"This is natural, and our German Empire also wants to solve problems by peaceful means, and will certainly not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. We should place the issue of the Fandi Dynasty and the Silver Wolf Empire in the core of power in their own countries for discussion and competition.

Adolf reacted quickly on the other side of the phone, thus countering Han Xiyuan, but Han Xiyuan just laughed dryly.

"Naturally, my Great Jin Empire will not take the initiative to meddle in other countries' domestic accounts, and I hope Mr. Adolf will do the same.

Han Xiyuan's tone was very unkind, he hung up the phone directly, and Adolf on the other side of the phone hurriedly called Martin Bauer and Rommel to his side.

"I just had a phone call with Han Xiyuan, the emperor of the Great Jin Empire, and the nuclear weapon test explosion plan we had previously formulated has been known to the Great Jin Empire, and now we must take urgent measures to carry out a nuclear weapon test explosion in advance. Secondly, we must consider the strategy against the Fandi Dynasty and the Silver Wolf Empire.

Adolf then told Rommel and Martin Bauer in front of him about Han Xiyuan's threat on the phone just now, and mentioned that the Great Jin Empire was going to drop nuclear weapons in the waters of the Silver Wolf Empire, both of them were subconsciously silent for a moment, because they didn't expect that the Great Jin Empire could easily come up with a nuclear bomb.

"I also agree that we need to detonate nuclear weapons in advance now, and I think that maybe we are too sensitive. It is highly likely that this news was leaked by Brent of the Eagle Empire, not Mussoli. And although Mussoli is now against the officers who rejected us, he will not rebel and choose the Great Jin Empire. And the Great Jin Empire wants to test a nuclear bomb in the sea area of the Silver Wolf Empire, which may be a smoke bomb.

Martin Bauer said his opinion, and then he added.

"Now we must not have too many doubts about the allies, otherwise we may have a more difficult development. At the same time, I have already spoken to Mandeliffe, who is now in favour of overthrowing Mussoli but is also fighting for more rights. Obviously, he didn't want to be a puppet.

Although Mandeliffe recognized that Mussoli's rule was in great crisis, he also believed that the German Empire was now interfering too much in the Silver Wolf Empire, which had affected the normal exercise of the power of the Führer of the Silver Wolf Empire.

Therefore, in his negotiations with Martin Bauer, he proposed that the German Empire must give up its infiltration of the Silver Wolf Empire and let the Silver Wolf Empire return to its independence.

"Yuan Xiansheng, I think that the leak of the operation that we are going to carry out a nuclear weapon test explosion should be the news that Mussoli sold to the Great Jin Empire.

Rommel gave a different answer, but Adolf didn't care about it now.

"The main issue at the moment is not where the intelligence information came from, but the need to test the explosion of nuclear weapons as soon as possible. Now immediately send a report to Azeshi, who is in charge of the test explosion work on the front line, and start the test explosion work immediately after half an hour. And for now, you two, you must give me a plan for how we should deal with the problem of the Silver Wolf Empire and the Fandi Dynasty next.

Adolf rubbed his head, he looked extremely helpless, now the intelligence network has been destroyed, but within the countries, there are still some biases towards the Great Jin Empire, such as the Brent of the Eagle Empire.

Previously, he proposed to Churchill whether he could limit the scope of Burnt's action, but Churchill also gave a negative answer.

Moreover, he also pointed out that the current empress of the Eagle Empire has made it clear that she hopes that Churchill and Brent will compete fairly, which is also the hope that Churchill will have pressure in his heart.

For this answer, Adolf was naturally furious, after all, the king of a country actually had the intention of surrendering, which was very unfavorable to himself.

As for whether this news was leaked by Mussoli, we only need to look at the meeting tomorrow and whether Mussoli arrives on time.

After all, as long as Mussooli dares to come, it means that it should not be leaked by Mussoli, if he does not dare to come, then he is weak-hearted, and nine times out of ten, it is Mussoli who leaked.

