Jishou Mountain, Han Xiyuan has asked each battalion to continue counting the number of people, and I have to say that the bombing just now directly caused a big attrition.

At present, the number of soldiers under Han Xiyuan's command has been reduced to 9,000.

The number of Fuso troops coming from all directions has reached 20,000, and it is still increasing rapidly.

Jishou Mountain, the headquarters of the 36th Brigade, the commander of the 89th Brigade, Kawatani Komaki, met Kamikawa Kiyuki.

"Mu Xingjun, long time no see.

Kawatani Komaki saluted Kamikawaki, both of whom were alumni of the same class who graduated from the Kyoto Military Academy in Fuso Kyoto.

"Xiao Mujun, I really didn't expect that the encirclement and annihilation of this army would still need the assistance of your 89th Brigade, I am really ashamed.

Kamikawa Kiyuki spoke to Kawatani Komaki with a look of shame on his face.

"Mu Xingjun, this time not only my 89th Brigade, but also the 1st Wing of the 30th Brigade and the 3rd Wing of the 29th Brigade are cutting off the retreat of this army from behind in the Suzhou Creek area.

Kawatani Komaki pointed to the Suzhou Creek behind Jishou Mountain.

"What? Your Excellency the Commander-in-Chief, you have also transferred the troops of the 30th Brigade and the 29th Brigade?" I admit that this army is strong enough, but why is it so important to send so many troops to encircle and suppress it?"

said Kamikawa Kiyuki to Kawatani Komaki.

"Not only these troops, but also our navy and even a brigade of the air force have been brought over. I heard that this is a domestic order.


order?" "Yes, do you know which army we are besieging now?"

The two began to communicate, and the siege and annihilation of Han Xiyuan this time was indeed an order personally issued by the domestic military headquarters of Fuso.

This reason is not unexpected, because Han Xiyuan has been portrayed as a god of war by the major newspapers of the Great Qian, and even many foreign reporters have reported on Han Xiyuan.

It can be said that if Han Xiyuan is killed or captured alive, it can basically shatter the determination of the people of the Republic of China to persist in the struggle.

Moreover, it was the leaked Fusang Army prisoner of war plan, according to the investigation of Fusang State, it was through the hands of Han Xiyuan and circulated.

Therefore, the domestic high-level leaders of Fusang unanimously agreed that they would rather postpone the capture of Jianning City than strangle Han Xiyuan's army at Jishou Mountain.

"So, Mu Xingjun, this time, my 89th Brigade has transferred fifty poison gas bombs.

Kawatani Komaki smiled at the mountain and river.

"Then I wish us to take Jishou Mountain as soon as possible!

Yamakawa Muxing also laughed, and then gave the order to attack.

This time, the Fuso Army's offensive directly mobilized 50 fighter planes to carry out indiscriminate covering bombing.

Although there is a forest as a shelter in the area of Jishou Mountain, it cannot withstand such indiscriminate bombing, and the indiscriminate bombing by aircraft is followed by the covering shelling of heavy artillery.

The Fuso Army mobilized 15 Type 91 howitzers, 70 Type 97 mortars, and nearly 100 field guns.

In the Jishou Mountain position, although Han Xiyuan ordered the soldiers last night to cut down trees and build fortifications overnight, he even dug a lot of air-raid shelters.

However, these salvage constructions are simply not able to form a defensive capability in a short period of time.

In particular, under the covering bombing and non-difference bombing of the Fuso Army, these positions were directly destroyed, and many fighters were directly buried in the positions by the soil raised by the artillery fire.

"Fuck, why is the artillery fire of the Fuso Army so fierce.

Han Xiyuan spat out a mouthful of foam, which was mixed with a lot of dirt, and seven or eight junior fighters surrounded him to protect his safety.

Half an hour ago, Han Xiyuan had already repelled the attack of the Fusang soldiers, but he didn't expect that only half an hour later, the Fusang army's attack would come so quickly.

"Regiment commander, the enemy is pressing over from the north, and Battalion Commander Zhao is asking for support. At

this time, a herald ran up, and after the artillery attack of the Fuso army was over, it was natural to attack.

The terrain to the north of Jishou Mountain is relatively open, and the Fuso Army also used five armored vehicles and two Type 97 medium tanks.

Han Hee-won climbed a tree next to him and looked in all directions with binoculars, and the Fusang soldiers were attacking.

Han Xiyuan's army is resisting stubbornly, but many of these fighters are in panic and have just reacted from the artillery attack.

This group of Fuso soldiers made up their minds and trapped me here.

Han Xiyuan looked at his system page, he still needed to kill thirty people before he could be promoted to the rank of lieutenant, and he stared at the position

in the north, the ten Tiger tanks that were originally arranged in the north position were basically unable to fight under the bombardment.

At this moment, in the northern position, the three regiments originally had more than 3,000 people, but now there are only 1,300 people left, and more than half of the personnel have been reduced, and these 1,300 people are basically wounded.

They are junior warriors, and they have a strong ability to fight alone, and they can even crush Fusang soldiers, but the crushing of weapons and equipment makes them only stay in the position.

And ten machine-gun positions, one after another, soldiers rushed up to take the place of the fallen soldiers.

"The death squad, rush to Lao Tzu.

Zhao Hanmin looked at the improvised death squad behind him, among these death squads, there were many soldiers of the 88th Division, as well as prisoners of war rescued from Tilanqiao.

Each of them had explosives strapped to their bodies, and at this moment they had to blow up the advancing Type 97 medium tank.

"Commander, tell my mother, I'm not a deserter. A

prisoner of war rescued from Tilanqiao handed a letter to Zhao Hanmin with a resolute face, and then crawled forward, and the other soldiers saluted Zhao Hanmin.

Fifty-three soldiers of the death squad, one after another, rushed with explosives bags, and they used their flesh and blood to directly blow up a 97 medium tank.

Han Xiyuan had just arrived at the moment, and when he saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

He led the soldiers into the position quickly, and then directly filled the vacant position, while Han Xiyuan picked up the Mauser 98k rifle, carefully stayed in the position, and shot at the charging Fusang soldiers.

One by one, the Fuso soldiers on the opposite side fell, and all of them were shot in the head.

Congratulations to the host on his promotion to lieutenant. Congratulations

to the host for obtaining a golden chest.

"Finally promoted.

Han Xiyuan sighed, but seeing that he needed five hundred experience to be promoted next time, he was a little helpless.

And when he saw that the number of Bismarck's dreadnought battleships had not been doubled, he fell into a desperate situation.

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