Mussoli took the plane and slowly overlooked Berlin.

"Yuan Xiansheng, do we really want to leave like this? In this way, will we be in a dilemma?" Qinuo

, who was accompanying him, suddenly asked at this moment, originally expressing an attitude of indifference to Mussoli's behavior.

Now, as soon as Mussooli got on the plane, he asked impatiently, this is also an art.

"At present, we in the Silver Wolf Empire can only escape from here immediately, and we still have to understand the truth that a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. Furthermore, we have not yet completed the unification of power in the Silver Wolf Empire. At present, it is not yet qualified to negotiate with the parties. "

Mussooli can only use this way to encourage himself, after all, there is no better way to deal with it.

"Yuan was born first, and when we left, Lu Zijing made an ultimatum to us, and said that if we don't distinguish our own position as soon as possible, we will also fall into the crusade of the Great Jin Empire.

"Qi Nuo, do you think the terms proposed by the Great Jin Empire at the meeting this time are the ultimatum?"

Mussoli couldn't help but let out such an exclamation and question when he heard Qi Nuo suddenly mention the ultimatum.

After all, the terms proposed by the Great Jin Empire this time are indeed too difficult for a strong man.

"Yuan Xiansheng, I think that the Great Jin Empire can be invited to attend the meeting this time, and before the meeting, we adopted a strategy of divisiveness against our Silver Wolf Empire. It should be for the next war. Moreover, the Great Jin Empire came to our aid by transporting nuclear weapons in the name of the United States this time, all of which seemed so unusual and abnormal.

It was only at this moment that he said what he thought, and Mussoli had asked him several times before the meeting, but he had kept silent.

All this is for the sake of self-preservation, after all, if he had spoken his mind at that time, Mussoli would have made some strategic adjustments at the meeting, and once these strategies were wrong, it would inevitably lead to other paths for the Silver Wolf Empire.

"I have to say that the Great Jin Empire's divisive plan is indeed very clever. It can actually make the Tsarist Russian Empire moved. And if even the Tsarist Russian Empire makes concessions, then my Silver Wolf Empire will have no choice. It's just that the requirements put forward by this Great Jin Empire are too harsh. Even

Mussoli, who wanted to surrender, heard the treaty proposed by Lu Zijing of the Great Jin Empire, he had to grit his teeth and think twice.

"Yuan Xiansheng, at present, I think we still have to act according to the previous plan, and it is also a strategy to protect ourselves. Moreover, if the Great Jin Empire really wants to fight in an all-out way, then my Silver Wolf Empire is also a rare choice. Moreover, although the Tsarist Empire and the Great Jin Empire reached a unilateral agreement, if our countries were really at risk of annihilation, the Tsarist Empire would also tear up the treaty.

He paused for a moment, and then feared that Mussooli would not understand the reasoning, so he spoke directly.

"At this moment, after the Tsarist Empire reached an agreement with the Great Jin Empire, it had a telephone meeting with Adolf, which must have changed.

"Well, I also think like this, I really don't know what kind of threat this Great Jin Empire throws out, which can actually make the Tsarist Russian Empire retreat.

While Mussooli was still thinking about this issue, Imansky, a diplomatic envoy sent by the Russian Empire, had returned to the negotiating table and continued to negotiate an agreement with Zhuge Xun.

"I, Your Majesty Tsar II, have already agreed to your agreement on the non-use of nuclear weapons on each other. Moreover, we are willing to accept the additional conditions of this clause. However, we hope that you can recall the spies planted in our country, and in exchange, we are willing to release the previously arrested spies unconditionally. Tsar

II also wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to directly eradicate the more troublesome espionage problem in the country.

However, of course, Zhuge Xun will not accept this condition, at present, there are very few spies planted by the Great Jin Empire in the Tsarist Russian Empire, but these remaining few people, they are all elite soldiers, and they are already in a high position, if they are recalled again at this moment, there is obviously no need.

As for the spies planted before, Zhuge Xun of course has to advocate for saving them back.

"Mr. Imansky, it is your unilateral attempt to reach an agreement with us this time, and it is a bit excessive to ask us at this moment. In addition, we have not planted a spy on you. Therefore, I would like you to unconditionally release those whose identities may be questioned.

"Mr. Zhuge Xun, I think we should be able to see each other frankly, after all, we should have some necessary solutions outside the barrier. At

this moment, Imansky can only take a step back and exhort in another way.

"Mr. Imansky, I think you have also heard about the terms proposed by my Great Jin Empire at a meeting held on the Western Continent. Our Great Jin Empire is not afraid of threats, and besides, the nuclear weapons base of your Tsarist Russian Empire is now being secretly transferred! It's just ridiculous that your executive officer who is responsible for formulating the transfer plan is the spy planted by our Great Jin Empire within you. It seems that it should not be too much to replace people whose identities are doubtful with this condition, right?"

Zhuge Xun said, throwing a document to Imansky in front of him, which recorded the legal terms proposed by Lu Zijing at the meeting.

This made Imansky look at it again, his brow furrowed.

Moreover, the so-called spy proposed by Zhuge Xun is nonsense at all, after all, the person responsible for the implementation of the transfer plan of this base is Korodia, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Tsarist Empire.

If he was a spy, then the Tsarist Empire would have fallen a long time ago, which of course does not stand up to scrutiny.

Of course, if it were the turn of a suspicious monarch, he would really question Korodia.

After all, if Korodia leaked this information, it was indeed a very reasonable existence.

"Mr. Imansky, you have to understand that we, the Great Jin Empire, have absolute confidence that we can blow up your nuclear weapons base before it is transferred. Moreover, we can all know where you are moving in the shortest possible time. And the lifeblood of your Tsarist Russian Empire is also in the hands of our Great Jin Empire. Therefore, you, the Tsarist Empire, are not qualified to negotiate terms with us at all.

Zhuge Xun's words can be regarded as completely defeating Imansky's inner defense.

For a while, he couldn't find any words to refute, so he refuted with Zhuge Xun.

"Therefore, your Tsarist Russian Empire should feel fortunate that our Great Jin Empire is still willing to shake hands with you at this moment. Of course, the scheming in your Tsarist Russian Empire, my Great Jin Empire, of course, also knows a little bit about it. The nuclear weapons agreement at this moment is nothing more than a delaying tactic against our Great Jin Empire. I just hope that the Tsarist Empire understands that this is also a delaying tactic for my Great Jin Empire.

Zhuge Xun's words directly made Imansky's brain burn, and he was now constantly speculating about what the meaning of Zhuge Xun's words in front of him meant.

"Mr. Imansky, it's time to sign your name on this agreement.

Zhuge Xun knocked on the table, and there was an agreement on the table that had been drawn up a long time ago, and Imansky still checked it, and there was no discrepancy between the content of the previous agreement.

After a moment's hesitation, Imansky signed the agreement, and when he returned to his residence, he immediately packed his luggage and headed straight to the airport, ready to leave the northern capital.

On the way to the airport, Zhuge Xun intercepted him on the road along the way.

Zhuge Xun knocked on Imansky's car window and spoke slowly directly.

"I hope that you can abide by our agreement and hand over some people with identity problems to us as soon as possible.

Hearing this, Imansky nodded tremblingly, and only after Zhuge Xun left, did Imansky wipe the cold sweat on his forehead and order the driver to start the car quickly.

"Minister, I don't understand, why do we release so much false and real information this time?

After Imansky left, Zhao Zhengxi, who was standing next to Zhuge Xun, asked.

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