And for this goal, Han Xiyuan is almost singing every night, if it weren't for the fact that when the number of his harem reached three hundred, the system reminded him to complete the hidden task and unlock the physique of the golden gun, and now he has long been hollowed out by beauty and wine.

At this stage, Zhuge Xun and others jointly wrote a letter, asking Han Xiyuan to give priority to state affairs.

Now the Great Jin Empire has a total of nearly 100 large and small parts, involving all aspects of hierarchical affairs management, and has a vertical management system, and has a perfect supervision and accountability system, simply put, the current administrative system of the Great Jin Empire has an independent operation system.

In this way, even if Han Xiyuan implements an offline management system, there will be no problem at all.

Of course, it is precisely because of this that Han Xiyuan has started the mode of continuous reproduction.

"Your Majesty, according to the screening of Lord Zhuge Xun, the nuclear weapons base of the Tsarist Russian Empire coincides with the location reported by the Special Intelligence Bureau.

Han Xiyuan had just gotten up from a concubine's belly at the moment, and when he heard that Han Xuhu had an important situation report, he immediately put down the matter at hand.

Recently, the major events that have happened in the world can also be recorded like a few treasures.

"It is clearly unrealistic for a few sleeper agents of the Secret Service to destroy the nuclear weapons research base of the Tsarist Empire. However, the deterrent effect on the Tsarist Empire has already achieved its previous purpose. "

Han Xiyuan knows very well that the Great Jin Empire is now in the Tsarist Russian Empire, and the only remaining agent strength is no longer one in ten.

Moreover, there are still some agents who are constantly being exposed, which is also because of the cruel surveillance system of the Tsarist Empire.

"Summoned Zhuge Xun, Zhou Xinghui, and Ge Shunda into the palace.

Han Xiyuan then asked the eunuch on the side to pass the decree.

Before the Great Jin Empire, the profession of eunuch had been abolished, after all, it was too devastating for people.

However, due to the fact that Han Xiyuan has carried out the selection of some show girls among the people, some of the people who voted for him introduced some old eunuchs, and there are also some people in the people who also cut off their own lives and voluntarily entered the palace to serve Han Xiyuan.

This is also because some ideas have not been emancipated, or have not been eliminated, and in the hearts of the people, they still think that Han Xiyuan is the Son of Heaven, and it is their duty and luck to serve in the palace.

However, Han Xiyuan also kept silent about this, after all, in his bones, he has now been assimilated by this era.

Some of the originally emancipated minds are now also closed by some closed minds.

This holy decree was delivered to Zhuge Xun and others under the escort of the eunuch in a special car for the palace, and Zhuge Xun and others did not dare to delay, and directly took the vehicle to the palace to meet Han Xiyuan.

"Zhuge Xun, what stage is the current plan for the pacification and partition of Fusang Kingdom?"

Han Xiyuan asked directly, and Zhuge Xun was the first to arrive in a hurry.

Now although the Great Jin Empire has occupied Fusang and divided the people of Fusang into the third race, Han Xiyuan is still not happy about it.

He carried out a series of bloody massacres in Fuso, the main goal of which was to strangle in the cradle all the reactionary forces that had just risen to the top.

This is also because of the system of the third race adopted by Han Xiyuan, so that the women of Fusang Country are proud to marry the Great Jin people, and they work very hard to please the Great Jin people, and even privately make hints of conquest.

Moreover, the women of Fuso are all men who look down on their own country, so that the men of their country cannot raise their heads.

Moreover, some of the former ministers of Fusang privately encouraged women to move closer to the men of the Great Jin Empire, trying to use this way to temporarily preserve the bloodline of Fusang Kingdom.

Of course, all this is nonsense to take for granted, because Han Hee-won has re-divided the third strategy in the future system.

That is to divide all the men of Fusang into various parts of the land of the Great Jin Empire, and let them engage in the construction of roads and railways in the Great Jin Empire.

Especially for the newly occupied land of the Fandi Dynasty, in this land, there is not a single road, not even the railway line, which is intermittent, which is very unfavorable for the next battle.

After all, if Han Xiyuan wants to fight now, it is to mobilize millions of troops, and these armies cannot be similar to Han Xiyuan before to go directly to the front line and summon soldiers and military supplies.

