Xiongkuohai ordered the soldiers to wear the clothes of ordinary people, and the north and south city gates, because of Han Xiyuan's advance organization, all the residential houses on both sides were requisitioned as the hidden areas of the soldiers.

"Dahai, you lead the soldiers into the city to investigate, and if anything is wrong, withdraw from the city immediately.

Wu Qingzhi said slowly to his generals.

Although he was convinced that the court had given up the struggle, he was also going to send it into the city to investigate.

It didn't take long for 10,000 soldiers to enter the city, and Xiong Kuohai took the initiative to sit at the south gate this time, and when he saw this scene, he slowly spoke to his guards.

"Ordered to go down, before I saw the Ming King Wu Qingzhi enter the city, the departments must not act rashly, show the horse's feet, and let the Ming King's subordinates find the clues. In

order to cooperate with this operation, Han Xiyuan still ordered all officers at and above the company level to memorize the faces of King Wu Qingzhi and King Zhang Yuting of Song.

The purpose of this is also to prevent the two from absconding after the defeat.

Xiong Kuohai said, and took the initiative to walk down the city gate, ready to greet Zhang Dahai and the others.

Moreover, he also made a comprehensive coping strategy, for example, in the downtown of the city, he still arranged some people of different ages to maintain normal business prosperity there.

This is also to create a peaceful and safe scene.

Zhang Dahai rode a tall horse, slowly entered the city, and Xiong Kuohai saluted a military salute.

"I am the Governor of the Imperial Forest Army, and I am waiting for His Royal Highness King Ming by His Majesty's military order, I don't know where His Royal Highness is the King of Ming?"

"His Royal Highness King Ming is coming from behind, and I was just ordered to enter the city first.

Zhang Dahai said, waved his big hand, and ordered the soldiers behind him to move forward quickly and enter the city.

After an hour-long search, Zhang Dahai asked the herald to send Wu Qingzhi a signal to enter the city, which made Xiong Kuohai sweat, which was also because he almost showed his horse's feet on the way to the search just now.

As for the side of the north gate, Zhang Yuting rode directly into the city on a tall horse, and he ordered the soldiers to stay and rest in place.

He personally led 500 soldiers to the palace, and he even changed his normal behavior, not wearing a military uniform, but wearing the court uniform of the Han Empire to show his respect for Han Xiyuan.

At this moment, Han Xiyuan was sitting in the palace, and the guards outside the door kept coming news.

"Your Majesty, Zhang Yuting, the king of Song, has entered the city and is leading five hundred guards into the palace.

"Your Majesty, Wu Qingzhi, the king of Ming, also led the soldiers and began to enter the city. "


The good news came one after another, which made Han Xiyuan breathe a sigh of relief.

"It seems that this Zhang Yuting is obviously unaware of the danger, and he is still a loyal servant of the Han Empire. As for this Wu Qingzhi, he is too cautious, if he can't be taken down this time, it will be a great hidden danger.

After hearing his guards report on the behavior and attire of the two vassal kings, Han Xiyuan quickly made a judgment.

Obviously, this Wu Qingzhi took the lead in falling into the disadvantage under the comparison with Zhang Yuting.

Han Xiyuan is still biased, and Zhang Yuting can be reused appropriately in the future, as for this Wu Qingzhi, he obviously has no intention of using him again, and even under his consideration, he thinks that this person must even be imprisoned to prevent him from rising again.

Just when Han Xiyuan was thinking about Wu Qingzhi, Wu Qingzhi had just entered the city, and he saw the vast sea.

"I am the Governor of the Imperial Forest Army, and I am here to wait for His Royal Highness King Ming for a long time on the orders of Your Majesty. "

Tell me honestly, where

is Zhang Yuting now?" Wu Qingzhi got the news that Zhang Yuting also led his troops into the city when he was in the rear army, so he also stepped up the speed of entering the city, and as soon as he entered the city, he took the lead in asking Xiong Kuohai.

"This........ I only know that Zhang Yuting had entered the city two hours ago, and after entering the city, he led the soldiers and went straight to the palace to meet His Majesty. Xiong

Kuohai was thinking about how to tell Wu Qingzhi in front of him all about this situation, and now he asked Xiong Kuohai directly, which also saved him a lot of effort to beat around the bush.

But he had to make a slightly hesitant movement and demeanor.

