Lu Zijing was not surprised by Mussooli's sudden visit, after all, Han Xiyuan had already instructed him.

"Mr. Mussoli, in response to your request, my Majesty the Emperor of the Great Jin Empire has made important instructions and will fully implement your request. However, we in the Great Jin Empire hope that after tomorrow's meeting, the Silver Wolf Empire can completely break with the German Empire.

Lu Zijing took the plan handed over by Mussoli, just glanced at it twice, and then said directly.

Because Mussoli only hoped that the warships carrying nuclear weapons of the Great Jin Empire would be permanently parked in the harbor of the Silver Wolf Empire, in this way, the Silver Wolf Empire had nuclear weapons in disguise, which was also to ensure the safety of the Silver Wolf Empire.

It was even more for Mussooli to complete the coup d'état, and Adolf did not dare to send troops to stop it.

And Han Xiyuan has long had this plan, and has been preparing to station a fleet of nuclear weapons on the Western continent, so that Adolf and others will not dare to interfere in the security of the Far East.

In addition, Han Xiyuan was also preparing to announce by telegram that he would completely abolish diplomatic relations with the German Empire and that he would build military bases in the Middle East, as well as parts of Heizhou.

These deployments were, of course, for the sake of the next operational requirements.

"Mr. Lu Zijing, I hope that the peaceful cooperation between us can be carried out happily. In addition, I have ordered our Silver Wolf Empire's troops stationed in Heizhou to begin the transfer of territory to you. We firmly believe that only under the leadership of the Great Jin Empire can the people of Heizhou truly achieve a leap in life and materials, and the Xinjia Dynasty is the best proof of this.

Mussoli couldn't help but compliment the Great Jin Empire, while Lu Zijing smiled, and then asked.

"Then Mr. Mussoli, as an ally, you should mention to us what is the sword of the meeting convened by Adolf?" Mussoli

did not hesitate to Lu Zijing's inquiry, but responded directly.

"For this meeting, Adolf's intention is to abolish the bargaining chips in the hands of your Great Jin Empire, and this bargaining chip refers to the nuclear weapons in the hands of your Great Jin Empire. And at the same time, the nuclear weapon test explosion between the German Empire and the Tsarist Empire was a bargaining chip for the threat, and at the same time, the Tsarist Empire already had the ability to manufacture nuclear weapons. "

Mr. Mussoli, apart from the Tsarist Empire, are there any other countries that have the ability to manufacture nuclear weapons?" Mussoli

said first, and that was all the news that Lu Zijing knew, so he continued to ask, and he specifically pointed out the American Eagle Empire.

Because the U.S. Eagle Empire announced early on that it had the ability to test the explosion of nuclear weapons, and also carried out the test explosion test of nuclear weapons, but according to the news inquired by the Special Intelligence Agency in the U.S. Eagle Empire, in fact, there is no contaminant produced after the nuclear weapon test explosion in the soil in the test explosion area announced by

the U.S. Eagle Empire, so this set of statements of the U.S. Eagle Empire is obviously untenable, and for the understanding of these actual situations, I can only ask Mussoli now.

Mussouri, on the other hand, shook his head before speaking.

"Although the American Eagle Empire is friendly with us, it is mainly close to the Eagle Empire, and it has been at odds with our Silver Wolf Empire because of the Jews. "

The Silver Wolf Empire had previously directly expelled the Jews in its own territory because of Adolf's request, although it did not carry out some massacres, but it plundered their property, which must have created a gap between the Jews and the Jews.

And Mussoli did not mend the relationship after the fact.

"However, Trump Brown's aides have already made an invitation to meet with me alone tomorrow after the meeting. Therefore, I also agreed to this condition, and in the next meeting, I can ask whether the U.S. Eagle Empire has the ability to develop nuclear weapons.

Mussooli did not immediately answer Lu Zijing, but mentioned what happened this afternoon.

Lu Zijing was also very satisfied with Mussoli's answer.

"Mr. Mussooli, the intention of our Great Jin Empire this time is to express to the major empires that our Great Jin Empire will not promise to give up the strategic goal of nuclear weapon strikes. Moreover, our Great Jin Empire is still manufacturing nuclear weapons in a steady and orderly manner, and when necessary, we, as allies of the Silver Wolf Empire, will also hand over nuclear weapons to the Silver Wolf Empire to ensure the national defense and security of the Silver Wolf Empire.

Lu Zijing now clearly followed Han Xiyuan's instructions and painted a big cake on the Mussoli in front of him.

And this big cake made Mussouri very excited, and he said directly.

"If our Silver Wolf Empire also has a nuclear weapon, it can also play a greater role in the next battle. However, our Silver Wolf Empire still hopes that your Great Jin Empire can send some experts for guidance this time. For this, we can pay thirty times the high salary.

Mussooli also clearly knew that having the manufacturing capacity of nuclear weapons was the most urgent need of the Silver Wolf Empire now, after all, striking iron must be hard, and Lu Zijing heard that Mussooli was willing to pay thirty times the high salary, so he just smiled slowly.

After all, thirty times the salary is a drop in the bucket for such a rigorous research field, but Lu Zijing still agreed to this request.

"Your Majesty, the Emperor of the Great Jin Empire, before you came, instructed me that we are very willing to meet your request for deepening your needs and exchanges on research in the field of nuclear weapons. In addition, we are willing to share some research in the field of outer space with you, and even research on the production line of television sets, and we are also willing to communicate with you. Lu

Zijing threw out a great temptation at this moment, that is, in order to stabilize Mussooli, and these things are now just a touch of the upper lip to the lower lip, a blank check.

And this blank check made Mussouri very satisfied.

"If this is the case, our Silver Wolf Empire can gain a foothold on the Western Continent, and even be able to go toe-to-toe with the German Empire and its allies, so that you no longer have to worry about the threat of the Western Continent. "

Mussouri had heard of television before, and of course he had watched television, and he had watched movies, these things, although the Silver Wolf Empire could produce them.

However, there is no production line yet, and it is not as good as the Great Jin Empire, which has now formed a special production line.

"The urgent need of our Great Jin Empire is to have a piece of land of our own on the Western Continent, and this land, we hope to get a pass, preferably an entrance to the sea.

When Lu Zijing saw Mussooli's expression, he had confidence in his heart, and he directly proposed the most important topic of this meeting.

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