Churchill looked at the smiling Adolf, and couldn't help but be a little more puzzled, he was obviously suspicious of Adolf in front of him.

"Mr. Adolf, although I do not doubt your intentions, we have to make a new discussion on the current issues, such as your so-called sincere unity, after all, your German Empire and the Great Jin Empire have also signed an agreement on a military alliance."

Churchill was blunt, and Adolf naturally understood Churchill's concerns, he just continued to smile before speaking.

"Mr. Churchill, there is an old saying in the Franco-Prussian Empire that there are no eternal friends in the world, only eternal interests. Today, the Great Jin Empire has destructive-level weapons in its hands, and it is even more of a deterrent to the threat of nuclear weapons against our major empires. And although I am an ally, I am also not immune to blame. The Great Jin Empire also submitted a request to our German Empire for the transfer of cultural relics.

Adolf directly pointed out the subject, in his opinion, many agreements, they are empty promises, as long as the event is beneficial to the German Empire, he can not hesitate to tear up the alliance agreement that has been made.

However, Han Xiyuan still made corresponding concessions on the time and number of cultural relics returned by the allies.

Hearing this, Churchill, although he had some concerns, but at the moment he also pondered, he understood that the two countries are facing the same enemy at present, but whether Adolf can trust this proposition has always been a question for him.

"Mr. Churchill, this time the Great Jin Empire has adopted a nuclear weapon deterrent against your Eagle Empire, and has even concluded a contract with our German Empire for naval cruises between the two sides. If this is the case, then your Eagle Empire will definitely return the relics. And those relics are the result of the struggle of your Eagle Empire for generations. Are you really willing to let go?

Seeing that persuasion could not be solved, Adolf directly put the current predicament of the Eagle Empire in front of Churchill's eyes again, Churchill was dull at the moment, he looked at Adolf in front of him, and sighed helplessly.

"We have chosen to retreat temporarily, our Eagle Empire is indeed afraid of the nuclear weapons of the Great Jin Empire, but I don't know where your research on nuclear weapons has been?"

Churchill pretended to lament, then asked tentatively, and Adolf smiled awkwardly.

The German Empire is currently in this field, it is a lack of talent, and now there is no progress

, as for the Eagle Empire, it is stuck in a key field and stagnate, at this moment Churchill can only hope for the American Eagle Empire, after all, the American Eagle Empire has claimed that it has mastered the technology of nuclear weapons, and has launched a test explosion schedule.

"If this is the case, how can we compete with the Great Jin Empire with our land strength alone. The reason why I am here to meet you this time is because I hope you can give you a reasonable solution. We can also cooperate with you. "

Churchill is directly regarded as a showdown, and the Eagle Empire naturally wants to fight with the Great Jin Empire, but because of the nuclear weapons of the Great Jin Empire, it is extremely helpless.

"To tell you the truth, we already have a specific plan for this. Next, our side will speed up the training of the air force, as well as build a defense force in the coastal border cities, as long as we intercept the air force of the Great Jin Empire, the strike of nuclear weapons will be in the mirror, and there is no way to speak of it.

Adolf also spoke his opinion based on the work he was preparing to work hard to build, and he spoke slowly.

"Moreover, our German Empire has won over the Tsarist Empire as a powerful ally, and the Tsarist Empire has recently made breakthroughs in the research of nuclear weapons. Moreover, in the territory of the Great Jin Empire, there is also a group of politicians who are unwilling to fail, and we can make a layout from this.

Adolf told Churchill in front of him most of the plan, and Churchill touched his chin at the moment and fell into a brief thought.

He had already expected that the Tsarist Empire would inevitably join their military alliance, after all, the Tsarist Empire was currently facing a greater predicament than the Eagle Empire.

However, to the surprise of the Eagle Empire, the Tsarist Russian Empire has made a breakthrough in nuclear weapons today.

Churchill could not accept this fact, but soon he calmed down, and he spoke to Adolf in front of him.

"Is there really a breakthrough in the Tsarist Empire? If we have nuclear weapons in our military alliances, that's the best news for us. But, Mr. Adolf, if you and I are in an alliance, how are we to deal with the Franco-Prussian Empire?

Churchill asked with a little confusion, and Adolf smiled as soon as he said this.

Because, as soon as Churchill's words came out, it meant that the news of the successful development of nuclear weapons by the US Eagle Empire was just fake news.

"The shock that the Tsarist Empire has brought to us is not once or twice, now they can develop nuclear weapons, coupled with the US Eagle Empire, under the suppression of our military alliance nuclear weapons, even the Great Jin Empire has to weigh one or two. I don't know what you mean, Mr. Churchill, by the question of the Franco-Prussian Empire?

