Hearing Cao Bowen's words, Han Xiyuan also thought for a moment, the current Han Empire is different from the previous Great Jin Empire.

The previous Great Jin Empire had gone through a 50-year ideological emancipation movement, but now the ideological emancipation of the Han Empire is still in its infancy.

After all, as a standard feudal empire, it also adopted a policy of fooling the people, and in order to rule better, they also implemented some ridiculous policies.

Of course, these are things that urgently need to be changed, but now the top priority is to promote the emancipation of the mind, so Han Xiyuan spoke to Cao Bowen in front of him.

"Now, there is still a large amount of money in the treasury, right? First of all, we should implement basic education in Zhili Province, and our people should also learn more knowledge and see a wider world. "

Recently, Han Xiyuan has asked Jinyi Weina to raid a lot of ministers' homes and get a batch of funds.

Moreover, Han Xiyuan had previously drawn a batch of gold from the system warehouse and entered the treasury.

However, Han Xiyuan has not yet ordered the exchange of this gold with the major empires and the circulation of currency, after all, a large amount of gold appears in the market all of a sudden, which will make the originally turbulent economy of the Han Empire even more withering.

In addition, Han Xiyuan also ordered a large amount of money to be invested in infrastructure construction, such as the construction of straights and the construction power of railways.

Now, Han Xiyuan can only adopt some redemption policies, and buy back some railway jurisdictions from the hands of the major empires more moderately.

This is also a significant fiscal expenditure.

Therefore, today's Han Empire is in ruins, and it is in need of financial relief everywhere.

"Your Majesty, if we build the basic school now, we will allocate at least one-third of the funds of the Ministry of Finance, and we will inevitably have to cooperate with the banks of the major empires. Secondly, the Royal Bank of our Han Empire has just been built, and more funds are needed to let the people support our bank, and now the first phase of fundraising has only been opened, which is used for this construction that is impossible to return to its original cost, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Cao Bowen shook his head directly, of course he had done relevant research, but the conclusion he came to was a very regrettable answer, just with the current economic development of the Han Empire, it is too whimsical to want to promote development.

Hearing this, Han Xiyuan looked at the gold that was still sealed in the system warehouse, and still spoke firmly.

"Now let's draw some funds first, and in order for our Han Empire to quickly move towards the track of development, then cooperate with the major empires. As for the funds raised, they will be temporarily used to invest in the national enterprises of our Han Empire, and I don't want our Han Empire to be restricted by the major empires in the future. Of

course, Han Xiyuan knows that investing in the education industry is very likely to be a decision to lose all money, after all, this is an industry that benefits the people, not profits.

However, in the later stage, it will benefit the country and allow the country to continue to prosper and develop.

At this level, the Han Empire has lagged behind the major empires for too long, and this time and space is different from the Great Jin Empire.

In that time and space of the Great Jin Empire, many things, and some characters were not far from what Han Xiyuan knew.

However, there are too many changes in this time and space, and Han Xiyuan is not sure, the key to the development of the major empires, will capture some scientists who can promote their development again in the future to his own national capital, so as to cut off the technology trees of the major empires.

Therefore, it can only strengthen its own construction.

"Yes, Your Majesty. At the same time, we may also have to face opposition from the older forces. After all, from ancient times to the present, many cherished educational resources are in the hands of those old-school forces, and by doing so, we have undoubtedly taken away a lot of their power. Moreover, if we want to carry out reforms, Your Majesty must clean up the clutter in the house. Because

Cao Bowen is a talent summoned by the system, he is still very brave to speak some words.

And the cleaning up of the debris in the house he mentioned refers to some old-school royalists in the Han Empire, as well as some royal relatives of the imperial family.

Cao Bowen said, but still handed over a list that was written down temporarily, these people are all representatives of the old faction.

Seeing this list, Han Xiyuan searched again, and after hesitating for a moment, he realized that these people really couldn't move for the time being.

"It seems that Xuanwu Shield should have a good plan, otherwise he wouldn't have met me easily, right?"

Han Xiyuan slowly put down the document, and then asked.

"Our Xuanwu Shield's opinion is still to hope that Your Majesty will release the military power with a glass of wine. These feudal old schools, in the past hundred years, have mastered the Han Empire much less than before. These people have now turned to some reasonable demands. As long as His Majesty gives reasonable conditions, they will also follow the trend. "

In the past hundred years, although many reforms have ended with the victory of these feudal forces, each reform has been a constant impact on the feudal forces and weakened their strength.

Now, the feudal forces have lacked the last strength, and after Han Xiyuan, the continuous raids on the minister's house have also given these forces some wake-up.

Moreover, now the power within the dragon capital is completely in the hands of Han Xiyuan, and Han Xiyuan only needs a banquet, which is indeed easy to take back the remaining power.

"Then follow your Xuanwu Shield's plan, but you must be as foolproof as possible, our Han Empire will not allow a little mistake. "

Han Xiyuan is unusually down-to-earth and comfortable now, after all, compared to the previous hard work, the beginning of the Xuanwu Shield now makes him not worry too much.

"Your Majesty, then we have to respond to the flattery of some countries before.

Cao Bowen said, and mentioned the last part of the document he had just submitted.

The main content of this part is to report on the vassal states of the previous Han Empire, some rebel armies in China, and some unwilling to completely surrender to the Sakura Empire.

Therefore, they revolted and resisted with the army of the Sakura Empire.

At the same time, they did not forget their suzerain, so they asked the Han Empire for help, hoping that the Han Empire would help them.

Moreover, they clearly realized that although the current Han Empire was setting at sunset, after all, the emaciated camel was bigger than the horse.

Of course, their ideas, after discussion and research by Xuanwu Shield, soon believed that they should support these rebel armies.

Because, the Han Empire only needs to pay the minimum price to get more benefits.

"This matter is also carried out according to the results of your Xuanwu Shield discussion, and those rebel armies may be able to play an unexpected role for us in our future wars.

Han Xiyuan thought for a moment, then handed over the document to Cao Bowen again.

The work of Xuanwu Shield in these days naturally satisfied Han Xiyuan, and Han Xiyuan also encouraged Cao Bowen.

Cao Bowen also patted his chest at Han Xiyuan and promised that he would successfully complete the work that Han Xiyuan had explained.

After that, Cao Bowen consulted Han Xiyuan again whether he wanted to start the selection of show girls in the private sector to enrich Han Xiyuan's harem.

The current Han Empire, of course, advocates monogamy, but the imperial family is naturally unrestricted, especially Liu Cheming as the emperor.

However, Liu Cheming loves his favorite concubine alone, and what Liu Cheming thought about day and night before was to complete the revival of the Han Empire.

Now, Han Xiyuan has come to this world, and Cao Bowen naturally wants to give him advice.

"The current Han Empire's livelihood is withering, if the selection of show girls is launched at this moment, it may be misunderstood by some people, so it is better to run aground for the time being!" After

Han Xiyuan came to this world, he couldn't help but sigh, Liu Cheming's vision is indeed good, he also has a lot of love and pity for Liu Cheming's favorite concubine, too much demand, Han Xiyuan also thinks that it is not beneficial now.

But what Han Xiyuan didn't expect was that it wouldn't be long before he would get a lot of beauties from the hands of the major empires.

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