Hearing Xiong Kuohai's answer, Wu Qingzhi secretly said that it was not good, and immediately patted his horse and led a thousand soldiers to the direction of the palace.

Seeing this scene, Xiong Kuohai glanced at the guards behind him, and the guards understood and slowly retreated.

"General Xiongkuohai, now our department is going to surrender your guns, I hope you can cooperate.

Zhang Dahai was impatient to remove the possible threat in front of him, and he had now sent someone to firmly control the city gate in his own hands.

Looking at the direction of Wu Qingzhi's departure, Xiong Kuohai sat and deduced that if he launched a counterattack at this moment, it would be the most appropriate moment.

So, he opened his mouth directly to Zhang Dahai in front of him, but there was a sharp knife hidden in the cuff of his right hand, and his left hand was a left salute, and he took out his own talisman from his waist.

"This is the talisman of the Imperial Forest Army of the Han Empire, and I am the first to present it at this moment, but Your Majesty, I have not yet reached an agreement with the King of Song. I also express my sincerity in advance, and I hope that after the incident, you can guarantee me a future.

Xiong Kuohai showed a smile, and between the lines, it was revealed that he hoped to serve Wu Qingzhi, but this was all a code he had made in advance.

The soldiers in the shadows, seeing the vast sea take out the tiger talisman, also directly took out the hidden weapon slowly.

"This is natural, as long as General Xiong Kuohai is willing to surrender to His Royal Highness King Ming, then there will be endless glory and wealth to enjoy. That Zhang Yuting, the king of Song, is not the opponent of His Royal Highness King Ming at all, you can rest assured.

Zhang Dahai also responded with a smile, and then stretched out his right hand and went to take the tiger talisman, at this interval, Xiong Kuohai directly stepped forward, approached Xiong Kuohai's body, and put a dagger on Zhang Dahai's neck.

"General Zhang Dahai, my dagger is quenched with poison, as long as you touch your skin lightly, then you will die directly on the spot. Therefore, I hope that you will not act rashly and let your people take down from the tower.

Zhang Dahai was very stunned by the sudden appearance, but when he came to his senses, he immediately wanted to pull out the gun on his waist and want to resist.

However, when he heard the words of the mighty sea, he immediately stopped resisting, he was also a greedy man who was afraid of death, and he did not think it was necessary to throw his life here.

Moreover, anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is a trap, after all, there are soldiers pouring here from all directions.

"Adjutant Zhang, what are you hesitating about? Do you want Lao Tzu to die? Quickly follow General Xiong Kuohai's instructions.

Zhang Dahai shouted at his adjutant, and the adjutant could only quickly let the soldiers on the city tower come down quickly.

Through this means, Xiong Kuohai regained the control of the city gate in his own hands without bloodshed, and he directly closed the city gate, which made the direct army outside the city feel very strange.

In particular, the direct army that wants to enter the city will call the door directly under the city tower, if it is not for the scruples of being wiped by the Ming King Wu Qingzhi to feel the sound of cannons, the majestic sea will open artillery and return fire, and the direct army under the city that is called the city.

On the other side, Yang Huming, the commander of the Sixth Brigade of the Feng Army at the north gate, obviously did not realize the arrival of the danger, and he didn't even have the mind to control the city gate in his own hands, he directly took a few guards to several kilns in Longdu.

This is the brothel of Longdu, the most famous of which are the three kilns, which are even jokingly called Wonderland.

Yang Huming was originally a bandit, he didn't know what the priorities were, he only knew that if he won the battle, he had to enjoy it.

Only this can comfort his soul, after all, these people are living with their heads pinned to their belts.

In the face of Yang Huming's sudden departure, Yang Ganhan, the guard of the North Gate and the governor of Jinyiwei, who was responsible for taking down Yang Huming's first section, was happy in his heart.

He directly ordered the soldiers hiding in the shadows to rush out quickly, quietly surround the Sixth Brigade, and also sent a hundred people to the kiln courtyard to arrest Yang Huming.

At this moment, Zhang Yuting and Wu Qingzhi didn't know that their subordinates were all taken down by Han Xiyuan in silence.

Zhang Yuting, under the guidance of the eunuchs, walked towards the inner palace of the palace, and as for Wu Qingzhi, he was still moving forward at full speed.

He didn't realize at all that there were soldiers in ambush on both sides of the street he passed, and as long as he waited for Wu Qingzhi to leave, these soldiers quickly walked out, and then sealed off the place.

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