Hearing Zhang Yuting's words, Han Xiyuan smiled slightly in the side hall on the side, and now from the original idea, Han Xiyuan has already won the land of the six northeastern provinces, which is extremely beneficial news for Han Xiyuan.

"Well, I didn't expect to be like this.

Wu Qingzhi shook his head and slowly sat back in his place, obviously he was unwilling to surrender, but ate slowly.

Han Xiyuan slowly walked out of the side hall and helped Zhang Yuting up.

"If the good minister is willing to do this, then I am very pleased, and I just hope that the good minister will fight with me.

Han Xiyuan patted Zhang Yuting on the shoulder, he had already arranged a residence in the palace, and had already ordered Cao Bowen to prepare a new banquet.

As for Wu Qingzhi, if he still has a thief's heart and does not die, then Han Xiyuan can only let him continue to stay in this palace.

And the news of Wu Qingzhi and Zhang Yuting's imprisonment, because it reached the two armies of Zhifeng, quickly spread to the hands of the major empires through the hands of intelligence merchants.

The headquarters of the direct army, Wu Qingzhi's eldest son Wu Rongming, received the news, and quickly saw the hint in Wu Qingzhi's words, and he said slowly to Zhuge Dan in front of him.

"Mr. Zhuge , my father has now entered the city, and the defenders in the city have launched an artillery bombardment on us again. In the warrant, there is also the reluctance of the father, so it seems that the father should have encountered an accident. Do we now want to lead troops to storm Longdu and rescue our father, or use that Di Gaoxun as a condition to exchange my father's life. Zhuge

Dan can also be regarded as Wu Rongming's teacher, so Wu Rongming's words were filled with a respectful tone, and when Zhuge Dan received the news, he was also helpless in his heart.

Although, Wu Qingzhi passed to Zhuge Dan in the warrant, hoping that Zhuge Dan would not withdraw his troops now and continue to lead troops to besiege Longdu, so that Han Xiyuan would not be murderous to Wu Qingzhi for the time being.

But the direct army is not monolithic, Wu Qingzhi has four sons, all of whom now hold positions in the army, the most of which are the brigade commanders of the first army, if they do not obey Zhuge Dan's orders, then Zhuge Dan is also helpless.

The second is the ignorance of the Longdu City, Wu Qingzhi has already brought more than 10,000 elites into the city, but obviously in the city, they did not make a stubborn resistance, which proves that the defenders in the city, in terms of number and equipment, are far more than their troops, and it is precisely because of this that the troops have not formed the strength to resist.

Moreover, the heavy artillery fire and other covering bombardments in the city confirm this truth.

As for Wu Rongming's proposal to exchange Di Gaoxun for Wu Qingzhi, in Zhuge Dan's view, it is simply nonsense, because in his opinion, Di Gaoxun is just an abandoned son of Han Xiyuan.

Thinking of this, Zhuge Dan slowly spoke.

"There must be changes in Longdu City, King Ming was imprisoned, although it has not yet been confirmed, but there are clues. But that's why we can't mess around. First of all, Childe should gather the other three Childe to come to the headquarters for a meeting, and take this opportunity to firmly control the military power in his hands. Now that King Ming is gone, our direct army will inevitably need a backbone. "

Zhuge Dan's intention is very clear, that is, he hopes that Wu Rongming will temporarily control the other three younger brothers together.

Wu Rongming agreed very much with this proposal, because he knew very well that the three younger brothers were competitive in the struggle for power, and because of Wu Qingzhi's development, the three younger brothers all had their own territories, and if the three of them were unwilling to rescue Wu Qingzhi, return to their own territories, and divide one side, it would not be impossible.

After all, the three of them are now separated from Wu Qingzhi.

The second and most important issue is the decision to withdraw from the army.

"Sir, after I have mastered the military power, do I have to obey my father's orders and withdraw from Longdu and even the territory of Zhili Province?"

Wu Rongming continued to ask, and Zhuge Dan also responded quickly.

"Gongzi previously proposed to exchange Di Gaoxun for the life of the prince, but in my opinion, it is an impossible status quo, which is also because Di Gaoxun is still in the camp of our army, which means that he has also become an outcast. Therefore, he has no effect on the overall situation. As for us, we may have to withdraw from Zhili Province for the time being. Because I suspect that the soldiers in Longdu City took down our army and imprisoned the Ming King without blood, there must be a shadow of the Feng army, especially the heavy artillery in the city, which should be the heavy artillery fire of the main equipment of the Feng Department. "

The heavy artillery used by Han Xiyuan this time is indeed the type of heavy artillery in active service in the Sakura Empire, and the Feng Army and the Sakura Empire are also close to each other.

