Tsar II of the Russian Empire convened a meeting of several ministers on an improvised basis, and his son was also present.

Several ministers heard that their own nuclear weapons base had already been known to the Great Jin Empire, and the threat of nuclear weapons strikes from the Great Jin Empire was still rippling in their ears, of course they were afraid of the threat of the Great Jin Empire, but at the same time, they didn't dare to speak up, so they all sat on the chairs below and didn't say a word.

When Tsar II saw such a scene, he directly named Korodia, hoping that he could give his best opinion at this moment.

But the person who was like throwing a burden first stated his own advantages and disadvantages to the Great Jin Empire.

"Your Majesty, although we only have one nuclear weapon stockpile at present, we already have the capability to manufacture nuclear weapons, and we no longer have to worry about the threat of nuclear weapons in the future. "

The Russian Empire already has the ability to produce nuclear weapons, and it is natural that it can produce nuclear weapons with impunity.

Next, Korrodia changed the conversation.

"However, the Great Jin Empire also has the ability to build nuclear weapons, so we must also be wary. Moreover, our nuclear weapons base is actually already exposed to the vision of the Great Jin Empire. And the Great Jin Empire was able to state this important news to us in a grand manner. It can be seen that there are still spies within us.

Tsar II naturally knew what he said, so he spoke impatiently.

"Then what do you think we should do at present to solve the current thorny trouble?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, the minister believes that a temporary non-aggression pact with the Great Jin Empire and a private non-aggression pact on nuclear weapons will also be of great benefit to our Tsarist Russian Empire.

Korodia could only bite the bullet and speak his opinion slowly, and according to his current thoughts, he thought it would be safest to wait and see.

But the pressure exerted by the Great Jin Empire was too great for the Tsarist Empire to breathe for the time being.

"Tell me your opinion.

Tsar II sat down at this moment, of course he had his own thoughts in his heart, but he had to say them through the mouths of others.

And the answer that Korodia said was exactly what he thought, so he naturally turned the topic to Korodia.

"Your Majesty, a conference is currently being held on the Western Continent to try to limit the use of nuclear weapons by the Great Jin Empire. But none of the countries of the Western continent have strong nuclear weapons in their hands to support them. Therefore, this meeting is bound to end in failure. And the original intention of our Tsarist Russian Empire was also to limit the nuclear weapons of the Great Jin Empire. Right now, a wonderful opportunity is in front of our eyes. Therefore, we can take the initiative into our own hands.

He paused for a moment, he raised his head and squinted at the seated Tsar II, who knew the temperament of Tsar II very well, and he had been a monarch for thirty years.

As soon as he noticed the small action of Tsar II's anger, he would stop his words in moderation, but Tsarist II in front of him obviously did not make too many movements, but sat in his position, savoring the words of Korodia.

So he went on to speak.

"As long as we reach a mutual agreement with the Great Jin Empire that they are not suitable for nuclear weapons, then we can tie one of the arms of the Great Jin Empire. Of course, the current situation is precarious, and we can only temporarily make concessions and compromises with the Great Jin Empire.

After stating the pros and cons, Korodia can only put the practical reasons that are unavoidable in front of him on the table.

"The Great Jin Empire has ended its war against the Fandi Dynasty and has now mobilized its troops to prepare for the Middle East. In the Middle East, there are many countries that tend to favor the Great Jin Empire. It can be seen from this that the Great Jin Empire wants to wrestle with the German Empire, which is a clear thing.

"And the purpose of the Great Jin Empire stationing millions of soldiers in their six northeastern provinces is self-evident. In the future, this battle must be fought. All we can do is to reduce the strength of the Great Jin Empire as much as possible in the shortest possible time.

Korodia did not go on, but Tsar II already knew the second half of his sentence.

"Father, I also agree with the words of Korodia. We can no longer care about the alliance, and we can only increase our own strength as much as possible in future wars. At the same time, we must strengthen internal monitoring. We must not allow the internal information to be leaked out again. At

the moment when Tsar II was hesitating, the crown prince of the Tsarist Empire, who had previously participated in the supervision of the country, stood up at this moment, and he admonished Tsar II.

