"If Your Majesty is so confident, we can only obey your orders. But Your Majesty, we still suggest that we wait for the Feng army to completely withdraw from Zhili Province before releasing Zhang Yuting.

Cao Bowen continued to speak, to which Han Xiyuan nodded and agreed.

"Let's go, let's go touch this Wu Qingzhi again.

Han Xiyuan raised his hand, while Cao Bowen continued to speak.

"Your Majesty, the intelligence offices of the major empires that we have eliminated in the city have been receiving telegrams from the major empires since three hours ago, and in just three hours, there have been more than a hundred. Among them, our Xuanwu Shield has come to the latest conclusions after screening and summarizing the information.

Cao Bowen said, handing over a new document.

Zhang Yuting and Wu Qingzhi are both pivotal figures in the world, and now they naturally attract the attention of major empires.

Moreover, after Han Xiyuan released the warrants of the two people, the spies of the major empires who were hiding in the various armies naturally revealed the information to the major empires.

And the direct spy pointed out that this time it was the military to do the game.

Fengjun's spies pointed out that this time it was the direct army, which made the major empires confused, so they sent a telegram to the intelligence bureau in Longdu for verification.

"It's really interesting, all the forces still think it's Zhang Yuting or Wu Qingzhi doing it. I didn't guess my head, it seems that our royal family has been silent for too long. Let the great empires forget about our existence.

Han Xiyuan snorted coldly, and Cao Bowen continued to speak.

"Your Majesty, now all the intelligence bureaus have only replied that they are verifying, and next, we Xuanwu Shield believe that in order to protect the role of the intelligence department, next, we will reveal some true and false news to the major empires, which may include the news that Your Majesty designed to imprison Zhang Yuting and Wu Qingzhi. I also ask Your Majesty to grant me. Now

, Han Xiyuan still adopts the strategy of centralizing power and holds most of the power in his own hands, so Cao Bowen has to ask Han Xiyuan for advice no matter how big or small.

At first, Han Xiyuan could still deal with it, but as the king of a country, there were too many government affairs, which would inevitably bring too much trouble to Han Xiyuan, so Han Xiyuan was ready to continue to expand the administrative system.

In this way, decentralization can reduce the concentration of rights and strengthen rights, and secondly, the state of trusteeship can be opened.

"Then follow your Xuanwu Shield's plan, these intelligence bureaus, and then continue to dig out some agents and intelligence bureaus, we will insert our own agents into the imperial administrative system in the future.

After Han Xiyuan finished speaking, he gave further instructions.

Cao Bowen also hurriedly agreed.

At this moment, Junji Ito now looked at the situation handed in front of him, and felt uneasy, he immediately went to the palace to meet the Yuxing Locust, and at this moment, following his footsteps, there was also Shintaro Ishihara who entered the palace.

After all, what happened in the Han Empire was an extremely urgent matter for the Sakura Empire.

"Two good ministers, according to the only information available so far, I hope you can give me an analysis of what happened in the Han Empire!" Yuxing

Heavenly Locust was also stunned when he received the news today.

Because, at the beginning, when he received the news that Zhang Yuting was imprisoned, he secretly said in his heart that it was not good, because Wu Qingzhi was about to complete the unification of the Han Empire.

And if the Han Empire gathers all its military strength, it will be a devastating blow to the Sakura Empire's plan to advance north and south, and Wu Qingzhi and the Sakura Empire have always been an undying mortal enemy.

Especially, under the current domestic atmosphere of the Sakura Empire.

Because of the defeat in the battle in Higashiyama Province, the people of the Sakura Empire are all seeking a chance to be ashamed.

However, the news that followed was that Wu Qingzhi was also imprisoned.

This news obviously made Yuxing Heavenly Locust breathe a sigh of relief, but he naturally had a bigger doubt in his heart, that is, who was in charge of everything in the current Dragon Capital.

Therefore, he had already ordered the intelligence department of Longdu to find out the situation immediately, but he had not yet received a call back.

"Your Majesty, now that Wu Qingzhi and Zhang Yuting are imprisoned in Longdu, it is an excellent opportunity for us to take Dongshan Province and the six northeastern provinces.

Junji Ito was impatient, his current plan to transport troops was still in steady and orderly progress, and he thought that this time he might be able to take this opportunity to expand the number of troops.

"What I am most anxious about now is to find out that Zhang Yuting and Wu Qingzhi were imprisoned this time. As for the matter of sending troops, it should be left to the end to continue the discussion. Yuxing

Heavenly Locust naturally thinks that this is a good opportunity to be ashamed, but he has to figure out the battle situation to win all battles, and he doesn't want to repeat the mistakes of the past and review the defeat of Dongshan Province at the beginning.

Speaking of that defeat, it was also the Sakura Empire that took advantage of Wu Qingzhi's battle with Jiang Xianmi, the governor of Dongshan Province, to take advantage of the fire to rob and sneak attack from Jiang Xianmi's rear.

However, Jiang Xianmi, who was attacked by a sneak attack, directly led the crowd to surrender to Wu Qingzhi and joined forces with Wu Qingzhi to counterattack the Sakura Empire.

Since then, the Sakura Empire has suddenly woken up to the fact that the warlords of the Han Empire are not only actual combatants of infighting, but also tacitly put aside all their immediate interests and stand in the same camp when facing the survival of the country.

"Your Majesty, from what I have observed so far, perhaps this is not a captivity, but a coup d'état that has been planned for a long time. And the core of the coup d'état is in Longdu, so it should be the new emperor of the Han Empire. I have had a few encounters with him before, and this person has great ambitions and knows how to forbear. This time, he sent troops to fight jointly with the Anhui army, which is the best embodiment.

Shintaro Ishihara put forward his speculation at this moment, and this speculation was indeed reasonable, so that the Yuxing Locusts all nodded in approval, but Junji Ito smiled contemptuously and then said.

"The royal family of the Han Empire, which had accumulated an army of several generations, was all lost by that emperor in a battle. In the end, the two armies were besieged. Such a mediocre and incompetent monarch was actually exaggerated by Ishihara-kun, which is really ridiculous.

Junji Ito's words did not dislike Shintaro Ishihara, but he spoke.

"As far as I know, the losses are nothing more than a few miscellaneous armies, and the real Royal Guards are still full of strength. And Ito-kun must be sure that this is not the emperor of the Han Empire's strategy to lure the enemy into going deeper?".

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