"But now is a good opportunity. After the Second Industrial Revolution, the great empires were already preparing to reclassify the world. If the Western Continent really fights, our Han Empire will be able to free up its hands to deal with the Sakura Empire. Moreover, the Sakura Empire had been at odds with the English Empire before, and if we took the initiative to move closer to the French Empire, it would be a counterbalance.

Seeing the middle content of this document, Han Xiyuan's mood turned to joy, and this joy made him clench the dragon chair.

After all, judging from previous memories, the first war that swept the world was indeed coming.

However, the camp of this campaign was slightly different, especially in the document, which pointed out that the Prussian Empire was actually going to engage in a joint operation with the French Empire.

This made Han Xiyuan feel novel, but if this was the case, then the war on the Western Continent might not last long.

After all, the strength of the two camps has shifted from the previous level to the strength of the French Imperial camp.

However, Han Xiyuan was sure that the Han Empire would inevitably be the object of contention between the two camps.

"Yes, Your Majesty. And according to the news we have received in the past few days. Although the diplomatic envoys of the major empires have held private meetings to discuss, they have not come to a proper conclusion so far. Maybe that's good news for us. Moreover, we have sent the brocade guards to watch the meeting in the home of the diplomatic envoy of the English Empire.

Cao Bowen said another more favorable message.

"Hmm, the envoys of the major empires are gathered now, and if nothing else, it should be in response to my summons for tomorrow. However, I think it will be unhappy, but even if they can unite this time, then I will never bow my head, send electricity to the troops at the front, and recover Zhili Province as soon as possible at all costs. Only by completing the system tasks will I be more confident and have a dialogue with the major empires.

Han Xiyuan instructed Cao Bowen in front of him, Cao Bowen also recorded a few strokes briefly in the notebook in his hand, and then continued to speak.

"According to our Xuanwu Shield's analysis and summary, the major empires will inevitably not move towards unity this time, after all, in the interests of our Han Empire, the major empires are no longer at the level of equal interests. And the English Empire, perhaps, will be even more stubborn. However, it is time for the English Empire to reconsider the interests of our Han Empire. After all, there is also a chaotic situation in the direct line now.

Previously, Wu Rongming followed Zhuge Dan's advice, directly summoned his two younger brothers to his headquarters, and imprisoned the two.

However, what Wu Rongming didn't expect was that his two younger brothers' subordinates actually came to besiege the headquarters and asked Wu Rongming to release their commander, which directly made Wu Rongming feel afraid.

In order to avoid a greater mutiny, Wu Rongming finally chose to compromise and could only release his two younger brothers.

And his two younger brothers, after being released, directly led their troops back to their own territory, ignoring Wu Rongming's orders.

Although there have been no large-scale conflicts, contradictions have emerged.

"However, at present, Wu Qingzi still cannot be released, maybe Wu Qingzi's sons can bring us other unexpected gains.

Han Xiyuan didn't expect that the direct warlords would have so many contradictions and conflicts, so he also thought that perhaps, he should wait for the opportunity.

After all, if Wu Qingzi is released, there may be a lot of changes.

"Yes, Your Majesty. In addition, there seems to be a big coup d'état in the Sakura Empire, but we don't know yet, and we are still urgently searching for relevant information.

Cao Bowen then spoke again, after all, the Sakura Empire's intelligence bureau in Longdu has been coming frequently recently, which has aroused the vigilance of Xuanwu Shield.

"Well, the Sakura Empire is a presence to be reckoned with, and they are like poisonous snakes in the night, if we don't watch out for them, they will inevitably bite us suddenly. "

Han Xiyuan has always attached great importance to the Sakura Empire, so he is more vigilant.

Moreover, although the previous naval battle of the Sakura Empire was won because of the typhoon, the war reparations obtained by the Sakura Empire in the Han Empire were all paid by the Sakura Empire for domestic development.

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