Now if you want to start a war, you can only requisition supplies from all over the country and provide support.

And these men of Fuso are free laborers, who eat the best food and work up to eighteen hours a day.

Now, the Great Jin Empire has also established legal working days and working hours.

You only need to work four days a week, and tomorrow you need to work for more than six hours, if it is more than six hours, then you need to pay twice the work

, under the implementation of such a system, although it will make people's lives very comfortable, but it is extremely unfavorable to the development of society, after all, society needs continuous creativity, and struggle, so as to achieve the rapid development of society.

Therefore, Zhuge Xun and others also reformulated a new plan, adding one day to the working day, and the working time was also divided into eight hours.

This seemed very reasonable, and of course caused some opposition, but these noisy voices were quickly suppressed.

This is also thanks to the Jinyi Guard of the Great Jin Empire, which can be described as vigorous and resolute, holding imperial decrees to supervise hundreds of officials and the people.

As long as the officials have the slightest sign of wanting to be corrupt, Jinyiwei will send out a warning, carry out some thorough investigations, and punish some bribe-givers.

Even, there was a situation where no officials dared to be corrupt, and under such a situation, the administrative system of the Great Jin Empire could run smoothly.

Secondly, the entire territory of the Fandi Dynasty surrendered, and after Utokolong was abandoned by the German Empire, he sent personnel to negotiate with the Great Jin Empire, hoping to surrender to the Great Jin Empire.

After several major defeats, Utokolong has very few troops in his hands, and the Utokolong Empire has also chosen to withdraw its troops in order to protect itself, and has withdrawn the military advisers it sent before.

Moreover, the generals under his command are also in a state of detachment from him, and the betrayal of his relatives and relatives of Utokolong just hopes that the Great Jin Empire will give him a decent death.

Even, he was ready, if the Great Jin Empire was unwilling to accept his surrender, he would immediately pass the throne to his only son, and then jump off the cliff to commit suicide, he would rather die than be a dead king.

Of course, he often sighed that if he had suddenly realized it earlier and surrendered to the Great Jin Empire earlier, he might not have the embarrassing situation he is in now.

But in response to his surrender, Han Xiyuan chose to refuse directly, because Utokolong had previously publicly reprimanded him in order to completely get the support of the major empires, and even in the international arena.

This is a great shame for Han Xiyuan, and now Han Xiyuan, if he wants to take Utokolong's life, it is very easy.

After all, most of the officers of Utokolong's faction have been in contact with the Secret Service privately, and they are willing to take Utokolong's head and change their lives.

Therefore, these officers, under the orders of Han Hee-won, led the army and entered the temporary palace of the Fandi Dynasty directly in the middle of the night and launched a bloody massacre, shooting Utokolong to death.

Moreover, they also led the army and surrendered to Utonancy, in order to cater to the international, the Fandi Dynasty is now, with the support of Han Xiyuan, Utonancy is directly sitting on the throne of the emperor.

However, Utonancy also does not have much real power, after ascending the throne and becoming emperor, he announced that the Fandi Dynasty would join the military alliance formed by the Great

Jin Empire, and then, he directly volunteered to live in the mansion established for him in the Northern Capital, and he is now more and more comfortable with life in the Great Jin Empire.

After all, in the Great Jin Empire, he could watch TV, screen movies, and a lot of interesting life.

Moreover, the shock of the army of the Great Jin Empire also convinced him completely, and he did not dare to raise troops to rebel, so the entire territory of the current Fandi Dynasty is already the inherent land of the Great Jin Empire.

"Back to Your Majesty, according to Your Majesty's plan, our Ministry of Government is now carrying out some policy support one after another, and now the problem of Fusang has been basically solved, but we will next carry out some systematic reforms to the Fusang country that we have just occupied. Therefore, in the short term, we will not be able to provide effective military supplies. Zhuge

Xun didn't expect that Han Xiyuan would suddenly be summoned today, after all, Han Xiyuan had already spent three months of leisure time in the palace.

Now, summoning him and Zhou Xinghui and Ge Shunda around him must be prepared for a grand strategic deployment.

The main aspect should be to march into the Middle East and the Black Continent region, and in these two areas, Zhuge Xun said that he is now unable to send troops on a large scale.

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