And Han Xiyuan, who was patrolling Anshan in the Great Jin Empire, was still waiting for Ge Shunda, and Han Xuhu on the side reminded.

"Today is the birthday of Mr. Adolf, the head of the German Empire, do you want to

have a telephone meeting with him?" At present, although the German Empire and the Great Jin Empire are separated from Germany, they have not yet completely broken up, and perhaps a telephone meeting should be held.

In his spare time, he looked at the excerpt handed over by the mayor of Anshan, although Anshan has jumped to the top few industrial cities in the country, there are still a large number of problems, such as environmental problems.

Although it is now a stage of focusing on rapid development, Han Xiyuan still demanded that the emergence of some environmental problems be curbed.

In addition, Han Xiyuan sent a telegram to Zhou Xinghui, transferring the Third Fleet, Fifth Fleet, and Seventh Fleet of the Royal Navy of the Great Jin Empire, as well as extracting Langque No. 1 from the nuclear weapons reserve.

As for the purpose of the mission, Han Xiyuan also told Zhou Xinghui directly.

Zhou Xinghui heard the idea that the Silver Wolf Empire actually wanted to get closer to him, and after thinking for a while, he suggested to Han Xiyuan whether to think about it again.

After all, if your three fleets go to the Atlantic Ocean with nuclear weapons, there may also be a hidden danger to security.

However, Han Xiyuan signaled that the major empires are no longer worried.

Of course, Han Xiyuan also mentioned that he was also urgently transferring Ge Shunda to investigate the situation on the Western Continent, and Han Xiyuan sent Lu Zijing to leave immediately to lead the diplomatic delegation to the German Empire.

Lu Zijing, who heard the order, directly let go of the work in his hand and took a special plane to Berlin in the German Empire.

"Your Majesty, at present, can we consider letting the Silver Wolf Empire cooperate to destroy the test explosion operation that the Tsarist Empire and the German Empire are going to jointly organize. In this way, the blow to the resistance of the German Empire must be effective. Of

course, Zhou Xinghui wanted to completely destroy the ambition of the German Empire and other countries to resist, but at present, it seems that the Silver Wolf Empire only revealed the news, and did not have the idea of cooperating.

Therefore, Han Xiyuan still has to wait for Ge Shunda's arrival.

At eight o'clock in the night, Ge Shunda arrived, and he reported to Han Xiyuan in front of him.

"Your Majesty, the investigation has been clarified. Since the Silver Wolf Empire accepted the plan of the German Empire a year ago, the German Empire sent officers to serve in the army of the Silver Wolf Empire. Moreover, the Silver Wolf Empire also sent a large number of officers to study in the German Empire, among which Mandelife, the deputy head of the Silver Wolf Empire, was also secretly supported by Adolf.

Ge Shunda said as he handed over a sorted document, which contained everything about the Silver Wolf Empire.

"It seems that Mussoli is indeed limited in power, otherwise he would not be in such a hurry. However, how sure do you think Mussooli is now carrying out a clean-up operation?" In

the document, it is naturally mentioned that Mussooli has just launched a plan to purge the forces of the German Empire in the territory of the Silver Wolf Empire, and it is also mentioned that the German Empire has already discovered this situation and is also launching a secret operation to counterattack.

"Your Majesty, according to the information transmitted by the intelligence agents in the Western Continent, Mussoli and Mandeliffe are equal in power, and Mussoli is still urgently sending troops stationed in Black Island to help. Without our help, Mussouri probably wouldn't have had a chance of winning. And with our help, there will be a coup d'état in the Silver Wolf Empire, and there may be a brief split.

According to the current situation, Ge Shunda directly stated his opinion, and his thoughts are indeed very correct.

After all, if the Great Jin Empire wants to rush to help, it must draw troops from the mainland, and the German Empire is fighting on its own, so it is naturally more advantageous than the Great Jin Empire.

"Then if I plan to send three fleets and Lang Que nuclear bombs this time, will I be able to deter the major empires?"

Han Xiyuan naturally introduced the topic to the next place, after all, according to the current document in front of him, there is no doubt that Mussoli asked to cooperate with him.

"Your Majesty, we are still in the process of confirming this issue. After all, the Tsarist Empire and the German Empire, our intelligence network has been completely destroyed. And the two countries are in a highly secret situation about the test explosion of this nuclear weapon. However, judging from the information transmitted by the Eagle Empire and the Tsarist Russian Empire, perhaps this matter does exist.

Ge Shunda shook his head, he could only confirm now that the German Empire was indeed testing nuclear weapons, and then handed over a document.

In the document, Han Hee-won saw the familiar name of Brent.

"If there is him, there must be such a thing, then this matter should be true nine times out of ten. However, your secret service still has to step up its efforts to lay the net against the Tsarist Empire and the German Empire. At

this moment, Han Xiyuan is displeased that the secret intelligence bureau has not yet restructured and perfected its intelligence network.

Of course, this cannot be blamed on Ge Shunda, after all, the German Empire and the Tsarist Empire now adopted a policy of fixed positions and clear planning of power.

This means that officials are put in their original positions, and new officials are not admitted into the administrative system, and the division of power is clear, and once the information is leaked, they can find out the traitors in a short time.

Under such an administrative system, the intelligence work of the Secret Service was extremely difficult.

However, Ge Shunda still gritted his teeth and insisted.

"Your Majesty, our Secret Service will definitely complete the construction of the intelligence network as soon as possible. Moreover, we have already dispatched agents from the Eagle Empire, and are preparing to insert them into the command of the possible allies in the future, so that we can grasp the intelligence of the Western countries as soon as possible. "

Ge Shunda has now pinned most of his hopes on the direction of the Eagle Empire, because only the Eagle Empire's intelligence network is more complete now.

When it comes to the Eagle Empire, Han Xiyuan also found in the document, Churchill's conversation on the radio, of course, he also knew Trump Brown's plan to visit the Eagle Empire.

According to this plan, Trump Brown will also participate in the next meeting.

"Then your Secret Service must work hard to restructure the intelligence network. However, there is something interesting about this Churchill. At this time, he actually used this metaphor to attack me. It's ridiculous. And you also need to step up surveillance of Trump.

As he spoke, Han Xiyuan turned his vision to the direction of the American Eagle Empire, and he asked Ge Shunda again.

"I heard that when Trump Trump took office, he held another meeting, and the main content of this meeting. Did your Secret Service investigate clearly? Also, I heard that Trump Trand had already shaken hands with former President Brown Jr. and made peace?"

When Han Xiyuan asked, Ge Shunda handed over a document, he came this time, but he made full preparations, the situation in various countries and places at home and abroad, and the information he could have, he almost collected all of them.

Of course, there are still some documents that are still on the way.

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