"Yuan is the first to be born, and judging from the current situation, I agree that it is still necessary to give up coveting the two countries.

Rommel shook his head, and he agreed with the shrinking of forces.

"If we are in favor of the Silver Wolf Empire and the Fandi Dynasty, but also the independence movement in the Middle East, and in the Franco-Prussian Empire. Then we will be caught up in internal friction, which is obviously not in line with our policy guidelines.

Rommel pointed to the recent uprisings in the Franco-Prussian Empire, which were mainly aimed at breaking away from the control of the German Empire and achieving independence, which swept almost the entire Franco-Prussian Empire.

In order to suppress the movement, Adolf sent seven armored divisions, and if he wanted to stop the Silver Wolf Empire and save the declining Fandi Dynasty, he would have to pay at least thirty-five armored brigades.

This was not a good deal for the current German Empire, so Rommel disagreed, but Adolf was skeptical.

"Yuan Xiansheng can give up the Fandi Dynasty, but we must not give up in the Middle East and the Silver Wolf Empire. It is better for us to agree to Mandeliffe's conditions, so that the countries of our western continent will be connected and military integration will be facilitated.

Martin Bauer also agreed with the abandonment of the Vanti dynasty, but he believed that the German Empire must no longer be choked by the neck, and that the transportation of oil in the Middle East must be effectively guaranteed.

Secondly, he thought that he might have agreed to Mandeliff's condition and give the Silver Wolf Empire some power, so as not to completely fall into the Great Jin Empire.

And the Silver Wolf Empire fell to the Great Jin Empire, then the Western Continent would have an additional landing port for the land, sea and air forces of the Great Jin Empire.

Hearing Martin Bauer's explanation, Adolf was even more hesitant, he naturally wanted to support Mandeliv in his heart, but judging from the current situation, it is also a good choice to retract Mussolie's thoughts.

But all this will not be known until tomorrow's meeting, he sighed, and then said.

"At present, the test explosion of nuclear weapons is carried out first, and it is hoped that this test explosion will be a success. Secondly, the troops of the Vanti dynasty were ordered to withdraw to the Middle East as quickly as possible. Finally, Martin Bauer, you still have to go and meet Mandeliffe in secret to renegotiate again.

At this moment, Adolf can be regarded as paving the way for the next plan, and he is helpless in his heart.

"We don't have to be so pessimistic, the president of the American Eagle Empire, Trump Brown, has now arrived in the Eagle Empire, and will arrive in Berlin tomorrow. With the support of the U.S. Eagle Empire, we don't have to worry too much about the Great Jin Empire.

Martin Bauer first complied with the task, and then persuaded Adolf.

As Adolf's secretary general, he knew very well that Adolf was facing the strong rise of the Great Jin Empire since he won the Franco-Prussian Empire, and by now, he had no smile on his face.

The only thing left was helplessness and sighs, and even Eva Braven, who had made Adolf happy, couldn't make Adolf happy.

"Well, go down first! I only hope that tomorrow's meeting will go on happily, and Mussoli has not completely fallen to the Jin Empire.

Adolf waved his hand and motioned for them to go down to work!

"Yuan Xiansheng, do we have to inform Trump Brown of our intentions in advance. Furthermore, do we have to consider carrying out some necessary medical measures for Trump Brown's

entourage?" Rommel was naturally worried that Adolf's entourage would bring the plague virus to Berlin, after all, the plague had not yet spread on a large scale in the German Empire.

"I don't think there's any need for this, at present, herd immunity has emerged in the Eagle Empire, and our use of high-pressure plague prevention measures is also counterproductive, and there is no need to implement it.

After Adolf saw the results of the U.S. Eagle Empire's epidemic prevention, he decided that the plague was not so terrible, and that it was time to let go so as to promote some détente.

Otherwise, it will be even more detrimental to economic recovery.

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