Mussouri sighed for a long time, looking out at the balcony, and he seemed to see a huge ball of fire flying rapidly towards his position.

"In the past fifteen years, I have done my best for the Silver Wolf Empire, and now I just want to complete my life's pursuit, but those people have stood up and denounced me, they are all a bunch of wolf-hearted things.

Mussouri suddenly scolded angrily, and Chino behind him hurried up, followed by Grazinia.

"Your Majesty, the people are only being bewitched, not against your claim to be emperor in their hearts.

"You don't have to comfort me, you tell me, what is the difference between me and Yuan Shu, who was previously

the emperor of the Great Jin Empire?" Mussoli at this moment compared to the warlord leader before the establishment of the Great Jin Empire, with the support of the Fusang State, ascended the throne and became the emperor.

It's just that this farce only lasted for a while, and he was exchanged for the betrayal of his relatives, and finally had to abdicate by electricity.

At this moment, Mussouri was standing on the cusp, and he was especially afraid of following in the footsteps of Yuan Shu.

"Your Majesty, although the people do not understand you now, the soldiers and officers of the army are completely obedient to your orders. And..."

Qi Nuo was halfway through his words, and without the following text, he really couldn't find the current advantage, and his words made Mussooli feel even more powerless.

"The officers and soldiers are not loyal to me, but to the salary, and if the people are not willing to support me, and I don't have enough money and food, then the officers and soldiers will also defect. Grazinia, you say, am I right?"

Mussoli retreated at this moment, and his ambition was completely extinguished at this moment.

"Your Majesty, you should not be so pessimistic, I and Noudo are both Your Majesty's sharpest blades, and the soldiers are all loyal to you. In this way, even if the people do not understand it temporarily, then we can suppress it with absolute force. If there is no money and food, then some rich businessmen will be beaten into a disorderly party, and money and grain will be easily obtained.

As soon as Grazinia's words fell, Mussoli and Chino suddenly showed surprised expressions, and it seemed that they had come over.

They had no idea that Grazinia would have such a strategy.

Grazinia naturally saw Mussoli's retreat, but if Mussooli announced his abdication, the authority of the Silver Wolf Empire was still in his hands.

This is not what Grazigna wants to see, and he wants to push Mussooli completely against the people.

And now the rich merchants of the Silver Wolf Empire are basically neutrals, and they are in a wait-and-see moment, if they are pushed to the side of the people, then Mussoli will naturally die and have no place to be buried.

It was a vicious ploy, and Mussoli frowned as he looked at him.

"Your Majesty, in this way, the people may succumb, but if the scale is not properly controlled, it is very likely that the people will be completely hostile to us. As for the wealthy businessmen, we do have to carry out some crackdowns. These businessmen have made a fortune and our finances have become very poor. Moreover, the bonds issued by the Central Bank of our Silver Wolf Empire, these businessmen are also unwilling to buy.

Qi Nuo immediately expressed his disapproval of the launch of a terrorist suppression, and as for raising the butcher's knife to the rich businessman, he was very happy.

He previously served as Mussooli's secretary general, and he deeply understood that these merchants of the Silver Wolf Empire had been hoarding materials and shorting the market in the previous World War to seek maximum benefits.

This caused the market of the Silver Wolf Empire to fall into chaos, and also made the millions of troops on the front line have no logistical support, and can only end up in a rout.

And now, in order to become emperor, Mussoli also issued bonds, so as to strengthen his rule, that is, to ask for money from rich businessmen, but these rich businessmen are unwilling to buy.

This caused great distress to the government of the Silver Wolf Empire.

"Two, I'm ready to call on to announce my abdication. In order to regain the support of the people, but the two of you propose to attack the rich businessmen. It coincides with my thoughts.

Mussouri had already made up his mind at this moment, if he didn't withdraw at this moment, it was very likely that he would not even be able to keep the position of the Führer.

He was ready to telegraph and write an edict promising the people that he would correct his attitude.

His words made Grazinia, who was in the corner, secretly say that it was not good, because if Mussouri announced his abdication by telegram, then everything he was doing now would be in vain.

He was absolutely unwilling to accept such a reality, so he opened his mouth to try to dissuade Mussoli.

"Your Majesty, there is no need to rush to abdicate now. We have been working hard for these days, and Your Majesty has worked hard for fifteen years. Now that he has only been in a hurry for more than ten days, is he about to declare defeat?"

Mussoli really could not have imagined that the people who were most worried about him before and opposed him to the throne now firmly hoped that he would continue to maintain his position, which made him feel a little nostalgic, and even in his heart, he was sure that Grazigna was his loyal minister.

"Do you have any other plans?"

asked Mussoli, after a moment's hesitation.

"Your Majesty, now you can not abdicate, you can follow the example of the Eagle Empire, form a cabinet, and carry out the reform of the constitutional monarchy according to the Eagle Empire. As for the cabinet candidates, you can pick and choose some of your own personnel to be placed. Subsequently, the House of Representatives was formed, and the people were allowed to enter the House of Representatives and continue to participate in politics. In this way, some people's attacks were blocked. However, you may have to give up some of your rights. to prove to the people that you are for the sake of the country, not for self-interest. "

What Grazigna is talking about at the moment is all about the reforms that will be carried out after the defeat of Mussooli.

However, it was clear that this great reform could not be completed now, so Grazinia had no choice but to compromise and relinquish the power to Mussoli again.

After all, what he wants is the transformation and rise of the Silver Wolf Empire, and he can also do everything possible to overturn Mussool in the next reform.

Even if Mussouri were to establish a royal family, that would be acceptable for Grazinia.

Hearing Grazinia's words, Qinuo on the side immediately smiled, and then spoke.

"Your Majesty, this is a brilliant plan, and if this is the case, we will be able to bridge the gap between us and the people, and even make them fully understand our good intentions. Moreover, His Majesty does not have to choose to abdicate. The cabinet is still in your hands, and the House of Representatives is nothing more than a virtual entity.

Qi Nuo suddenly opened his mouth presumptuously, but he did not expect that the House of Representatives would next rise above the Cabinet, or even the Emperor.

"That's the way it goes. However, I am a little worried that the public will accept this clause. In

the past ten days, after Mussouri became emperor, he has become more and more worried.

"Your Majesty can only solve the hidden danger of the rich merchants and use the materials they have hoarded in the warehouse to give to the people, then you will definitely be able to gain the understanding and support of the people. "

Grazinia finally launched a plan, and now most of the people of the Silver Wolf Empire have become very difficult because of the hoarding of goods by wealthy merchants.

It is precisely because of this pattern that people choose to take to the streets, and they are more looking for a way to survive.

"Then I will leave this matter to the two of you to follow up comprehensively, and I hope that our Silver Wolf Empire can be at peace in the shortest possible time. Our Silver Wolf Empire really can't make any more waves.

Mussouri sighed, and he was ready to ask Adolf for another phone call.

He believed that the Silver Wolf Empire must not lose the German Empire, a powerful ally.

As he spoke, he raised his head to look at the sky, and now the night sky looked extremely weird.

Because there was a strange scene of two moons hanging in the sky, this scene was of course discovered by more astronomers.

Even, because of the sight of the double moon hanging in the sky, some scholars overturned most of the previously established physical systems.

Some scholars even roared in horror.

"Physics doesn't exist. "

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