While Trump Brown and Brown Jr. were talking, the commander-in-chief of Fuso's Combined Fleet, Shichihachi Yamamoto, commanded the warship to stop near an island in the Pacific Ocean, and he ordered the Combined Fleet warship to stop.

Originally, the Prime Minister of Fuso State, Ampere, ordered him to lead the United Fleet back, and after all, Yamamoto Shihachi and other high-level officers were all under the surveillance of the intelligence agents of the U.S. Eagle Empire, and he still took advantage of Troy's sudden death and Trump's inauguration to lead the United Aircraft Fleet to withdraw from the waters of the U.S. Eagle Empire.

"Send a telegram to Mr. Prime Minister, report our location. "

Yamamoto's action this time was an action without warning, and Ampere was not notified.

And the naval soldiers of Fuso Country are unusually cooperative, after all, there are also plague infections among them, and they are abandoned for treatment by the hospitals of the American Eagle Empire.

Born in a foreign country, they were ostracized, and in this helpless situation, they naturally thought of their parents and friends back home, so they heard that they could return to China, and they all went into battle with illness and quickly left the Pearl Harbor waters of the American Eagle Empire.

And if Yamamoto Qihachi learned that this place was the area he bombed in the future, he would also have a different mentality.

However, the most urgent thing for Yamamoto Qihachi now is where to go, although the Pacific Ocean is currently an open sea, the Royal Navy of the Great Jin Empire patrols most of the sea from time to time, and the Navy of the American Eagle Empire can only retreat in the sea area, not daring to confront the Royal Navy of the Great Jin Empire head-on.

And Yamamoto Seven and Eight's combined fleet is on this island at this moment, if it encounters the Royal Navy of the Great Jin Empire, it will inevitably breed contradictions, and if there is an accident and a military conflict, then Ampere's plan will be stillborn.

However, what Yamamoto tried so hard to avoid still happened.

The Royal Third Fleet of the Great Jin Empire still encountered the combined fleet, and Zhao Shengming, the commander-in-chief of the Royal Third Fleet of the Great Jin Empire, directly ordered the flag soldiers to send flags to Yamamoto Qiba, ordering Yamamoto Qiba to leave this sea area, otherwise he would open artillery to attack Yamamoto Qiba.

Of course, the news of the Fusang Combined Fleet entering this sea area was also sent by Zhao Shengming to Admiral Zhang Dahai, who directly ordered the nearby Royal Seventh Fleet, Fifth Fleet, and Sixth Fleet of the Great Jin Empire to rush here to encircle the combined fleet of Fusang State, and his idea was to eat all the combined fleets of Fusang State.

In addition, Zhang Dahai also personally led the Eleventh Fleet and the Ninth Fleet of the Royal Navy of the Great Jin Empire, as well as the Tenth Fleet, to set up an ambush in the sea area where the U.S. Eagle Imperial Fleet might rescue.

After all, he believed that the navy of Fuso must have a purpose in rushing to the Pacific Valley.

As for the naval fleet of the Great Jin Empire, a total of sixteen have been established, which belong to each region.

At the same time, he also urgently reported the news to Han Xiyuan, who was far away in Anshan, and he was still inspecting Anshan at the moment.

And the current situation makes it difficult for Yamamoto to ride a tiger, after all, the Fuso Kingdom is currently facing an important stage of establishing diplomatic relations with the Great Jin Empire.

So, he continued to send electricity to Ampere, and at this moment Ampere didn't know the situation of Yamamoto Seven or Eight, he had just entered the palace.

The emperor of Fuso, despite taking the previous medicine, was infected with the plague.

And Ampere is also infected, and he is currently working with illness, and even the high-ranking officials of this kind of government are like this, and the people of Fuso are self-evident.

"Your Majesty, at present, the plague is raging in the country, and the medicine studied by the institute cannot prevent the spread of the plague, should we consider asking for help from the Great Jin Empire.

Ampere coughed, and then sighed helplessly, and behind the curtain, the Emperor of Fusang did not speak for a long time, and he was now very resentful of Tojo's plan to fight the fire with moths.

Because of this plan, he has lost his wife and his mother.

"Yuan Xiansheng, where should our Fusang country go next?"

The emperor of Fusang State mentioned that the current Fusang is to survive in the cracks, and there is no other choice.

"Your Majesty, our current cabinet has formulated a agenda for peace talks, and we are ready to exchange our land, sea and air forces of Fusang in exchange for the opportunity to vassalize the Great Jin Empire. "

Ampere was a staunch capitulationist, and at this moment he stood up and said what he thought.

According to his assumption, he was willing to abolish the naval, land and air forces of Fusang, and the weapons and warships of the three armies would all be handed over to the Great Jin Empire.

In this way, the Fusang Kingdom will not have any threat to the Great Jin Empire, and the Great Jin Empire can accept the Fusang Kingdom.

After all, Fusang was a vassal of the Great Jin Empire, which is classical.

It was precisely for this reason that Ampei ordered Yamamoto Shichihachi to lead the combined fleet back to China.

"If that's the case, then our Fusang Kingdom is the meat on the chopping block of the Great Jin Empire, and we can only be slaughtered by others. The

emperor of Fusang sighed after reading it, but at the moment there was no other choice.

At this moment, his guards stepped forward and reported the return of the fleet led by Yamamoto Shichihachi, as well as the news of being besieged by the Royal Navy of the Great Jin Empire.

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