"You are all rare talents in the royal family, and now that the royal family is facing a huge predicament, I still hope that you can give suggestions and suggestions to solve my problems.

Yuxing Locust looked at the three people in front of him, in front of the three of them, there were a large number of documents, and all three of them had just been appointed by Yuxing Locust as ministers of the cabinet.

Moreover, the three of Quercus Nanxiu, Quercus Daimoto, and Quercus Fuke are still known as the three wolves of the royal family of the Sakura Empire.

This is also because of the support of the Sakura Empire's previous study abroad plan, in order to learn the advanced technology of the major empires, as well as the advanced means of warfare, they launched and sent students to the major empires, and the Han Empire also launched the dispatch of students to the major empires.

Moreover, the international students of the Sakura Empire and the Han Empire are among the best in the major empires, and these three people have all graduated with the first excellent grades in their study abroad schools.

Hence the title of this.

However, after they returned to China at that time, they did not occupy a high position because they were royalty.

On the contrary, because they are members of the royal family, they are suppressed everywhere, and even if they make the slightest mistake, they will be constantly blamed.

Under such circumstances, the three of them have been dull for several years, and now they finally have hope, and they must seize the opportunity.

"Your Majesty, judging from the current situation, we may still have to carry out the reform plan of Junji Ito, and we will add some new strong medicine to these reform plans. For example, this is a reform of the housing and land system. We're going to nationalize all of these things. As long as such a reform is carried out, Junji Ito, as the leader, will completely lose the support of the people. Only if we completely weaken Junji Ito's reputation, then Junji Ito will never turn over. "

The one who opened his mouth was Quercus Daimoto, he hated Junji Ito very much, which was also related to his previous status, because of his royal status, and among international students, it was also unique, standing out from the crowd, and his ability was outstanding, but he was arranged by Junji Ito to have a clerical job.

For such a gap, Na Quercus Daben must not be able to accept it, after all, the people who were originally poor by him were all three to five levels higher than his official rank.

This is also because of Tsumahagi Daimoto, who is calculating and good at stealing and cheating, Junji Ito hates this kind of person the most, and he is also a member of the imperial family.

Therefore, Junji Ito did not have the slightest idea of promoting him.

Moreover, if his plan is really implemented, the people who don't know why will not only not support Junji Ito, but will also attack him en masse and put Junji Ito to death.

"Today's main topic is the arrangement of talents for each ministry, and I hope you will give me a reasonable proportion plan and a decision on whether to adjust the policy of the Han Empire. Instead of attacking Junji Ito. Now this person is still of great use to me. Hearing

the words of Quercus Daiben, Yuxing Heavenly Locust directly shook his head and denied this proposal.

Although this strategy is very good, it is a strategy to kill a thousand enemies and lose eight hundred, and it is for Junji Ito.

Yuxing Locust, that is love and hate, and he has to admit that Junji Ito is a rare talent, and now he wants to kill him, it is an extremely unwilling order for Yuxing Locust.

"If Your Majesty refers to this, then the minister has a strategy, as for the proportion of personnel in each department, I hope to adopt a system of six points and seven divisions. As for the Han Empire, I hope to follow the previous policy of parallel north and south. Moreover, I would like Your Majesty to carry out the plan along the lines of Junji Ito. Our Sakura Empire is still in a state of embattlement, and it is very necessary to maintain the stability and order of reform.

When he heard that Yuxing Heavenly Locust opposed his point of view, although he wanted to open his mouth to refute one or two, but after thinking about it, he still chose to shut up.

Afterwards, Namsu Tsugi followed closely to express his opinion.

He put forward the idea of using the high royal family, that is, to advocate that all members of the imperial family be placed in higher positions, and the second is to break up the Ishihara faction and the Ito faction, and divide them into seven parts among the six departments, among which it is necessary to infiltrate other parties, as well as students who have returned from studying abroad and have no background.

This strategy of his has formed its own independent system, so he directly handed over a document, this document Yuxing Heavenly Locust directly took it, he quickly browsed it, and then nodded.

"Uncle Huang's plan is really an enlightenment, and the biggest difficulty in front of me is directly removed. "

Yuxing Locust now has an undecided idea of reform.

As for whether to maintain Junji Ito's reforms, Yuxing Tenlocust still has a hesitant attitude, so he still hopes that Namihide Tsugi can give a new discussion.

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