The most important thing is that Zhuge Dan can't find an explanation for why there are a large number of troops in Longdu City, if it is combined with the Feng army, it must be reasonable.

"What does Mr. mean this time, it is Fengjun to do the game, lure his father into the game, and then imprison his father, and then use his father as a bargaining chip, and we give up Zhili Province, which is the first condition?"

After listening to Zhuge Dan's words, Wu Rongming touched his chin, and after thinking for a long time, he made a bold speculation, and Zhuge Dan also gave a positive nod.

"Therefore, I ordered the scouts to pay close attention to the movements of the Feng army, so that the Feng army would not send troops to cut off our rear road at the last moment. There

is indeed some truth in Zhuge Dan's words.

"Therefore, I suggest that we must get out as soon as possible, so as not to fall into the encirclement of the enemy and prevent the enemy from taking the initiative. Therefore, Childe, I might as well wait, just retire now, and then slowly figure it out. "

Zhuge Dan's words and suggestions are not at all the slightest, and he wants to rescue Wu Qingzhi, but all to preserve his strength, and then try to achieve a great cause.

"According to what Mr. means, we will give up saving our father for the time being?"

Wu Rongming sighed, he was extremely reluctant to give up rescuing Wu Qingzhi, after all, if they gave up, Wu Qingzhi's subordinates would inevitably point at his backbone and scold him.

"I know what Childe is worried about, but those who achieve great things can't be limited to small things. Moreover, Childe should understand that we are now in a difficult situation, and we must overcome obstacles to open a way to survive. Moreover, Gongzi has a warrant, but he is just acting on orders, and other generals do not dare to cause more trouble.

At the moment when Wu Rongming was swaying from side to side, the second half of Zhuge Dan's words made Wu Rongming grit his teeth.

He does have Wu Qingzhi's warrant and acts on orders, so others can't find fault with him.

"Then follow the orders of the gentleman, temporarily withhold the retreat, save our strength, in order to rescue later, I just hope that afterwards, my father will not blame me. "

Wu Rongming is a person who looks forward and backward, does not dare to have the courage and ambition, and does great things.

It is precisely because of this that although he is the eldest son, Wu Qingzhi only put him beside him, and did not send him out to take charge of the first army.

"Childe, if King Ming knows that you are also thinking about the safety of his life, then you will definitely understand your behavior. If we don't retreat and anger that Zhang Yuting, maybe King Ming will be tied to the chariot and threatened by war.

Zhuge Dan continued to consol, the world knows that Wu Rongming is a filial son, so Zhuge Dan did what he liked.

"Then give the order and let my three younger brothers come to the headquarters for a meeting. Once the three of them entered the headquarters, he ordered the guards to control the three of them, and then immediately ordered the whole army to withdraw from Zhili Province and enter Xishan Province. Plot again.

After Wu Rongming finished speaking, he knocked on the map in front of him, and after thinking for a moment, he slowly spoke.

Xishan Province is the birthplace and foundation of the direct army.

"Childe, for the next period of time, you will all be the lord, and you must be ready to deal with all difficulties.

Zhuge Dan continued to speak, Wu Qingzhi is now in the enemy camp, so Wu Rongming, as the eldest son, will inevitably provoke a lot.

"From now on, it is up to my husband to give advice, and I will obey all of them and rescue my father as soon as possible.

Wu Rongming also bowed, which means that the two are now standing together, and as an interest body, the two must cooperate sincerely.

"Childe, if Zhang Yuting wants to plot more land, then he must take out King Ming as a bargaining chip, so the safety of King Ming's life is not a problem now. Secondly, we can also use the excuse of exchanging land to rescue King Ming.

After a short while, Zhuge Dan suggested again, giving a proposal for the next step, and Wu Rongming also nodded in agreement.

"Even if I use another province, I am willing to give it up and exchange it for my father.

Wu Rongming said without hesitation, but Zhuge Dan muttered in his heart, a provincial land, it takes three years and five years of struggle to get it.

Zhuge Dan also started from Wu Qingzhi, so he followed him, so he was familiar with the difficulty of starting a business, and he understood the hardships of starting a business, but in order to rescue Wu Qingzhi, these can be given up.

He is just glad now, he took the initiative to ask Ying, hoping that he could enter the city with Wu Qingyi, but Wu Qingzhi directly refused and offered him to sit in the headquarters.

If he also enters the city together, the direct army will inevitably fall into a chaotic situation, and in this way, it will inevitably be a large-scale rout, and more than ten years of hard work will be ruined.

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