"The problem in the Far East only needs to let the English Empire act as a traction and directly put pressure on the Han Empire, then Liu Cheming will definitely release Wu Qingzi obediently. After saving Wu Qingzi this time, we must ask for enough benefits. It is also necessary to sign some agreements with the direct army, in case this Wu Qingzi does not admit it. "

Hearing his wife think that the Prussian Empire was not a big threat, and hearing Chamberlain mention that there is no conclusive evidence of this.

Therefore, Mandecha I also directly ignored this issue, and pointed directly to the Far East.

Of course, the Empress also believes that the Far East is the most urgent key, but the expression on her face is not optimistic.

"Rescuing Wu Qingzi is not a difficult task, but the need to continue to maintain the interests of the Far East is as difficult as heaven for our British Empire. The Far East today is not the Far East of a hundred years ago. And the current world is no longer the status quo where our English Empire is the only one and far ahead.

When the Empress said this, although she was a little depressed, she could see her calmness from her eyebrows.

"Your Majesty, is it a little too pessimistic? The navy of our English Empire is still the first in the world, and if the Far East issue cannot be negotiated by means of peace talks, then our English Empire can unite with other countries to launch a new round of siege against the Han Empire. It is not difficult to sign more than a dozen preferential treaties.

Chamberlain spoke directly, and Mandecha I on the side also agreed with him.

"The strength of our Imperial Navy depends entirely on the sophistication of our manufacturing technology and the superiority of our navy's warships. Of course, the origin of everything is the innovation of the industry of our English Empire. But in the past three years, our English Empire has lagged behind other countries, and now we can only import technology from other countries. Therefore, I am also ready to change the laws of our English Empire. We, the English Empire, need a new change. In

this gap, the empress slowly blurted out her own ideas, and she has recently conducted investigations in many places for the development of the English Empire.

She found that the scientific creativity of the British Empire was seriously insufficient, and the main reasons were three things.

The first aspect is that the British Empire now adopts a single-track system of education and advocates aristocratic education, under which education is monopolized by the top, that is, education is derailed from the bottom.

In such a situation, the scientific base of the British Empire, as well as the development of talents, will be greatly reduced.

Second, she found that there was a great deal of infringement and misappropriation within the borders of the British Empire, that is, the lack of copyright and scientific protection laws.

Under this pattern, what the people have just created and invented will be immediately stolen, and everything that the people have worked hard will be ruthlessly stolen, making the people's desire to create plummet.

In this regard, the empress refers to the Prussian Empire and the Condor Empire on the side.

In the Condor Empire, scientists can apply for copyright for their own inventions at the first time, and then if someone pirates it, they need to pay scientists a certain amount of remuneration.

Moreover, the Condor Empire's remuneration is set at a very high amount, reaching 51% of the income, and if the beneficiary is unwilling to pay this fee, he will face legal liability.

Under such legal norms, scientists are also willing to invent and create.

As for the laws of the Prussian Empire, the law was even harsher, as long as the plagiarism of other people's works was discovered, and the beneficiary received the profit, not only did he have to pay three times the profit, but also compensated the scientist.

He will also suffer five to seven years in prison.

These measures are all to ensure the desire of scientists to create.

The third aspect is the level of the army of the English Empire, the empress found that the training of the army was lazy, and many soldiers had bad hobbies.

What angered the Empress the most was that there was serious corruption in the army, there was a serious deficit in the accounts, and some officers even sold weapons and warships directly to other countries in order to make up for the shortfall.

These three aspects are just the ones that the empress thinks are the most urgent to solve, and secondly, she still finds out the small aspects, and she directly proposes a strategy to solve them.

Hearing the empress's words, Chamberlain under him soaked out some cold sweat, he didn't expect that the empress was just going through a passing review, but now she found so many problems.

"Prime Minister don't worry, these problems are not caused by you, but caused by the past 30 years, or even more years ago. Therefore, I am not trying to hold accountable, I just hope that the prime minister should understand that reform is imminent. The

Empress had no intention of holding her accountable, and she clearly understood that this was the drunken dream of the English Empire, immersed in the dream that she was still the hegemon of the world.

However, the empress, who was prepared for danger in times of peace, felt that reform was now necessary.

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