Hearing Mussooli's hesitation, Adolf did not hesitate, but nodded slowly.

"At present, the Great Jin Empire has occupied most of the land in the Far East, and the so-called Demon Dragon Plan of the Fusang Kingdom has also failed. I believe that after a while, the Fusang Kingdom will inevitably fail to hold on, and thus surrender to the Great Jin Empire. As a result, there are only two countries left in the Far East: the Fandi Dynasty and the Great Jin Empire.

Based on the current information, Adolf spoke eloquently to Mussoli in front of him.

At this moment, Mussoli also nodded slowly, after all, he also knew a thing or two about what Adolf said.

"This time, I pretended to extend an invitation to Han Xiyuan, the emperor of the Great Jin Empire, but this person directly rejected our request. In my opinion, the Great Jin Empire has become wary of us. Again, we have to recognize a reality. The tiger cub of the Great Jin Empire has now grown into a tiger. Adolf

only realized the threat of the Great Jin Empire at this moment, after all, now the strength of the Great Jin Empire completely annexes the ability of the major empires, Adolf thinks that he and Han Xiyuan are the same kind of people, if the Great Jin Empire has such strength, then the next step must be to lay out the whole world.

"Furthermore, when I met Han Xiyuan for the first time before, and when I had a secret discussion, I talked about the strategic layout of your Silver Wolf Empire. It is true that this Han Xiyuan seems to have a lot of criticism for the Silver Wolf Empire.

Adolf remembered every word Han Xiyuan had said before, such as the Silver Wolf Empire's weak combat effectiveness, or the need to focus on guarding against the Franco-Prussian Empire army in the Dunkel region.

Now, these are as Han Xiyuan said before, and he naturally has a little more fear in his heart.

After all, it all seems to be Han Hee-won's layout.

"However, the Great Jin Empire has a destructive-level weapon in its hands, but we have nothing to rely on in our hands. If we tear our faces with the Great Jin Empire at this moment, then the Great Jin Empire bombards us, then we will not be able to resist it.

Mussoli was naturally jealous of the Great Jin Empire in his heart, and he was especially afraid of the Great Jin Empire's destructive weapons, but Adolf shook his head.

"Although the nuclear weapons of the Great Jin Empire are very powerful, if the fighters on it cannot withstand our skies, they will not be able to pose a threat to us. Secondly, we have built a tight air defense position, and we are sure enough to intercept the destructive weapons of the Great Jin Empire outside our borders. With this technology, we in the German Empire will help you build the Silver Wolf Empire. Again, for the time being, we are only hoping to reach some tentative consensus.

Adolf said with relief to Mussooli in front of him, he was also afraid of the devastating blow of the Great Jin Empire, after all, the tragedy of Fusang was vivid.

Therefore, at a time when other countries were studying weapons of destruction, he took a different approach and turned to the study of interception and protection of weapons of destruction.

He found that Fuso had lost air supremacy, thus depriving it of the ability to intercept.

Therefore, he directly ordered the manufacturing department to build more fighters to expand the combat effectiveness of his air force, but after all, these still can't change the combat power comparison of the battle situation, so he is also looking for more solutions.

"Even if we solve the destruction level weapons of the Great Jin Empire, the number of troops and combat effectiveness of the Great Jin Empire are not something we can compete with."

Mussouri shook his head, he still advocated befriending the Great Jin Empire, after all, the strength of the Great Jin Empire was too strong.

"Because of this, I have invited the diplomatic envoys of the Tsarist Russian Empire and the Eagle Empire this time, hoping that the two countries can reach an agreement with us to launch an attack on the army of the Great Jin Empire. And the Great Jin Empire is now developing too fast, but the domestic economic development is insufficient, and it is far from being able to compete with us. In the newly occupied areas, there are also many people who complain. These can be used as our help.

Adolf directly pointed out the current problems faced by the Great Jin Empire, after all, he had previously sent personnel to the Great Jin Empire to visit and cooperate with the industrial innovation and construction of the Great Jin Empire.

According to the situation reported by those people, it completely shows the current situation of the industrial backwardness of the Great Jin Empire.

At present, the Jin Empire had only a few key cities, and the technological level of industrial development was in line with that of the German Empire.

But most areas still belong to the agricultural era, which is also because the expansion rate of the Great Jin Empire is too fast, and the progress of development cannot keep up, and for the service of war, most of the factories still produce military products.

Second, Han Xiyuan gave too much prominence to the problems of land and population, and in the newly occupied areas, large-scale disputes over the division of land and population, and even race.

Han Xiyuan directly ordered Zhou Xinghui and others to suppress these problems with bloody slaughter, after all, Han Xiyuan believes that if it is not my race, there is no need to show mercy.

In this way, naturally, disputes arose, and therefore some elements of the riot were also detained for a short time.

