he directly gathered a group of courtiers who were still loyal to him, including Yamamoto Shichihachi.

At the moment when Tokyo was speechless, one of the people sitting in the audience stood up directly, raised his gun and shot him directly, and the bullet directly penetrated his head.

Tojo fell directly to the ground, and no one dared to step forward to help.

When such an unexpected situation occurred, everyone present did not show much panic.

The news of Tojo's assassination was published in the newspapers the next day, and the news did not make the people of Fuso feel sad, and they were even very happy, after all, they all agreed that Tojo was the root of Fuso's trouble.

Ampere Komaki also took advantage of the situation to ascend to the position of prime minister of Fuso.

After Ampere Komaki came to power, he worked hard to repair diplomatic relations with the Great Jin Empire and the American Eagle Empire.

And when the news of Tojo's death reached the territory of the Northern Capital, Han Xiyuan only chuckled lightly.

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