"I'm also very pleased to have you, the ministers of the humerus, presiding over the work in this time and space. However, you must understand that for the screening and assessment of officials, this checkpoint must be strictly controlled. I don't want the Great Jin Empire to have a situation where officials protect each other and form parties for personal gain. And you are not allowed to form factions and form political groups.

Han Xiyuan knocked on the three important ministers in front of him again at this moment.

After all, he didn't want the future troubles of the Ming Dynasty to repeat the evolution in the Great Jin Empire.

Although, now Han Xiyuan is focusing on giving officers a generous reward system, under such a reward system, the descendants of officers can also rely on the officers' military exploits, and can directly enter the barracks, or the National Defense University.

But in Han Xiyuan's recent thoughts, he is especially ready to eliminate the emergence of this system.

"Your Majesty, now we have strictly controlled the promotion of officials, highlighting the fair and open competitive physique. However, according to the current trend, it is clear that the number of officials in the North is much higher than in the South. Even if we invest in the Creator's talent for governance.

Zhuge Xun shook his head, the dispute between the north and the south has been an obvious struggle since ancient times.

Moreover, the civilian clique in the north and the clique of officers in the north are now in a state of huddling together for warmth.

This is also because the officer group in the north is better than the officer group in the south, after all, the north is more heavily armed and military.

And the civilian clique in the south looks down on the clique of officers in the north.

In this way, it is extremely easy for partisan disputes to occur, and under this pattern, Zhuge Xun directly neutralizes the fighters and governance talents provided by the system to a certain extent.

"Your Majesty, I think we may be overemphasizing this issue, and the current pattern seems to be only a few small signs. And we are in a hurry to strangle now, is it a little radical?" Zhou

Xinghui, who was standing on the side, slowly stood up, and now because of the continuous slowdown of the war, Han Xiyuan's dependence on him is of course lower than his dependence on Zhuge Xun.

And he is indeed reasonable, because the current Great Jin Empire is a kind of rush to generalize, which will constitute a factor of destruction, and will be directly strangled in the cradle.

"You good ministers must understand that although the current Great Jin Empire is extremely strong for a while, we must be prepared for danger in times of peace. Now, we are like the Great Qin Empire at the beginning, and the rest of the world is similar to other vassal states. In this way, if we want to complete the unification, we must put in more efforts. Even, in the future, we will still have to start a round to unify the pace of words and language. Han

Xiyuan compared the current Great Jin Empire to the original Great Qin Empire, and the current pattern is indeed similar.

Secondly, he compares himself to Qin Shi Huang, and he wants to complete the complete unification and integration of the world.

Moreover, now Han Xiyuan has been implementing, the progress of the Chinese language of the Great Jin Empire, and now 75% of the population of the Great Jin Empire has mastered the Chinese language and is proficient in using the Chinese language.

Of course, now he is also constantly advancing to the occupied areas, and in order to complete this great cause, Han Xiyuan inevitably launched a new era of book burning and pit Confucianism.

First of all, he collected all the classics on cultural records of various countries and stored them in the royal museum of the Great Jin Empire, which will become a witness to the unification of the Great Jin Empire.

Subsequently, Han Xiyuan ordered the occupation of the area, which must adopt textbooks and languages in the Chinese language, and promote the excellent traditional culture of the Great Jin Empire since ancient times.

By means of this culture, the people in the newly occupied areas were constantly educated, and a large number of people were subdued subtly.

In addition, Han Xiyuan shot some so-called cultural researchers, these people are just some scholars who exaggerate and have no real materials.

Among them, some scholars such as Fusang and Goryeo Dynasty were shameless, believing that the territory of the Great Jin Empire was originally a part of them, and directly reversed the position of primary and secondary.

In particular, the Goryeo Dynasty actually dates back to the Tang Dynasty, boasting that the original Goryeo Dynasty directly defeated the powerful Tang Empire and let the Tang Empire cede the territory north of the Yangtze River, so as to bow down to the vassals.

This kind of groundless and indiscriminate boasting of scholars will inevitably be the target of shooting.

What deserves to be promoted are naturally those scholars who are self-aware, and they very much agree that Fusang and other countries are just a branch of the Great Jin Empire.

For example, scholars of Fusang pointed out that the current population of Fusang is the descendants of Xu Fu and the 3,000 boys and girls he carried with him during the Qin Dynasty.

These things still have a certain amount of research history, of course, the previous Fuso people, in order to escape this reality, but destroyed some archaeological relics with their own hands.

According to these measures of Han Xiyuan, in less than thirty years, as long as it takes one or two generations of precipitation, it will be enough to completely integrate other nationalities into the embrace of the Great Jin Empire.

Of course, for some stubborn people, Han Xiyuan doesn't mind raising the butcher's knife either.

The experience of history has told everyone that those who go along with it prosper and those who go against it live.

"And the Great Qin Empire, which was established by the old Qin who struggled for a hundred years, only died after two generations, and we must take it as a warning. History must not be allowed to repeat itself. "

The current Han Xiyuan is not much different from the original Qin Shi Huang, both of them have absolute control over the empire in front of them.

But the descendants are inactive and have no outstanding representatives.

This is also based on the fact that Han Xiyuan used the system to investigate the potential of his descendants, and there has not yet been one, a virtuous king.

are all some middle-of-the-road people, such people can play a role in connecting the previous and the next in the middle of the dynasty.

But this must be on the basis of their short lifespan, after all, some golden mean lords, if they reign for a long time, it will be an endless disaster for the empire.

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