Han Xiyuan couldn't help frowning when he heard the prompt sound of the system, the order that Han Xiyuan received yesterday was to guard the street pavilion.

At present, the 6th Mixed Brigade has taken over the position of the 88th National Defense Division, which is a well-known German armament division.

And the German mechanic is to imitate the weapons and equipment of the world's more powerful empire, the German Empire.

The composition of the various armies of the Republic of China was also reorganized in accordance with the establishment of the German Empire, and from bottom to top they were divided into squads, platoons, companies, battalions, regiments, brigades, divisions, armies, and group armies.

The number of an infantry squad is thirteen, including a squad leader, eight rifle and four machine gun crews, these eight rifles are a group, the team leader is the deputy squad leader, and the machine gun team of four people in addition to the main gunner, deputy machine gunner, is two ammunition soldiers.

An infantry regiment (3,250 people) was formed into an infantry regiment (3,250 people) with each infantry squad, and an infantry division was basically composed of three infantry regiments.

In addition, there are divisional headquarters (158 people), reconnaissance battalion (625 people), communications battalion (474 people), artillery regiment (2500 people), engineering battalion (843 people), divisional baggage team (2300 people).

Therefore, the full number of a German mechanic should be 17,200.

The 6th Mixed Brigade took over the position of the 88th National Defense Division in the Nangang area, and the street pavilion belonged to the western street in the Nangang area.

Han Xiyuan sighed, it was not easy to hold the street pavilion for two days at present.

Because, this war lasted for two months, and the Great Qian Republic invested 800,000 soldiers, but it was still suppressed by the 300,000 soldiers of the Fusang State.

The establishment of Fusang is detachments, squads, squadrons, brigades, wings, brigades, and divisions. and then the formation of the army, the front army.

An infantry squad consists of a machine gun group (two light machine guns), a grenadier group (two grenadiers) and two infantry groups, numbering about seventy people.

The Infantry Squadron has three infantry squadrons.

The infantry brigade was divided into one transport squadron, four infantry squadrons, a machine gun squadron, and an artillery squad.

As for the wing, there was a command of fifty-four people, a transport brigade, three infantry battalions, an artillery squadron, an observation squad.

As for the division, it includes three infantry wings, an engineer wing, a reconnaissance wing, a field artillery wing, a transport wing, and a communications wing.

The full strength of a division is about 28,500 men, the number of a brigade is about 7,900, and the number of a wing is about 3,800.

The armies of both sides basically follow the principle of the three-three system.

In addition, the Sixth Brigade of the Mixed Brigade is now taking over the 88th National Defense Division, in order to cover the retreat of the 88th National Defense Division and retain the national defense strength.

At the meeting, Zhao Daoxin, the commander of the Sixth Mixed Brigade, told them very calmly that he would die in this battle, and hoped that all regiments and battalions would stick to their positions and never retreat.

Han Xiyuan understands very well at this moment that only by holding the position in front of him can he protect the elite of the country.

And now that he was alive again, he didn't want to see the slaughter repeated, so he tidied up, and with his military uniform, he took ten heavily armed junior soldiers and inspected his battalion of soldiers.

It took him a full hour, and he almost looked at the 513 soldiers of the entire first battalion, and after watching the whole thing, Han Xiyuan was a little sad.

The Sixth Brigade was originally a hastily formed army, and as a battalion of subordinate troops, the soldiers were even more mixed, including personnel drawn from local security regiments, police troops, and 23 fourteen or fifteen-year-old baby soldiers.

After all, the magic capital is the most prosperous city in the Republic of China.

In other words, the current battalion, not to mention whether the weapons can be unified, is that the clothing on the body cannot be unified.

In terms of the configuration of weapons, only one medium formal rifle can only be barely equipped with all personnel, as for the light machine gun there are less than three, let alone heavy machine guns, as for field artillery, grenadiers, these people in front of them, whether they can use it is a huge problem.

With such a soldier to resist the oncoming Fusang army on the opposite side, Han Xiyuan had no bottom in his heart.

Moreover, Han Xiyuan felt an inexplicable pain in his heart.

It is true that eighty percent of these soldiers were urgently transferred or even coaxed here, but in the near future, they will spill their blood here, they have not been able to defend here, but they have reserved the strength of national defense for the Republic of China.

Thinking of this, Han Xiyuan saluted the soldiers around him.

These soldiers also looked at Han Xiyuan in front of them, some of them were smoking dry cigarettes, and some were looking at the scenery in the distance.

But the moment Han Hee-won saluted them, they immediately stood up and saluted Han Hee-won.

An hour later, the makeshift headquarters was in a private house, because the conditions were poor.

Han Hee-won could only draw a sketchy map on the ground with the edge of a bayonet, and Han Hee-won pointed out the five commanding heights of the street pavilion.

Han Xiyuan is ready to send a hundred people into five groups to defend these five commanding heights.

As for the frontal battlefield, Han Xiyuan is ready to lead his team to defend it.

In addition to Gu Shunzhi, the commander of the first company, who was wearing a military uniform, there were Zhao Wuke, the commander of the second platoon, who was wearing a police uniform, and Ai Minghui, the commander of the third company, who was wearing the military uniform of the local security regiment.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the purpose of our battle is to cover the retreat of the 88th Division of National Defense."

Han Xiyuan did not deceive the three people in front of him.

The three of them looked at each other for a moment, then nodded slowly.

"Battalion commander, how to fight this battle, please give orders from the battalion commander, we will absolutely obey the order."

The three of them are all reckless heroes, naturally they are Han Xi Yuanqiang, who has not been to a military academy, and the original owner was an approachable officer before, which can be regarded as popular.

Han Xiyuan looked at the three people in front of him, and began to issue combat tasks, and the defense of the five commanding heights was handed over by Han Xiyuan to a company.

After all, the first company was born in the regular army, so its combat capability was naturally much stronger.

As for the tasks of the second and third companies, Han Xiyuan was left in the frontal positional battle, and Han Xiyuan was ready to leave all the ten junior soldiers he had summoned.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this battle is nine deaths, go back or let the brothers leave a letter, let those young baby soldiers, retreat, and leave some seeds for our battalion."

Han Xiyuan was not sure in his heart, he couldn't be sure how many people there would be in the Fusang army that would attack tomorrow, and what kind of firepower would be deployed.

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