"Your Majesty, the ministers seconded the proposal. Seeing

that the crown prince also stood up and agreed, those old ministers who had not dared to squeak and sat below also hurriedly stood up and echoed Tsar II.

"I know this very well, and I also have a long-cherished wish with the Great Jin Empire not to use nuclear weapons against each other. Moreover, the Great Jin Empire, this time only pointed out the location of our nuclear weapons base, presumably it should only be an attempt to deter our Tsarist Empire. And if we repeatedly retreat, then how can we defeat the Great Jin Empire. And the Great Jin Empire is a capricious country, can we really trust such a country?"

Han Xiyuan slaughtered and tortured the soldiers who surrendered to Fusang because he had not complied with the Geneva Conventions before.

Moreover, in the international community, he tore up some treaties, so he was internationally praised as the most untrustworthy head of state.

But Han Xiyuan didn't care about these false names at all, in his philosophy, as long as he has no morality, there is nothing to restrain him.

Tsar II's rhetorical question made the ministers fall into deep thought, and finally it was the first iron Korodia to stand up.

"Your Majesty, at present, we no longer have a choice. If we don't turn our backs on our allies, then we will be the ones who have been left behind, as the tragedy of the Vanti dynasty is all too vivid, Your Majesty. "

Korodia, when he heard Tsar II mention the question of credibility, he directly heard the meaning of the words.

Hearing about the Fandi Dynasty, Tsar II was like an initiation, and after he sighed, he slowly spoke.

"I will make an appointment with Adolf of the German Empire at once on this matter, and as an ally of the military alliance, it is necessary for us to inform them. At the same time, to send a telegram to Imansky, on the principle of respecting mutual equality, our side is willing to sign an agreement with the Great Jin Empire on the non-use of nuclear weapons. At the same time, the non-aggression pact was to be renewed for a period of 30 years. In

the end, Tsar II was reassured and determined to take advantage of this opportunity to consolidate his own security.

"Yes, Your Majesty. After

saying this, Korodia immediately went down to do so, and the other ministers also went down with great interest, and each did his duty, except for the prince Mikhail, who was left behind.

"Prince, at present, I am in poor health, and some government affairs are still to be handed over to you. And the future of the world will also be in your hands. Therefore, I would like to give you two more words. "

Tsar II, in the end, was still infected with the plague, and because of his old age, the effect of the plague was particularly obvious, and he also felt powerless, so he would leave the affairs of state to Tomi Hail at this moment.

"Child, I would like to listen to my father's teachings.

Mikhail hurriedly stepped forward to help, Tsar II, who had just gotten up, he was also infected with the plague, but he could not bear to be healthy, and in only three days, he was cured.

"The Great Jin Empire is very powerful, and our Tsarist Russian Empire is invincible, so we can only use gentle means to drag down the Great Jin Empire. With such a large empire, it is impossible to be strong for long. Subsequently

, Tsar II pointed out the ills of the Great Jin Empire.

He even compared it and cited the Great Yuan Dynasty in the history of the Great Jin Empire, which is also because the Great Yuan Dynasty was also strong for a while, and even traced back to his original clan.

In particular, the Great Yuan Dynasty also adopted a system of racial hierarchies, which echoed the current policy of the Great Jin Empire.

"Therefore, our Tsarist Russian Empire, as long as it drags on until the death of Han Xiyuan, the emperor of the Great Jin Empire, it will be a turning point in our Tsarist Russian Empire. You have to remember that if Han Xiyuan does not die, our Tsarist Russian Empire will never cross the border.

Tsar II said this teaching, and Mikhail also wrote it down, now that he is in the prime of life, he has no confidence to survive Han Xiyuan, but he thinks that his son must be able to.

Therefore, he intends to tell these words to future generations as well.

"Right now, I can only pray that the younger emperors of the Great Jin Empire are mediocre and conservative, or mediocre and incompetent. In this way, the Great Jin Empire, a powerful country, will collapse and collapse in a bang. At that time, our Tsarist Empire will have an opportunity to take advantage of it. There is hope for the land that was lost before the reconquest.