"And our main purpose this time is to squeeze the territory of the Great Jin Empire, and not to make preparations for the expansion of the area of the Great Jin Empire again. And the Tsarist Empire will not refuse our invitation. As for the Eagle Empire, the current Great Jin Empire is constantly pressuring, and presumably the Eagle Empire is unwilling to bow its head willingly.

Adolf expressed the idea that the Russian Empire must be willing to cooperate, and then mentioned the current contradictions between the Eagle Empire and Han Xiyuan.

"You mean, the terms for the return of cultural relics proposed by the Great Jin Empire?"

Mussouri only hesitated for a moment before he learned of what Adolf was talking about.

It was Zheng Guofu, the minister of cultural relics of the Great Jin Empire, who submitted to Han Xiyuan half a month ago a document on the return of cultural relics of the major empires.

According to the regulations on the return of cultural relics, in 1840 and 1900, the Eagle Empire, the Franco-Prussian Empire, and even the German Empire plundered cultural relics in the Great Jin Empire through war and aggression.

Among them, the National Museum of the Eagle Empire has collected 23,000 rare treasures of the Great Jin Empire, among which the most dazzling is the Eastern Jin Dynasty painter Gu Kaizhi's "Female History Atlas", the Daweide vase, the Dunhuang murals, and the Liao Dynasty Sancai Arhat four pieces.

This return document was handed over to Han Xiyuan, who directly ordered Foreign Minister Lu Zijing to submit the request for return to the major empires.

Seeing this document, in order to mend the diplomatic relations of the Great Jin Empire, the Fusang State took the initiative to be willing to exchange 90,000 cultural relics for peace.

But for this request, Han Xiyuan directly ordered Lu Zijing to respond, the Great Jin Empire does not accept this kind of peaceful relations, if the Fusang Kingdom is willing to take the initiative to return the cultural relics, the Great Jin Empire can exchange some prisoners of war.

Regarding this statement of the Great Jin Empire, the new prime minister of Fusang State, Ampei Komaki, still agreed to this request.

Compared with Fusang, the requirements of the Eagle Empire are more demanding, the Eagle Empire is only willing to return three thousand cultural relics, and the Great Jin Empire must be returned by purchase, hearing the request of the Eagle Empire, Han Xiyuan directly ordered diplomacy to shout the Eagle Empire.

"There was a robber who took the looted goods and shamelessly demanded money."

Moreover, Han Xiyuan still clearly mentioned that if the Eagle Empire was unwilling to unconditionally return the cultural relics of the Great Jin Dynasty that he had robbed before, Han Xiyuan would inevitably take appropriate means of war.

Even, the next day, in the gazette, he publicly published a rebuke to the robbers' unwarranted demands, and the Empress No. 1 was born.

The specific information of this Empress No. 1 has been made public by Han Xiyuan, this is a naked threat, the Eagle Empire saw this scene, and did not dare to mention the redemption of the return, but it was still only willing to return 3,000 cultural relics.

Among these 3,000 cultural relics, the value is naturally relatively low, but Han Xiyuan is still unwilling to let go, he still orders Lu Zijing to negotiate with the Eagle Empire again.

The cultural relics plundered by the Eagle Empire must be returned in full.

"Yes, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Great Jin Empire also ordered me to return the cultural relics this time. But the cultural relics of the Great Jin Empire are so exquisite that even I am really unwilling to let go. "

Adolf was originally an art student, and he knew the deeper meaning of the cultural relics of the Great Jin Empire.

Even, when he entered the Royal Museum of the Franco-Prussian Empire to visit, he only secretly sighed in his heart that the Great Jin people had created the world's most extensive and long-standing civilization.

"The same is true of our Silver Wolf Empire, but due to the military threat of the Great Jin Empire, we haven't made too many moves."

Mussouri remembered that the Eagle Empire was unwilling to return it, and the Great Jin Empire had specially developed nuclear weapons for them, and he didn't want to be threatened by nuclear weapons, so he directly agreed to the Great Jin Empire's return regulations.

"However, because of the threat of the Great Jin Empire, I think the Eagle Empire will definitely not refuse our invitation."

Adolf was also delaying the war with the Great Jin Empire this time, and did not immediately sign the regulations for the return of cultural relics with the Great Jin Empire.

"In just one year, Han Xiyuan, who I was very disdainful of when I first met, can now stand on top of our heads and command us."

Mussouri smiled bitterly at this moment, he had looked down on Han Xiyuan very much before.

At this moment, Han Xiyuan, the northern capital, looked at the telegram sent by Lu Zijing, and he immediately asked Han Xuhu to summon Zheng Guofu.

At the same time, Lu Zijing had already boarded a cruise ship to the Eagle Empire, preparing for the last negotiations with the Eagle Empire.

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