Adolf continued to probe tentatively.

Both of them are foxes, and in just a few words, they have tested most of their hole cards.

However, there is still a great difference between the two on the issue of the Franco-Prussian Empire, and the Eagle Empire must hope that the Franco-Prussian Empire will be restored.

However, Adolf was naturally reluctant to give up the land he had gotten, and he directly addressed Churchill in front of him, expressing that he would not agree to the restoration of the Franco-Prussian Empire, and even asked the Eagle Empire to hand over de Gaulle.

When de Gaulle learned that Churchill was going to meet with Adolf, he tried his best to prevent it, but a Führer under the fence must have opposed it to no avail.

However, Churchill did not want to hand over de Gaulle, but reached an agreement with Adolf to push each other, and the Eagle Empire no longer supported the government of the Franco-Prussian Empire in exile, and at the same time would not hand over de Gaulle and others.

After the two reached such an agreement, Adolf breathed a sigh of relief, and at the moment of return, he spoke to Rommel and the others on the side.

"If it weren't for the fact that the Great Jin Empire couldn't tolerate my German Empire, I really didn't want to reconcile with the Eagle Empire."

At this moment, Adolf can be regarded as expressing his inner helplessness, he understands the culture of the Great Jin Empire, and from the perspective of the development of the Great Jin Empire, it can be called the history of annexation and development.

Because, most of the successive dynasties of the Great Jin Empire were foreign wars, so as to occupy a wider land.

Moreover, the current performance of the Great Jin Empire is also the same, constant foreign wars.

Therefore, Adolf had no choice but to conclude an alliance agreement with the Eagle Empire and the Tsarist Empire.

"Führer, the Great Jin Empire has been constantly wary of us over the years, and it already has different intentions, and we should take corresponding precautions. Moreover, our allies are too strong, and it is not a good thing for our German Empire to realize its imperial aspirations.

Rommel spoke, and everyone on the side nodded in agreement.

After all, the German Empire was to achieve the complete unification of the Western Continent, and if the Great Jin Empire intervened, the German Empire would have nothing to do.

As for the fact that the Great Jin Empire sent diplomatic envoys to the Eagle Empire this time, that is the best proof of this.

For the time being, the German Empire could only abandon its previous plan and instead defeat the Great Jin Empire, thus incapacitating the Great Jin Empire for a short time.

"The Führer, Mr. Chernomansky, the Foreign Minister of the Tsarist Russian Empire, has arrived in Berlin, and as for the agents sent to the Great Jin Empire, they have also successfully entered the territory of the Great Jin Empire at eight o'clock this morning. Next, they will co-opt some frustrated politicians. Martin

Bauer stepped forward to report the news he had just received, and the emperor of the Russian Empire, Tsar II, was naturally aware of the threat of the Great Jin Empire, but Tsar II naturally did not dare to come in person, so he could only send Chernomansky to negotiate.

As for the fact that there are indeed a large number of frustrated politicians in the Great Jin Empire, they were previously senior executives in various places, but most of them were promoted by virtue of their connections, so they were brushed off in the assessment of the Ministry of Political Affairs.

And they justify themselves, advocating that they are depressed, so they are dissatisfied with the Great Jin Empire, and even hold secret meetings in private.

"Well, we must keep Chernomansky safe, and how far has we been going on with internal and external screening?"

Adolf asked a question that particularly bothered him, that is, the ability and level of the Great Jin Empire's Secret Intelligence Bureau to install spies.

Because, Adolf also realized that the speed of his internal information leaked was too fast, but his repeated screenings were not effectively contained.

As a result, he took this opportunity to prepare for a big tentative screening work, and this time he really gained a lot.

"Yuan Xiansheng, this time we found out eight internal spies, but the eight people all claimed that they were one-line contacts, and they didn't even know that there were other spies inside, and our intelligence bureau believes that there must be hidden agents of the Great Jin Empire inside."

Martin Bauer's words made Adolf even more helpless, but he couldn't solve the problem for the time being, so he could only order Martin Bauer to continue the screening work as much as possible.

Just as Adolf was about to turn back to Berlin and meet with Chernomansky, Tsar II received an urgent message from the Tsarist Empire.

This news was that the Great Jin Empire sent troops to the Fandi Dynasty, which stimulated his most sensitive nerves, and even he directly convened the ministers of various ministries, and everyone gathered together to discuss the adjustment of the next battle situation.

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