Tsar II said at this moment, coughing softly twice and spitting out a few mouthfuls of turbid blood.

At this moment, we must stabilize the situation of the Tsarist Empire, and for some courtiers, we must also adopt a trade-off strategy, not to create a situation in which one family dominates, let alone intensify the contradictions between friends, so as to cause partisan disputes. This

is also the way of the monarch, all of which are the experience of Tsar II in the thirty years of his accession to the throne, and he has now completed his final instructions, looking at the world map hanging on the wall, and falling into a long thought.

"At the beginning of my succession, I won the First World War, and I reused the expansion of the country to carry out reforms, but I still did not fulfill the wishes of my ancestors.

After Tsar II finished speaking at this moment, he was a little depressed.

When he succeeded to the throne, it was the largest time in the territory of the Tsarist Empire, and now it is his turn to abdicate, and the territory of the Tsarist Empire has shrunk by almost one-fifth.

And most of the area was recaptured by the Great Jin Empire.

"I only hope that within four generations, my Tsarist Russian Empire can fulfill the long-cherished wish of our ancestors. "

Tsar II still has great optimism at the moment, he believes that the emperors of the later generations of the Great Jin Empire must be mediocre.

The Great Jin Empire will inevitably go to the road of destruction in nearly a hundred years.

After all this, the old man slowly got up and walked straight to his living room, and half an hour later, he slowly walked out, supported by the guards, to have a telephone conversation with Adolf.

At this moment, Adolf was announcing the start of this meeting, and Lu Zijing was actually placed in the second position on the left, behind Churchill, the prime minister of the Eagle Empire.

This made Lu Zijing feel very dissatisfied, and a fiery meeting seemed to be about to kick off.

At the beginning, when Adolf was reciting the words of friendly welcome, Lu Zijing looked at Mussooli opposite, and Mussooli did not raise his head at the moment.

He had now decided to sever ties with the Great Jin Empire, but he hadn't figured out a suitable way yet.

After all, he didn't dare to inherit the wrath of the Great Jin Empire alone, and he kept another eye.

He did not stop, withdrawing the troops stationed on the Black Continent, he hoped that the army of the Eagle Empire could hold off the army of the Great Jin Empire in the Black Continent, and the army of the German Empire was stationed in the Middle East.

It can be seen that the pressure on the Silver Wolf Empire is much less.

"Gentlemen, I must have heard that our German Empire and the Tsarist Empire worked together to test nuclear weapons in the middle of the ocean. And the Great Jin Empire has also tested nuclear weapons before. This has had an extremely negative impact on the organisms of the Atlantic Basin.

Adolf didn't talk nonsense, he went straight to the point, and each leader also had a document at his hand.

Judging from the data on the document, the test explosion of nuclear weapons has indeed brought great pollution to the ocean.

But the pollution is insignificant, apparently just an excuse.

At this moment, Lu Zijing was already ready to take the call.

"And I, the German Reich and its allies, believe that the use of nuclear weapons should be eliminated in future wars. After all, at the moment when nuclear weapons bring a devastating blow, they also bring great pollution, making our world full of filth. Therefore, we believe that we should conclude a non-use treaty on nuclear weapons with each other. This will lead to the creation of complete world peace.

Adolf spoke slowly, Lu Zijing had already seen the intention, and at this moment, the civil official next to Lu Zijing slowly stepped forward and told him a piece of information.

This information is that Han Xiyuan is preparing to sign a treaty agreement with the Russian Empire on the unilateral non-use of nuclear weapons.

Hearing this news, Lu Zijing seemed to have found a breakthrough in the matter, and he stood up directly.

"Mr. Adolf, I see that the pollution pointed out in these documents is insignificant to the sea. It's not as scary as you say. Moreover, war is about hard power. And since you do not have nuclear weapons, you are not qualified to make demands on us in the position of a superior person. This is an extremely unreasonable and absurd thing.

Lu Zijing did not spare any emotion, and then he handed over a document, which pointed out the environmental pollution data caused by various countries in the first and second industries.

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